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Aguilar, Cherry Mhay M.


Direction: Watch the video of President Corazon Aquino's Speech before the US
Congress and make a short reflection/insight about the content of the speech.

Reflection/Insights about President Corazon Aquino's Speech before the US

President Corazon Aquino's speech at the United States Senate's Joint Session.
On September 18, 1986, Congress was delivered in Washington, D.C. Her address drew
rapturous acclaim from the audience, as she emphasized that the task of continuing the
democratic alternative in the Philippines had fallen on her shoulders after the country
ended the dictatorship prior to Cory Aquino's administration. She began by describing
Ninoy's challenges and her family's anguish over the loss of a family member.
President Cory made herself obvious from the start that since the responsibility
had fallen onto her shoulders, she would restore democracy by the ways of democracy,
complete the constitutional structure of our new democracy under a constitution that
already provides full respect to the Bill of Rights. Freedom of assembly, association, and
speech, inclusivity and equality, citizenship, consent of the governed, voting rights,
freedom from unjustified state denial of the right to life and liberty, and minority rights are
all essential elements of democracy. As a result of these liberties being taken away from
Filipinos during the dictatorship, the elections held in 1986 sparked the People Power
Revolution. She also mentioned the story of people power in her address. The success
and togetherness of the people can be viewed as a citizen movement to reclaim the
freedom that has been taken away from them, and they perceive President Cory as
someone who can assist them. With so, the Marcos dictatorship came to an end, and
Corazon Aquino's presidency began. It was President Cory's chance to restore and return
to the Full Constitutional Government after she won the election. The United States has
spent a lot of money attempting to maintain democracy, but she claims that the Philippines
is a recovering democracy emerging from a dictatorial nightmare. She was hinting that
the United States should help the Philippines reestablish its democracy. She urged
Americans to unify with Philippines and deepen the two countries' ties.
This speech can serve as a foundation for understanding the People Power
Revolution's establishment process. The audience can sense her honesty, true
intentions, and firm leadership mindset as she confidently delivers her speech.

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