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A framework is the overall conceptual underpinning of a study. A conceptual framework is a
framework, in which the study that has its roots in a specifies conceptual model. In most
qualitative studies, the frameworks are part of the research tradition in which the study is
embedded. For example, ethnographers usually begin their study within a theory of culture.
Keywords:- conceptual framework, concept synthesis, theoretical framework
Most of the research framework develops from the combination of existing theories, research
findings, and insight from clinical experiences and do not have new evidence to support their
relational statement. It may be an adaptation of a model used in a previous study, with
modifications to suit the inquiry.
A Conceptual framework is used in research to outline possible courses of action. It is the
researcher’s own position on the problem and gives direction to the study.
Walker and Avant (2011) define a conceptual framework as “a set of concepts and relationships
among those concepts that describe and explain a phenomenon.” They note that a conceptual
framework helps to provide a systematic and organized approach to understanding a phenomenon
and that it can be used to guide clinical practice, education, and research.
Marshall and Rossman (2016) define a conceptual framework as “an organized set of concepts,
principles, and assumptions that provides a framework for understanding the relationships among
variables.” They note that a conceptual framework should guide the development of research
questions, the selection of data collection methods, and the interpretation of findings.
Nature of frameworks
All theoretical & conceptual frameworks are:
Mental images
Ways of looking at reality
Purpose of conceptual framework
The purpose of the Conceptual framework is to:-
 Keeps research on track
 Clear links from the literature to the research goals and questions

 Helps the researcher to shows the relationship and links between different variables in the
 Clarifies concepts and propose relationships among concepts
 organize structure for the research design and methods.
 prepare research proposal using experimental or descriptive methods
 Guides the development and testing of interventions and hypotheses
 Provides general framework for data analysis
 The interpretation of findings flows from the conceptualization represented by the
 Makes research findings meaningful and generalizable
 Provide reference points for discussion of the methodology and analysis of the data.
 Explains observations
 Contributes to the trustworthiness of the study.
 Encourages theory development that is useful to practice
Conceptual framework is composed of concepts and the relational linkages between them (called
propositional statements)
• Concepts abstractly describe and name an object or phenomenon, thus providing it with separate
identity or meaning.
• It is actually the intellectual representation of some aspect of reality, derived from observations
made from phenomenon.
Strategies useful in designing effective conceptual framework
The following strategies are useful in designing an effective conceptual framework.
 Reflection – assessing situations from social, economic and philosophical perspectives.
 One has to be clear about what the research is about (title, objectives).
 Factors such as the independent and dependent variables, and research questions should
also be put into perspective.
 Defining the key issue (problem) to be addressed and defining its practical boundaries.
 Identifying key uncertainties (gaps in understanding/knowledge) about the situation or the
social/economic systems, and so on (The questions that need to be answered by the study).
 Identifying and assessing different possibilities for action.

 A well-constructed conceptual framework can guide the entire research writing process,
keep the researcher on track, save time and enable researchers to defend their arguments
soundly and readily.
Qualities of an Effective Conceptual Framework
An effective conceptual framework should have the following qualities:
 Should be clear and concise.
 Language used should be simple and straight forward.
 The conceptual framework should be self explanatory.
 Should have supportive evidence of ideas used.
 It should be logical and address the title, research objectives, and statement of the
 It should be consistent with the literature review.
 It should also show a link between the literature review and the study problem.
 It should develop a set of guiding principles against which judgments and prediction might
be made
 It should act as a reference point from which to locate the research questions within
contemporary theorizing.
 It should provide a structure within which to organize the content of research and to frame
conclusions within the context.
Developing new framework
An imaginative critical and a sensitive person can formulate an original conceptual framework for
a study. To develop own conceptual framework researcher require search experience, powers of
observation, grasping capability of a problem and knowledge of prior research. The pieces of the
conceptual framework are borrowed but the researcher provides the structure. The process
required for the development of conceptual framework is induction. It is a process of reasoning
from particular observations and facts to generalization and observations into conclusion. Various
steps are there in developing conceptual framework
Step 1:- selecting and defining concepts
To develop the structure you could:
Identify the key words used in the subject area of your study. Draw out the key things. Take one
key concept, idea or term at a time and brainstorm all the other things that might be related and
select those that seem most relevant. Formulation of concepts was the first phase of theory
development where concepts were formed through concept synthesis. The aim of this was to

observe the concept in a systematic and disciplined manner by an inductive approach. An
inductive approach was selected, because the key concepts are abstract. In addition, there is little
previous research information available on concept one is studying and the definition of such
concepts has largely been based on findings of the other researchers
Every variable included in the study should be a reflection of a concept included in the
framework. Each concept included in a framework needs to be conceptually defined.
Step 2:- concept synthesis (inductive process)
Qualitative data collection: the concept synthesis is based on a qualitative approach, where
researcher uses various multiple methods to collect in-death information about concepts
constructed in the previous step. In-depth interviews, participant observations, Focus group
discussions/ interviews can be carried related to the various concepts defined in previous steps. If
necessary, the interviewer should be asked for specifications with focused themes, based on the
classification of the concepts or themes.
Concept synthesis:- the aim of concept synthesis is to answer the questions of what are the
attributes of the concepts under study and to construct models representing the phenomenon under
study in a condensed form by producing concepts that describe the phenomenon
Step 3:- developing relational statements
The material should be read through several times until no more clarification were made in order
to describe all the attributes of the concepts. After this, emerged concepts need to be classified
into categories according to different sub areas of the concepts and the grouping of synonymous
expressions within each sub area. Further, researcher needs to link all the concepts through
relational statements. Evidence for validity of relational statements need to be tested by
associating these statements with original data (exemplar cases)
Step 4:- constructing a conceptual map
Constructing map must be initiated early in the development of the framework but refinement is
the last step accomplished. Fawcett stated that the conceptual map should be limited to those
concepts included in the study and it should be included all the concepts necessary to explain the
phenomenon. To develop a map, arrange the concepts on the page in sequence of occurrence from
left to right with concepts reflecting the outcomes located on the far right. Elements of a construct
which are closely interrelated should be linked by enclosing them in a frame or circle and use
arrows to indicate path of relationships. Remember that a refined and well-constructed map
requires repeated tries, get input from colleagues and seniors and continue conceptual map.

Questions to refine conceptual map:-
Are all the concepts in the study on the map?
Does the map portray the phenomenon?
Does the map accurately reflect all the statements?
Is there a statement for each of the linkages?
Is the sequence accurate?
Step 5:- present final hypothetical model
As a result, concepts with related contents for hypothetical model will be formed according to the
principles of inductive theory formation. The relationship between concepts needs to be described
as a hierarchy of concepts comprising all the attributes of the concepts.
The researchers aim to develop their own concepts and theories from the data.
Conceptual framework can be useful in qualitative research, when the researcher collects data
qualitatively and tries to discover whether they support or reject existing theories.

Benefits of conceptual frameworks

 Provides the ability to move beyond descriptions of “what” to explanations of “why” and
 Helps for selecting appropriate research questions and related data collection methods.
 A reference point/structure for the discussion of the literature, methodology and results.
 Gives boundaries of the work.

 Provides a definite expectation of the expected outcome.
 Helps to plan your resources, materials, and necessary tools as you understand the
project's expectations
 Saves valuable time by allows the researcher to organize their ideas before conducting the
study and analysis..
 Provides an outline and definitive structure to the research project.
 Gives consistency to the project and aids the organization and cohesiveness of the
 Provide a guideline for the project's scope and emphasis areas.
Limitations of Conceptual framework: –
 Initial bias–is influenced by the experience and knowledge of the individual.
 ongoing bias – Once developed will influence the researcher’s thinking and may result in
some things being given prominence and others being ignored.
 The solution is to revisit the conceptual framework, particularly at the end when
evaluating your work.
Conceptual vs. Theoretical framework
Theoretical framework Conceptual framework

The theoretical framework broadly describes Unlike the theoretical framework, the
the relationship between significant theories to conceptual framework is more specific, as it
an idea or research problem. It involves shows the variables relating to the project and
outlining the materials and theories that affirm provides a clear outline of the researcher’s step
your research conclusion.
Researchers typically use the theoretical Researchers typically use the conceptual
framework for quantitative research projects framework for qualitative projects
The theoretical framework focuses on the
historical aspect of the research problem.

Both theories aid individuals in understanding a thesis and forming conclusions, and they help in
making the research results more reliable

Contribution of Nursing
 Identifying and asking questions about phenomena that are unique to nursing
 Disciplines other than nursing and borrowed for the purpose of answering nursing
 When developing a theoretical framework for nursing research studies, knowledge is
acquired through:
 Theories unique to nursing help nursing define how it is different from other disciplines
 The central phenomena of interest to nursing are persons, environment, health & nursing
 Defining the key issue (problem) to be addressed and defining its practical boundaries
 Identifying and assessing different possibilities for action
Instructions to write a conceptual framework
 Decide what sort of research you want to conduct.
 Nursing research involves people, opt for the qualitative approach.
 Identify the thesis statement of the research and write it in a circle in the middle of a piece
of paper.
 Draw lines away from the center and make circles to record your secondary ideas.
 Use colored pencils if they help you articulate your thoughts.
 Create a different diagram---a spider or a hierarchy---.The shape is of secondary concern;
it is generating the ideas for the conceptual framework that counts.
 Highlight the gaps, connections and contradictions in your conceptual framework. Leave it
alone for a while and then revisit the design to see if it suits your nursing research project
or it you need to add additional material
 Review the ethical regulations of nursing research and make sure your conceptual
framework fits within the guidelines. The conceptual framework of nursing research will
be reviewed by a board to examine the privacy and involvement of others.
Challenges Faced in Designing an Effective Conceptual Framework
 There are various challenges faced in designing an effective conceptual framework and
this should be addressed by researchers.
 One of the major challenges is in structuring the framework so that one can communicate
through it effectively.
 Language for the descriptions needs careful consideration:- Descriptors form the common-
language reference points for discussion, judgments and reporting.

 Disunity in themes is a major weakness in conceptual frameworks:- Some researchers
write ideas that are isolated, yet in a conceptual framework elements of each theme should
 The literature review to support the investigation through the conceptual framework:- It
should provide reference points from which judgments can be made following the data
analysis in subsequent chapters.
 Planning and finalizing the conceptual framework without the planner being conversant
with the research objectives.
 Copying conceptual frameworks of other researchers without a keen study tofind out if the
framework fits in the current study
Conceptual frameworks in Grounded theory
The grounded theory refers to a set of systematic inductive methods for conducting qualitative
research aimed toward theory development.
The term grounded theory denotes dual referents:
(a) a method consisting of flexible methodological strategies and
(b) the products of this type of inquiry. Increasingly, researchers use the term to mean the
methods of inquiry for collecting and, in particular, analyzing data.
Grounded theory has considerable significance because it:-
(a) provides explicit, sequential guidelines for conducting qualitative research;
(b) offers specific strategies for handling the analytic phases of inquiry;
(c) streamlines and integrates data collection and analysis;
(d) advances conceptual analysis of qualitative data; and
(e) legitimizes qualitative research as scientific inquiry.
In addition, elements of each theme overlap considerably and it is therefor e important to realize
that themes are parts of an intertwined context rather than isolated strategies making independent
contributions to the situation under consideration.

Conceptual frameworks in the area of autism

The inductive process of qualitative methods provides a powerful means for us to develop and to
modify theory, to examine conceptual basis of our discipline as well as our beliefs, and to
cautiously move the discipline forward. Because in qualitative research, theory is developed from
data and is verified, it is usually quite solid. Sometimes, the new directions are identified and old
concepts challenged.


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