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Impact Santé Afrique (ISA), a Civil Society Organisation
(CSO) led by young and dynamic African women,
laureate for 2 consecutive years, received the award
for excellence in health leadership in Cameroon in the
Civil Society category.

On 18 November 2021 at Djeuga Palace Hotel in Yaoundé,

Cameroon, the media Echos Santé in collaboration
with the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of
Communication organized the 4th edition of the award
ceremony for the Excellence in Health Leadership
in Cameroon, presided over by the Minister of Public
Health, H.E. Dr. Manaouda Malachie.

ISA is an African NGO based in Cameroon, specialised in

advocacy and strategic communication. ISA’s mission is
to build the capacity of local civil society and empower
communities to improve the quality of health services and
end malaria. ISA works closely with leaders and decision-
makers to mobilise more resources for health and for the
fight against malaria. ISA also coordinates the first global
network of malaria CSO, CS4ME (Civil Society for Malaria

CS4ME’s mission is to make malaria programmes and interventions more effective, sustainable, equitable, innovative,
inclusive of civil society, community-based, human rights-based, gender-sensitive and adequately funded. To date,
ISA has trained over 200 Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Cameroon and Africa on malaria. In addition, ISA works
with National Malaria Control Program in Cameroon (NMCP) to increase the engagement of political leaders in the
fight against malaria.

ISA’s Executive Director, Mrs. Olivia Ngou, thanks ISA’s Board members, the Ministry of Public Health, the National
Malaria Control Programme (NMCP), Echos Santé, CS4ME and GFAN Africa members, Global Fund, BGMF, WHO, UNICEF,
FRANCE Initiative 5% as well as all other health partners who support our work.

Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) dedicates this award to all civil society organisations engaged in the fight against
malaria in Cameroon. Together, we are stronger and the elimination of malaria will require the contribution of all.

For more information on the activities of Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) and to join our cause,
contact Edith ESSOMBA, Communications Officer: and
follow us on: website
Facebook : Impact Santé Afrique | Twitter : @ImpSanteAfrique | LinkedIn : Impact Santé Afrique

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