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Name: Soriano, Jenie Rose Delosa

Course & Year: BSEd-Filipino 2

Directions: Explain the following figures.

Accordingly, basic education is the foundation of the Philippine

Qualifications Framework, the figure above emphasize the goal of k-12 with the
21st-century skills, it can make the learner master the concept and skills, as well as
prepare graduates for tertiary education, according to reliable sources the formal
education system is serving a school-age population that has been consistently
bigger than of neighboring ASEAN countries in terms of percentage share of the
total population, in the first box the K to 12 curriculum framework are the
opportunities of each student to enroll and learn with any time, National
Assessment Framework also is the things that need to accomplish the students
like graduation and moving up lastly is the ALS-K to 12 curriculum framework
which are the learning sources of the students like the modules as well as the
learning delivery.
K to 12 program covers the 13 years of basic education, the
curriculum support system includes the family, societal, instructional,
and administrative support, family support bring a great impact to
students to achieve his /her dreams, due to the fact that we need our
family to support in order to be motivated in attending the class,
parents should also support the school activity like “Brigada” it brings a
big help to teachers also to the school, societal support also includes
friends, neighbors, as well as the relatives, social support enhance the
living of individual to become productive and confident, talking about
supporting the administrative function is to answer the phone, assessed
the visitors, preparing documents, compiling records and many more
and lastly the instructional support help to remove educational and
behavioral stumbling blocks for all students in the regular classroom.
Curriculum exit design to evaluate the students if they truly learn and
deserve to take the next step in their life, like in Senior High School they need to
take the exit exam and pass, in Governor Alfonso D. Tan College there is what we
called the comprehensive exam for that student who takes the program Bachelor
of Secondary Education this exam design to recall the topic from the first year to
4th year, it is also practiced the student to take the board exam, the teacher
assessed the students to pass the exit exam, in addition, most students are
moderately aware on the four curriculum exit, the higher education, middle-level
skills development, entrepreneurship and employment.

The UNICEF aims to support the Philippines in assessing, teaching, and

learning 21st-century skills, it helps the students to be productive and
knowledgeable to adopt 21st-century learning, it also embarks on producing
students to be innovators, effective communicators, and media literate by the
support of teachers, parents, and society. The figure above emphasizes what are
the tools or ingredients being and becoming a whole person wherein it includes
the skills and learning areas, learning areas such as reading, math, science may
operate throughout the kindergarten year while other areas may rotate based on
curriculum expectation, skills also include information, media, technology skills
learning, innovation skills, communication, life, and career skills, the curriculum
support system is the curriculum support by those who are available such as
teacher, as well as materials like (textbook, modules), ICT environment who
teaches about digital, assessment, school leadership, school divisions technical
assistance and the community industry relevance and partnership.

M & E determine whether or not the program meets set objectives, outputs, and
desired outcomes, basic education monitoring, and evaluation framework design to evaluate
learners. The schools are the learning center, and teachers assess students according to their
needs and consistency including the interest and attitudes of each student, with a friendly
environment students have the courage to participate and meet the learning standards of the
school. The figure above says that the goal of all Filipinos are able to realize their full potential
and contribute meaningfully to building a cohesive nation, which is good due to the fact that
many Filipinos are doubted their capabilities and talents since they are lack of confidence to
show up and hide it instead, through the curriculum of 21st century it builds up the higher
education, entrepreneurship and work to let every Filipino proud of their work.

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