New Peer Review Form

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Self & Peer Evaluation a review of team performance

Mark the checkbox that applies (select one checkbox only): Self & Peer Evaluation 1 Self & Peer Evaluation 2

Jessica Littley My Student Number: A00120049

The Blue Group- Jessica Finn, Sophia Wallington, Haylee Bates

Discuss your personal engagement in group work. For example, speak about your interest in being a team player, attitude towards other group members,
participation in group activities, initiative, amount of effort, level of responsibility, project management and so on. Total words: 150 words (+/- 10%)

I think as a group we worked out decent because we had completed the assignment on time and accordingly. Although there were some difficulties in the initial planning phase,
where I think it's normal because it the start of the semester. I took on the leadership role in planning and cutting a framework for others to follow, which I took great pleasure in
since I could help my team to understand the assignment and what needs to be done. I reflected on the process of completed assignment and I concluded that I could be more
professional with my constructive feedback. I enjoyed the assignment throughly and my team was great. Although there were inconveniences along the way, I know that we have
to learn how to work with others in order to survive in the real world when we finished our degree.

Rank your performance honestly across the following criteria Out of a total of 5 1 2 3 4 5

Attitude and enthusiasm towards fellow group members and overall team project, (understands group dynamics). X

Empathy and maturity recognises the perspective of others expresses compassion toward other group members. X

Participation & communication is active in group discussions & focused on reaching agreement on team tasks. > <

Responsibility in agreed activities, works with others to improve group outcomes, ability to work independently. X

Group project management & effort, contributes to group progress, shares workload and supports team effort. X
Peer Evaluation - teammate 1
Write a short text of constructive feedback for each of your fellow group members regarding individual performance in group work.
For example, speak about the interest in being a team player, attitude towards other group members, participation in group activities,
initiative, amount of effort, level of responsibility, project management and so on.

Team Mate 1 - Name: Jessica Finn

Jessica was a great energy to work with!

Able to easily chat and understand both ends/perspectives on the topic when she attended the group meetings.
She is able to communicate what she feels in a pleasant manner, she never complained about the tasks that was delegated to her. She was often active in conversations about
the assignment and replied quickly if there were questions.
When I sent out my message on the concern for the groups participation in adding their research to the presentation slides, Jessica handled it maturely and quickly got to work.
She had explained to us that due to her work schedule she had been unable to keep up with the work, but when it was time put in the work, she was great and productive!
I enjoyed working with Jess and an excited to continue doing so for the rest of the semester:)

**3.5/5 for Responsibility

Rank your team mates performance honestly across the following criteria Out of a total of 5 1 2 3 4 5

Attitude and enthusiasm towards fellow group members and overall team project, (understands group dynamics). X

Empathy and maturity recognises the perspective of others expresses compassion toward other group members. X

Participation & communication is active in group discussions & focused on reaching agreement on team tasks. X

Responsibility in agreed activities, works with others to improve group outcomes, ability to work independently. > <

Group project management & effort, contributes to group progress, shares workload and supports team effort. X
Peer Evaluation - teammate 2
Write a short text of constructive feedback for each of your fellow group members regarding individual performance in group work.
For example, speak about the interest in being a team player, attitude towards other group members, participation in group activities,
initiative, amount of effort, level of responsibility, project management and so on.

Team Mate 2 - Name: Sophia Wallington

Soph was ok to work with until recent days (just before submission) She was good at visually presenting the slides and found the template we have used. She made it up for
everyone to edit on which was nice. She also did a more formal stakeholder map compared to the original one I had made for the group. When it came to allocating roles and
responsibilities she was good at setting a structure up for us to follow; however she would not get her own parts done, and came to calls mostly with the minimalist input. When it
came to communication and attending our group meet ups, she had lots of outside plans that got in the way of her showing up, and therefore left her with little input on
decisioning making which I could tell upset her, as she shad stated the work we had so far was not sufficient enough. I felt like if this is a real cooperate project, and people are
not showing up to the initial planning and discussion sessions, they shouldn't have the rights to make comments about what has already been established. During our planning
meetings, the other group mates had minimal input of directions, so I took on the leadership role to set up a framework and structure that entails what needs to be done for the
assignment. Because Soph couldn't make it to the meeting, so she was delegated, like her other group mates, a set a tasks. The other group mates had no problem with what
had been done, but the moment Soph had time to have a look at the assignment, she completely disregarded everyone's hard work and made a comment that wasn't pleasant.
The fact that she had not been keeping up with her task progress, while bashing other people for their work is super hypocritical. She is quite difficult to work with since she's so
busy with life. I had pointed it out in our group that Soph hasn't been able to keep up with her track progress, and needs to be more active on the assignment. She took it
personal and added many slides that would cause confusion in our report since it doesn't seem to be constructive and supportive to our whole report. I hope moving forward she
could be a more supportive teammate in future assignment.

Rank your team mates performance honestly across the following criteria Out of a total of 5 1 2 3 4 5

Attitude and enthusiasm towards fellow group members and overall team project, (understands group dynamics). X

Empathy and maturity recognises the perspective of others expresses compassion toward other group members. X

Participation & communication is active in group discussions & focused on reaching agreement on team tasks. X

Responsibility in agreed activities, works with others to improve group outcomes, ability to work independently. X

Group project management & effort, contributes to group progress, shares workload and supports team effort.
Peer Evaluation - teammate 3
Write a short text of constructive feedback for each of your fellow group members regarding individual performance in group work.
For example, speak about the interest in being a team player, attitude towards other group members, participation in group activities,
initiative, amount of effort, level of responsibility, project management and so on.

Team Mate 3 - Name: Haylee Bates

I really enjoyed working alongside Haylee.

The research she found and provided to me to go on the slides was excellent and fit well with the rest of what we had.
Although there was some personal issues of hers that got in the way of her progress, she still attended all our live calls and gave input on research, topics, etc. though times I
wish she would speak up and not be afraid to say her piece, as it is just as important as the rest of our voices.

During our hiccup on communication with the group, I can tell Haylee was visibly frustrated because of Soph's comment about the work that had been done. She told me
afterwards that she's already dealing with plenty of stress outside of university, and for Soph to completely disregard her work is just intolerable. She was putting in the work even
though she's going through personal issues, which she gained a huge amount of respect from me

With bumps along the way I was still able to easily work alongside Haylee to complete the tasks, research, and more. I look forward to working with her throughout the rest of
The semester.

Rank your team mates performance honestly across the following criteria Out of a total of 5 1 2 3 4 5

Attitude and enthusiasm towards fellow group members and overall team project, (understands group dynamics). X

Empathy and maturity recognises the perspective of others expresses compassion toward other group members. X

Participation & communication is active in group discussions & focused on reaching agreement on team tasks. X

Responsibility in agreed activities, works with others to improve group outcomes, ability to work independently. X

Group project management & effort, contributes to group progress, shares workload and supports team effort. X
Peer Evaluation - teammate 4
Write a short text of constructive feedback for each of your fellow group members regarding individual performance in group work.
For example, speak about the interest in being a team player, attitude towards other group members, participation in group activities,
initiative, amount of effort, level of responsibility, project management and so on.

Team Mate 4 - Name:

Rank your team mates performance honestly across the following criteria Out of a total of 5 1 2 3 4 5

Attitude and enthusiasm towards fellow group members and overall team project, (understands group dynamics).

Empathy and maturity recognises the perspective of others expresses compassion toward other group members.

Participation & communication is active in group discussions & focused on reaching agreement on team tasks.

Responsibility in agreed activities, works with others to improve group outcomes, ability to work independently.

Group project management & effort, contributes to group progress, shares workload and supports team effort.
Peer Evaluation - teammate 5
Write a short text of constructive feedback for each of your fellow group members regarding individual performance in group work.
For example, speak about the interest in being a team player, attitude towards other group members, participation in group activities,
initiative, amount of effort, level of responsibility, project management and so on.

Team Mate 5 - Name:

Rank your team mates performance honestly across the following criteria Out of a total of 5 1 2 3 4 5

Attitude and enthusiasm towards fellow group members and overall team project, (understands group dynamics).

Empathy and maturity recognises the perspective of others expresses compassion toward other group members.

Participation & communication is active in group discussions & focused on reaching agreement on team tasks.

Responsibility in agreed activities, works with others to improve group outcomes, ability to work independently.

Group project management & effort, contributes to group progress, shares workload and supports team effort.
Grades for Effort
Considering your discussion and group members' feedback on the previous pages, assign a percentage grade to yourself
and to each of your fellow group members.

This score represents what you would honestly attribute, based on your observations and evaluation
of the effort and attitude experienced towards to the team and group project, by each member.

Rank yourself first and then your teammates performance and contribution at this stage of the project.

Your Name: Jessica Littley Score out of 100 = 85%

Team Mate 1 - Name: Jessica Finn Score out of 100 = 80%

Team Mate 2 - Name: Sophia Wallington Score out of 100 = 65%

Team Mate 3 - Name: Haylee Bates Score out of 100 = 80%

Team Mate 4 - Name: Score out of 100 =

Team Mate 5 - Name: Score out of 100 =

( as reference:- 0-49 = Fail, 50-64 = Pass, 65-74 = Credit, 75-84 = Distinction, 85+ = High Distinction ).

This form allows for teams of upto 6 people to grade each other - if your team comprises of 3 or 4,
grade yourself first and then your teammates. Leave the additional boxes blank.

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