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Introduction Fores om a maternal con couse > oO change on veloty . @® change in angular. Velocity © Compression or elongation, or chonge in shape. Qn genera2 when forces ow applied on a sobvol metercod , Stress(—) kk _strain(€) are cause Inside the maternal. Stress (=) + fre pe onih area bjw the solid, mote cebes Strain (6) + Prockional change im shar ame sive d sotrol matcral. . Types of stress and Strain Gas Saye Longitudnel stress ancl stanin ev “= a = lohen, ores ane : dengttr along the Cong th. C= natural eng a Lp en » A eS & § & ig ra -— ere = Ae Songitadnal A” a) ee ge = a a ression eng ud unt Z “Ciegstion, iype-8 Hycboulic. tress 2 volume strain . G) Fores ore compressiv , 1 surfoce be acting on eath amd. every point on the Surface. ie) Such forces ata _extertea by suasomoling. luicle Cain, water, ete) dua te intermolewtar altraction. Wis Bessure dua to Sushoundling Fluiold ds P= hfs olA (Seater guontity) (clegineck fe a position) Fracewnn iu) YP tnerenses 5 then compression, YP clecreose . Dhtn. ex pomscor. + | Hyamice = AP C thonye in essere.) GA) Biro 4 Nete + 9 BP ro Me ¥ AP Ss 20, = [56)2 a_= (8F) 2) DQackema PHC: ay A (ay) a(s4) 9» a i Fock satin chegatin in efor onal. bana, e neo Femi Tea? "\ along, +7 E H fal Ow teen fat cl vee 2m dhe ay aul e b2= gc Ave @ wy N\On 2 mg 2 ole. = mage = mee Ava 2AY’N QAy : man ain eu = 2AY42 le, oka ony bee : eee a i BAY = ea pe = 3 Won THOUGHT PRoce ss oa —_—= ee em m 3 (Somat. oR NG — 9 rae’ 2 fabs =3 ving a a i> Fimel_ el chin = @ a longation in % pve eee ee C3 9h ay 3Ay TH olny 22M a T= Sing, Assuming Y bein a cs OS e0 | a —— @ Area=A Rr elenjoton « a Wivory Pewiht procat s-L_____I—e . Causing accerbation. VE Dre 2 ny @ sai oe— ey + 4-64, Led @ Si Sone ae eae nee PA RY a ) Bo = ie (Ar aQe an a o2= (Rrfa) 2 aay Metat-1 Cm) Metal-n 63m) Rul ) Y ay —F A = (Fr fA) € 5 = se Way we EG), sh = 7% Ay ay =f / = Ss be be — Poisson's Ratio & [Lsnen Conjitudnet Forces Oure apptieel onr Soli obfect then volume of Sotto obfect dota Not rereia comsoud ond fume is a chorye in Chedection Area (on fhidenes om veel) . Matar 2 eomaFont che cere as ee i £. Pt wr de = (es Ev = Da a 7o (Evcrttatet) ee Eaten Pate ws — baja Paton Reo. few so BR], Serpe oe con be nective 1 aaa a+ Fe ay zy = 4 pee E i daot nad a = = dong a ay ay) @ Eraterad = bh ol = 0 oe nN isons ratio aa Cirenlon este Wetwral Radka As Bison's Ration ~ 1, Gross seckion diameter = do AT sm (do) = dm wha, a de ar bs . = a, v eR D> sb = -N do BA fe 9 Buk Hoobls f conter és 2x to! w/m® , Fink extra foe repre fe fer omib creo, compress coater’s Vi by 1%. Bunter = 2% 10" wy) Po = 105 Nfma™ Patmesphere = a &%) AY ae myn + rap M B&B Note, = Bulk moatuelle of Gyricls ara ey yh ue le whieh he fre Bepuirech 2 compress Lm 2s oy hire ven fe Sonal change im vdume . So tte Oyuiols ora assumed be incompressible (etamolarcl _assumtioe in next chofeter.) Caso 8 C& vag boo fr Oy wil Ability so get Copecialy —vxter) Com pressect. S22 F z ey Aas _F By ee ey Cm Z- ad+ Urq, em ey, ey 2+ (Qu-)F. a7 ——— CL —- —ve qonhy A2= bez chenpe in is -ve Qn" 1g ve e3 ale TR 33 Elastic Energy In Solids “¢ ~i__[]+ 7 A e t spring, force ) tos kK Eheyetion a Conpranien « Noe 4 — Uerore = Elosicentiy 2 Yoo? he loa Be, Hee Shem ' — =F) Rus) ——sF —_—_ Coes era Prem (A) moss (m) ewes 't Moclalles —» Y Cind vatio + elostic.eroyy dfaned mo Capt Falf cme srghe he rok}. \e ry) elongation Gr small elements, F- Fe \ de 2 AY Stress Strain curve & (bonditadina] sbess) Crates ay G. (o Se Zi (strain) A= Propstionsbity Gimit (aig: for. obi materials) B- dbstic —_ Qimit (upie catidh strain ® 06 stress t) Ap B—> shan pf stress (Hoke's low ia nib Uabiol) = frestny = Beakig sess (Metoiad b temp. debendent: only) (hoot olependlents on size _k shape) ' 29) [beat

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