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Title: Forbidden Crimson

Name: Precious Margarette C. Munar

Grade & Section: Grade 9B-Dalton

Forbidden Crimson

In the realm of one-sided love’s despair,

A heart’s unreciprocated burden, heavy to bear.
Two souls entangled, but not in kind,
One’s love grew strong, the other, left behind.

With each stolen glance, each whispered sigh,

One’s love soared high, while the other’s goodbye.
In silence, they danced an uneven waltz,
A love unreciprocated, like withering false.

The passionate heart, a wildfire’s blaze,

The object of affection, unaware of the craze.
The chasm between them, a mournful abyss,
One yearning for a stolen, eternal kiss.

But fate, it seemed, was relentless and unkind,

For the love unreturned became the ultimate bind.
One’s heart, a beacon, burned too bright,
While the other, untouched, remained in the night.

In the end, a heavy heart could not withstand,

The agony of love never held by the other’s hand.
One-sided affection, a heartrending tale,
Led to the other’s demise, love’s final travail.

In the ashes of this one-sided love’s last breath,

Lies a sorrowful tale of love and untimely death.
A heart that loved, but never found its home,
In the arms of the beloved, forever alone.

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