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Power BI Training and Certification

Module 7: Power BI Report Servers


© Brain4ce Education Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

Creating Report with Row-Level Security

Steps to Create Power BI Report with Row-Level Security

Step 1: Connect to the Excel dataset given on LMS (‘AllCities’) with the Power BI
Step 2: Click on the Transform data option to go to the power query editor.

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

Step 3: In the power query editor, select all the data cells and click on the Remove
Rows option and select Remove Errors. After that click on Close & Apply.

Step 4: Design the report as shown below.

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

Details about the visualizations are given below:

Total Restaurants

Type of visualization – Card

Columns used – Value: Name
Active Cases

Type of visualization – Card

Columns used – Value: Price
Average Rating

Type of visualization – Card

Columns used – Value: Rating

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

Total Restaurants by Cuisine Type

Type of visualization – Tree Map

Columns used – Category: Cuisine Type
Values: Name
Total Restaurants by Rating Types

Type of visualization – Pie Chart

Columns used – Legend – Rating Type
Values - Name

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

Average Price and Average Rating by Restaurant Name and Rating Types

Type of visualization – Line and Stacked Column Chart

Columns used – X-Axis – Name
Column Y-Axis – Price
Line Y – Axis - Rating
Column Legend – Rating Type
Top 10 Cuisines based on average ratings

Type of visualization – Table

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

Filter Type:

Columns used – Cuisines

Step 5: Create a new Measure with the name – Current User
Add a Card visualization and drop the measure onto the card to display the name of
the current user.

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

Step 6: Under Modeling, click on Manage Roles then Create and enter the role
name. Then select the Table, click on the three dots then select the City column, and
finally write the following Dax Query.
Dax: [City] = "Bengaluru"
To create Region – Level manager role, under Modeling, click on Manage Roles then
select Create and enter the role name. Then select the Table, click on the three dots
then select the Region column, and finally write the following Dax Query.
Dax: [City] = "Marathahalli"
Click on Save button.

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

Step 6: Under Modelling, click on View As then select City_Level_Management, and

click on Ok.

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

You will now only see the data related to Bengaluru City.

Step 7: Under Modelling, click on View As then select Region_Level_Management,

and click on Ok.

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

You will now only see the data related to Marathahalli Region.

Step 8: Publish the report on Power BI service by clicking on Publish option.

Step 9: After publishing the report in your workspace, click on More options in the
Dataset and select Security.

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

Step 10: Click on the role and add email id for which you want to assign this role and
click on Add button.

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

Step 11: Click on More options and select Test as role and you will only see the
content assigned to that role on the report.

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Module 7: Power BI Report Servers

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