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Good afternoon teacher and classmate, my name is Melany and today I'm going to present
my project. I hope you like that.
I'm going to compare my life in Lima with my life in Madre de Dios. When I lived in Lima I
had a bigger room than in Madre de Dios because in Lima me and my sister share a room
but here I sleep alone.
Another difference is the climate in Lima it is wet and colder than Madre de Dios, on the
other hand, it's always hot here.
Another difference is the transportation, Lima has more cars than in Madre de DIos, here all
is motorcycle because everything is close, when I got here I didn't know how to ride a
motorcycle and now I do, but before it was a bit difficult for me.
Another thing is that here there are many legends about mountain creatures that in Lima, for
People here believe in the "Tunche'' it is a type of creature that hisses on the mountain to
attract its victims, sometimes at night, may be in the morning or could be in the afternoon.
People here say "You can't camp on the mountain or the Tuche will come for you and take
you". You can´t play with him because he is bad and if you make fun of him, he takes you or
if you listen to him far aways he is close and if you listen to him close he is far away.
And finally in Puerto maldonado is safer than Lima because here I can go to walk at the park
at night with my dog on the other hand, in Lima I couldn't do that because they robbed me.

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