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Volume 32, Number 1, 2020

# Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/acu.2020.29136.cpl

How Do You Treat Adolescent Acne in Your Practice?

A cne vulgaris is a primary inflammatory disorder

involving the pilosebaceous unit. The pathophysiology
of acne vulgaris is multifactorial, including increased sebum
trimethoprim, erythromycin, azithromycin, amoxicillin, and
cephalexin. Hormonal therapy includes the use of combi-
nation oral contraceptives. Spironolactone and isotretinoin
production, hyperkeratinization of the follicular infundibu- are also commonly used. Other therapies, including che-
lum, inflammation, and cutibacterium acnes.1 Acne vulgaris mical peels, laser devices, intralesion injection of triam-
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affects up to 85% of young adults aged 12–25 years and is cinolone acetonide, and dietary control, are also used in the
one of the three most prevalent skin conditions in the general therapy of acne vulgaris.3
population. Acne vulgaris mostly affects adolescents but Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in treating
may continue to adulthood, with 26% of women and 12% of acne vulgaris. In a systematic review and meta-analysis of
men reporting acne in their 40s.1,2 12 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in 2018, acupunc-
The diagnosis of acne vulgaris is done primarily through ture was not significantly different compared to guideline
clinical evaluations. Family history, symptoms and signs of recommended treatments in treating acne vulgaris but had
hyperandrogenism or other endocrine disorders, and use fewer side effects, and thus it may be a treatment option.4
of medications must be obtained. The primary lesion types Another systematic review and meta-analysis in 2019 that
in acne are comedones (open or closed) and inflamma- analyzed 10 trials with a total of 904 participants showed
tory lesions (papules, pustules, and nodules). The typical that fire needling, a modality of acupuncture, combined
distribution involves the sebaceous gland-rich areas of the with pharmaceutical medication was better compared to
face, upper back, chest, and shoulders. Secondary changes pharmaceutical medication alone in the treatment of
such as scarring, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, moderate-severe acne; fire needling alone was better than
or erythema must also be noted. The severity of acne vul- pharmaceutical medication alone; and that that there was
garis varies from mild to fulminant disease with systemic no significant difference in the recurrence rate in both fire
involvements.1 needling and pharmaceutical medication. In addition, fire
The main therapy for acne vulgaris includes topical needling was also associated with fewer adverse reactions.5
agents, systemic antibiotics, and hormonal therapy. Topical In the acupuncture treatment for acne vulgaris, both local
agents include benzoyl peroxide (BP), salicylic acid, anti- and distant acupuncture points are selected and stimulated
biotics, a combination of antibiotics with BP, retinoids, ret- using sterile single-use filiformis needles. Aseptic and an-
inoids with BP, retinoids with antibiotics, azelaic acid, and tiseptic action using alcohol swabs are performed on the
sulfone agents. Systemic antibiotics include tetracycline, location of the acupuncture points prior to needle insertion.
doxycycline, minocycline, trimethoprim/sulfomethoxazole, For the distant points, the needle is inserted perpendicularly
and manually stimulated until the needling sensation is felt
by the patient. The stimulation is repeated at the 5th and
Medical Acupuncture is pleased to continue this regular fea- 15th minute by rotating the needle clockwise. For the local
ture, Clinical Pearls, which we have found to be very useful for,
and practical to, the readership, and very popular. All of us are points, the needle is inserted horizontally around the lesion,
confronted with clinical challenges, especially when dealing with 0.5 cm from the edge of the lesion, without manual stimu-
therapeutic strategies. We hope this ongoing collection of Clinical lation. The needles on the local and distant points are then
Pearls will be easily accessible and ready to put into action for retained for 20 minutes. The treatment is done twice a week
the benefit of our patients, and even ourselves. How often do we for the total of 12 sessions (6 weeks), and the patient is
ask our colleagues: ‘‘How do you treat. ?’’ This time, we posed
the question: ‘‘How do you treat adolescent acne in your prac- evaluated for subjective and objective symptoms at the
tice?’’ Herein lie your contributions. We trust that our readership 3rd and 6th week. The distant acupuncture points used
will continue to participate in this section by either asking the are: LI 4 (Hegu), LI 11 (Quchi), SP 6 (Sanyinjiao), ST 36
questions or supplying the ‘‘Pearls.’’ If you have a ‘‘question’’ (Zusanli), and LR 3 (Taichong). Other points that can be
you would like to see answered, please send it to our managing added include: BL 13 (Feishu), LU 1 (Zhongfu), and SP 9
editor, Yael Ben-Porat, at: We encourage
and welcome your input and participation. Please address your (Yinlingquan).
answers to ‘‘Pearls’’ to our managing editor, Yael Ben-Porat, at: In circumstances where the patient cannot attend treat- ment sessions regularly, the patient and his/her family are


educated to perform independent acupressure in the time Address correspondence to:

of the scheduled session that is missed. The education L. Yvonne Siboe, MD
consists of: Center of Development and Application

of Traditional Medicine
Determining the location of the acupuncture points
Indonesia. Jl. Kesehatan No. 10
used. The location of the acupuncture points used is
explained based on the World Health Organization
Petojo Sel.
Standard Acupoint Location (2008). The measurement
Kecamatan Gambir
in bone-cun (B-cun) of the distance from the elbow
Kota Jakarta Pusat
to the wrist (12 B-cun) and the knee to the ankle (16 B-
Daerah Khusus Ibukota
cun) is also explained. After understanding the acu-
Jakarta 10160
puncture point location and how to determine the point,
the patient is asked to show the location on his/her E-mail:
body, and the doctor confirms whether the location is
correct. Hasan Mihardja, MD, MHSc, PhD
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 Acupressure technique. The patient is taught simple Klinik Akupunktur Hasan Mihardja
acupressure techniques: simple pressure, where the acu- Pulobidadari Raya Blok A6/16
puncture point is pressed using the finger until a third Jakarta Timur
of the fingernail changes color, and kneading, where E-mail:
pressure is applied to the acupuncture point using the
finger in a circular motion. Simple pressure is used on Krisma Perdana Harja, MD
the distant points, while kneading is used on the local Apotik Restu
points. The acupressure is done for 30 seconds fol- Jalan Pramuka Raya
lowed by a resting period of 10 seconds. The pressure is Jakarta Pusat
repeated until a 5-minute stimulation has been done on
all the acupuncture points used. E-mail:
Twelve acne patients ranging from 16 to 19 years of age
came to our clinic in September and October 2019, most of
them students. They receive twice weekly acupuncture
sessions using the method described above. After 12 ses-
sions, all patients experienced improvements in their acne A dolescent acne vulgaris is a common skin disease
characterized by inflamed spots and blackheads on the
face, chest, and back. Cysts and scarring can also occur, es-
symptoms. There was a reduction in inflammatory and
subjective symptoms such as erythema, pain, and less acne pecially in more severe cases of the disease.1 According to the
on and around the face. During the acupuncture therapy and Global Burden of Disease study, approximately 85% of
2 months after the therapy session ended, no new acne ap- teenagers are affected by this disease.2 It affects most ado-
peared, and the patients were generally satisfied with the lescents and has a major impact on their quality of life and
results. psychosocial well-being. In Western medicine, treatment of
acne involves topical or oral retinoids and antibiotics, as well
as topical BP.3 However, a dry mouth, dry skin, desquama-
REFERENCES tion, and gastrointestinal discomfort are common adverse
events following BP and retinoid treatment. Long-term an-
1. Zaenglein AL. Acne vulgaris. N Engl J Med. 2018;379(14): tibiotic treatment can also contribute to antibiotic resistance.
1343–1352. Retinoids have severe adverse effects such as teratogenicity
2. Lynn DD, Umari T, Dunnick CA, Dellavalle RP. The epide- and should be used with caution in people of childbearing
miology of acne vulgaris in late adolescence. Adolesc Health age.4 A systematic review and meta-analysis conducted in
Med Ther. 2016;7:13–25. Australia showed there was no statistical difference in the
3. Zaenglein AL, Pathy AL, Schlosser BJ, et al. Guidelines of efficacy of acupuncture compared to guideline-recommended
care for the management of acne vulgaris. J Am Acad Der- pharmacotherapies for acne vulgaris. However, fewer ad-
matol. 2016;74(5):945–973.e33.
verse effects were reported with acupuncture interventions.5
4. Mansu SS, Liang H, Parker S, et al. Acupuncture for acne
In other words, acupuncture may be an option for patients
vulgaris: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Evid Based
Complement Alternat Med. 2018;2018:4806734. desiring an alternative treatment to pharmaceuticals.
5. Xing M, Yan X, Sun X, et al. Fire needle therapy for moderate- From the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine
severe acne: A PRISMA systematic review and meta-analysis (TCM), factors leading to acne development include over-
of randomized controlled trials. Complement Ther Med. 2019; heating of the lung or stomach, stagnation of Qi and Blood, and
44:253–260. Phlegm–Heat obstruction due to excessive intake of spicy,

sweet, fried, and oily food. As the condition progresses, heat mirror. Her acne appeared as a pimple or pustule, and was
may increase and lodge in the skin and tissues, causing in- distributed around the mouth and on the face. The Zheng of
flammation and acne lesions.6 Acupuncture benefits the her condition was Damp–Heat blocking in the stomach and
body by regulating the Qi and Blood, eliminating dampness, intestine. She received acupuncture at LI 4, ST 36, and PC 6
relieving heat toxicity, and enhancing the immunologic three times a week. The acne lesions on her face were gone
function to improve acne remission. Some studies have also without scarring, and she could look in the mirror to put on
reported balancing of androgen levels after acupuncture makeup after 8 weeks of acupuncture treatment.
treatment, which could be a reason for the treatment’s effi- Acupuncture is an effective and alternative treatment to
cacy on acne reduction, as it inhibits over-secretion of the reconstruct Yin and Yang harmonization in the human
sebaceous glands.7 body. Eating a balanced diet at regular hours, having a re-
According to the various clinical symptoms in patients, laxed mood, and keeping the skin clean are also important in
the following three most common Zheng of acne with its adolescent acne care. Just as the Yellow Emperor’s Canon
accompanying symptoms and the corresponding acupunc- mentions, ‘‘Abide to the changes of the four seasons, ac-
ture points can be used in clinical practice, three times a tively adapt to cold and heat and live in peace and harmony
week for 8 weeks (Table 1). emotion, then bring up the health in hand and keep the
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disease away.’’
1. Zheng of Wind–Heat invading lung: This type of acne
is similar to a grain in size and extrudes a white, oily
substance; it commonly develops on the nose and
forehead. Accompanying symptoms include black- Table 1. Location of the Acupuncture Points
heads, mild local itching, thin white or yellow fur on a for Treatment of Adolescent Acne8
reddish tongue, and a floating pulse. Hegu (LI 4),
Quchi (LI 11), Feishu (BL 13), and Dazhui (GV 14) Acupoints Location
are usually selected to dispel wind and clear heat. Hegu (LI 4) On the highest spot of the muscle when
2. Zheng of Damp–Heat blocking in the stomach and the thumb and index fingers are
intestine: This type of acne mainly appears as a pimple brought close together
or pustule, and is distributed around the mouth and on Quchi (LI 11) Midpoint between lateral end of the
the face, the front chest, and the back. The inflam- transverse cubital crease and the
matory condition often worsens with an improper diet, lateral epicondyle of the humerus
such as consuming peppers and high-calorie fried Yingxiang (LI 20) In the nasolabial groove, level with the
foods. Accompanying symptoms include an oily face, midpoint of the lateral border of the
ala nasi
coarse pores, large appetite, bad breath, thirst, con-
Zusanli (ST 36) 3 cun below the patella, one finger
stipation, yellow greasy fur on a red tongue, and a
width lateral from the anterior border
slippery, rapid, powerful pulse. LI 4, Yingxiang (LI of the tibia
20), Zusanli (ST 36), Weishu (BL 21), Dachangshu Sanyinjiao (SP 6) 3 cun directly above the tip of the
(BL 25), and Neiguan (PC 6) are usually chosen to medial malleoulus on the posterior
eliminate the heat and dampness. border of the tibia
3. Zheng of Qi stagnation and Blood stasis: These le- Xuehai (SP 10) 2 cun above the superior medial border
sions are present for a long time and are usually dark of the patella on the bulge of the
red papules or nodules scattered on the cheeks and medial portion of quadriceps femoris
the lower jaw. Anxiety, mental stress, and premen- (vastus medialis)
strual status are all aggravating factors. Accom- Feishu (BL 13) 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of
the spinous process of the T3
panying symptoms include chest stuffiness, irregular
Weishu (BL 21) 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of
menstruation, dysmenorrhea with blood clotting, an
the spinous process of the T12.
ecchymosed dark purple tongue, and an unsmooth Dachangshu (BL 25) 1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of
string-like pulse. LI 4, Quchi (LI 11), Sanyinjiao (SP the spinous process of the L4
6), Xuehai (SP 10), and Taichong (LR 3) are gener- Neiguan (PC 6) 2 cun above the wrist crease between
ally chosen to promote the circulation of Qi and the tendons of palmaris longus and
Blood. flexor carpi radialis
Taichong (LR 3) On the dorsum of the foot in a depres-
sion, distal to the junctions of the 1st
Case Presentation and 2nd metatarsal bones
A 17-year-old girl had been diagnosed with acne vulgaris Dazhui (GV 14) On the midline of the base of the neck,
in the depression below the spinous
for 2 years. Previous treatment for her acne symptoms was
process of C7
unsuccessful. She was even afraid of looking at her face in a


1. Oge LK, Broussard A, Marshall MD. Acne vulgaris: Diagnosis

A dolescent acne is a condition equivalent to ‘‘Lung
Wind Pink Thorns’’ (fei feng fen ci) in TCM. It is a
chronic inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands that
and treatment. Am Fam Physician. 2019;100(8):475–484. frequently occurs at puberty, often accompanied with se-
2. Lynn DD, Umari T, Dunnick CA, Dellavalle RP. The epide- bum exudation. Because the lesions often break out on the
miology of acne vulgaris in late adolescence. Adolesc Health cheeks, forehead, neck, chest, and upper back, it affects the
Med Ther. 2016;7:13–25. appearance and can cause extreme psychological stress to
3. Zaenglein AL, Pathy AL, Schlosser BJ, et al. Guidelines of
patients, especially young girls, whose self-esteem can be
care for the management of acne vulgaris. J Am Acad Der-
matol. 2016;74(5):945–973.
seriously affected due to the facial skin damage caused by
4. Janani S, Sureshkumar R, Upadhyayula SSN, Karthika C, long-term recurring acne. Clinically, acne can be catego-
Vasanthi C. Will the polyphenol and adapalene combination be rized into four types: Damp–Heat toxin, Lung and Stomach
a good strategy on acne vulgaris? Med Hypotheses. 2019;133: Heat, Phlegm and Blood stasis, and disharmony of Chong
109409. Ren. However, patients usually present complexed clinical
5. Mansu SS, Liang H, Parker S, et al. Acupuncture for acne symptoms, among which Damp–Heat toxin and Blood stasis
vulgaris: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Evid Based is most commonly seen in clinic. Symptoms include le-
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Complement Alternat Med. 2018;2018:4806734. sions on the face, rashes spreading over the chest and back,
6. Zhao S-H. Surgery of Chinese Medicine. Beijing, China: China damaged skin with inflamed pimples or pustules, cysts that
Science Publishing and Media Ltd.; 2004. are inflamed and painful, blackheads, itchy skin, and an
7. Chen Y-C. A study on the effect of acupuncture and mox-
oily face often around the mouth, cheeks, and forehead.
ibustion on adult female acne patients. Acupuncture Mox-
ibustion Massage. 2004:1–33.
Accompanying symptoms can include bad breath, consti-
8. Acupuncture Point Locations. Online document at: www pation, dark urine, red tongue, greasy yellow tongue coat- Accessed January 2, 2020. ing, and a rapid and slippery pulse. The author combined
the customized formula ‘‘Xiao Zuo Tang’’ with modified
‘‘Dan Zhi Xiao Yao Wan’’ in conjunction with acupuncture
Address correspondence to: treatment to produce a highly effective treatment for acne
Ming-Tui Tsai, MD due to Damp–Heat toxin with Blood stasis.
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
and School of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Chang Gung University College of Medicine Typical Case Study
No. 123, Dapi Road
Niaosng Dist A 17-year-old female patient had been suffering from
Kaohsiung City 83301 recurrent acne for 6 years, and it had worsened in the past
Taiwan year. She had been to see a dermatologist several times and
was diagnosed with adolescent acne. She had tried various
E-mail: topical ointments without any effect. There was a history of
acne on her father’s side of the family.
Wen-Long Hu, MD, MS
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
and School of Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinical presentation. Her symptoms included oily
Chang Gung University College of Medicine facial skin, several red pimples on both of her cheeks and
No. 123, Dapi Road her jaw, pustules, itchy skin, several cysts on the lower jaw,
Niaosng Dist oily hair that required washing daily, low spirits, frequent
Kaohsiung City 83301 crying spells, reluctance to communicate, and feeling de-
Taiwan pressed and withdrawn. She had stopped attending school
and stayed home for 6 months. She started her periods at the
age of 12, and her menstrual cycle was 3–5 weeks delayed.
Her menses lasted for 7 days, with heavy bleeding, red flow,
Yu-Chiang Hung, MD, PhD
and dark clots. She also had lower abdominal distention and
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
breast tenderness before her period. Her last period was on
and School of Traditional Chinese Medicine
May 15, 2019. Her appetite was normal, but her sleep was
Chang Gung University College of Medicine
poor, and she went to bed late around 1:00–2:00am. She
No. 123, Dapi Road
preferred cold rather than heat. She had a bowel movement
Niaosng Dist
every other day with dry stools. She was slightly overweight
Kaohsiung City 83301
and hairy. There was a 3 cm · 4 cm lump at her left groin,
with a hard bottom and red edge that was painful upon pal-
E-mail: pation. The tip and sides of her tongue were red, with a thick

nodules and disperse Liver Qi. Formula: Huang Qin 10 g,

Huang Lian 3 g, Shan Zhi Zi 10 g, Ye Ju Hua 15 g, Tu Fu
Ling 10 g, Xia Ku Cao 12 g, Di Ding 10 g, Pu Gong Ying
15 g, Bai Tou Wong 10 g, Bo He 6 g (add later), Lian Qiao
10 g, Jie Geng 10 g, Zhi Shi 6 g, Dan Shen 9 g, Tao Ren 10 g,
Chi Shao 10 g, Ze Lan 10 g, Dan Pi 10 g, Da Huang 3 g, Zao
Jiao Ci 6 g, Zhe Bei Mu 10 g, Han Lian Cao 15 g, Chai Hu
10 g, Yu Jin 10 g, and Raw Shan Zha 30 g. Three packs of
raw herbs were prescribed to be boiled and take orally as a
decoction, each pack for 2 days, along with topical use of
sulfur soap. She was also instructed to apply iodine solution
to the red swelling lump in the groin area twice a day.

Acupuncture prescription. LI 11, SP 9, SP 6, ST 40,

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SP 10, LR 3, K 3, LR 14, Uterus, ST 29, TaiYang, DU 20, Ear

Shenmen, Ear Liver. Needle sizes #34, 0.5†, 1†, and 1.5† were
used respectively, with perpendicular insertion, without ma-
nipulation, using Wang Shao Bai’s Pleasant Acupuncture
technique.1 The patient fell asleep peacefully 5 minutes after
needle insertion. The needles were retained for 40 minutes.
Treatment was given once a week. The patient was advised to
avoid sugary foods, increase her intake of green vegetables and
fruit, and increase her exercise. In the meantime, supportive
psychological counseling was provided to help her understand
that adolescent acne is a common problem for adolescence,
and that there is no need to let it affect self-esteem.
After six treatments, her condition had improved re-
markably. Her facial acne had mostly disappeared, and the
hard nodule in the groin area had flattened and was a lighter
color (see Figure 1). Her menstrual cycles had normalized
to a 31-day cycle with biphasic pattern of basal body tem-
perature. Her menstrual flow was less heavy, without clots
and abdominal pain. Her moods were better, with no more
crying spells or anxiety. She asked to return to normal study
at school.

FIG. 1. Before treatment versus after treatment photos. Acne patients generally have Yang excess constitution.
Due to the body’s period of intense growth during adoles-
white coating in the middle and back. Her pulse was rapid and cence, the endocrine system becomes irregular, testosterone
slippery, but deep and thin at the right Chi position. Because levels increase, in turn stimulating the hypertrophy of the
of years of unhealed acne, her current diet has been mainly sebaceous glands, resulting in significant increases in oil
vegetarian for about 6 months. She disliked vegetables, meat, secretion and clogging the hair follicles. These patients
seafood, and dairy products, but she liked sweets. She had tend to like greasy sweet foods with a robust flavor, which
noticeable oily facial skin, large pores on the cheeks, grain- causes Damp Heat in the middle Jiao, and have an oily skin.
sized red inflamed pimples on the cheeks and lower jaw, with Abundant heat in the Lung and Stomach meridians follows
yellow and white pustules at the tip, and more pronounced the channel to break out as an external skin condition. The
cysts and dark red pigmentation on the lower jaw. Lung dominates the skin and hair, with Heat going upward,
Lung Heat steaming upward and accumulating on the face,
therefore forming more inflammatory pimples on the face.
Chinese medicine differentiation. This case demon- An irregular diet leads to Heat in the Lung and Stomach
strated Damp–Heat toxin, Blood stasis, and turbid Phlegm steaming upward, which together with Qi stagnation, Blood
and Liver Qi stagnation. Treatment aims to clear Damp– stasis, and turbid Phlegm causes cysts and nodules to form.
Heat toxin, move Blood and dissolve stasis, and soften The Lung and Large Intestine is internal-externally related,

Damp Heat moves downward to the intestines, therefore sponding with the lower Uterus, DU 20 sends a signal to the
causing dry or sticky stools. A red tongue with a thick ovaries to initiate the ovulation process.
white coating and a wiry and slippery pulse all indicate ac- The author combined treatment acupuncture with herbs to
cumulated Heat in the Lung and Stomach, Damp Heat toxin, treat adolescent acne. Not only was the acne removed and
and Blood stasis. The author customized a formula ‘‘Xiao beauty recovered, but also the normal female reproductive
Zuo Tang’’ to clear Heat, drain dampness, and eliminate axis was restored, regulating the endocrine system and
toxin. Within the formula, Bai Tou Wong is an especially normalizing the menstrual cycle.
effective herb used to treat different rashes and acne heads
with yellow white pus. Western pharmacological analysis
shows Bai Tou Wong possesses strong antioxidant, antimi- REFERENCES
crobial, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anticancer, and immune-
enhancing properties. This herb has shown a strong inhibitory 1. Wang SB. The application of pleasant acupuncture in the
effect against bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Pseu- United States. New Chin Med. 2015;47(7):5.
domonas, Streptococcus mutans, and skin fungus.3 Shan Zha 2. Odom RB, James WD, Berger TG. Andrews Diseases of Skin.
is used extensively to tonify the Spleen, remove food stag- 9th ed. Philadelphia, PA: W.B. Saunders and Co.; 2000:284–
Downloaded by UPPSALA UNIVERSITETSBIBLIOTEK from at 03/11/20. For personal use only.

nation, metabolize fat, and dissolve grease. Modern phar-
3. Mei QX. Modern Chinese Medicine Pharmacology and Clin-
macological research shows that the fatty acids contained in
ical Application Manual. China: Traditional Chinese Medicine
Shan Zha help digest fat, lower blood lipids, and improve Publishing House; 2019:35.
digestion by increasing the secretion of digestive enzymes in 4. Ma YB, Chen TY. Case study on treating damp heat toxin type
the stomach. It is extremely effective in treating adolescent of acne. Beijing Chin Med. 2011;30(10):752–754.
acne patients with oily facial skin.4 5. Zhang YX. Acupuncture treatment mechanism for depression
Acupuncture plays a vital important role in treating ad- and clinical research progress. Chin J Inform Trad Chin Med.
olescent acne. In terms of calming the spirit, dispersing 2008;15(5):96–98.
the Liver, and regulating moods, the effect is remarkable.
Modern research proves that needling Tai Yang, Ear Shen Address correspondence to:
Men, Ear Liver, and DU 20 can stimulate the brain to release Liang Dong Yun, DOM, Lac
more B-endorphins, serotonin, and melatonin, therefore Oriental Therapy Center
regulating the sympathetic nervous system, relieving pain, 8200 SW 117th Avenue
and relaxing the mind.5 LI 11 and ST 40 both clear Heat and Suite 308
dissolve Phlegm; LR 3 and LR 14 disperse the Liver and Miami, FL 33183
relieve stagnation; SP 9 and SP 6 tonify the Spleen, drain
dampness; SP 10 invigorates the Blood and dissolves stasis; E-mail:
CV 4 and ST 29 can increase blood flow to the uterus;
Uterus is extra meridian point, located 4 cun below the Vivian Shou-Litman, DAOM
umbilicus and 3 cun lateral on both sides, which reflects Longevity Acupuncture
the location of the ovaries on the surface of the body. Use 7000 SW 62nd Avenue
the surrounding needle technique with ample stimulation at Suite 204
Uterus during the ovulation phase can stimulate the ovaries Miami, FL 33143
and promote ovulation. Needling DU 20 can regulate the
brain center, calm the spirit, and benefit the mind. Corre- E-mail:

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