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Outdoor recreation The outdoors in a broad sense is a space outside an enclosed b.

The outdoors in a broad sense is a space outside an enclosed b. Social Benefits– outdoor activities are ways for families to become
Lesson 1- Nature and Background of Outdoor Recreation: area. It includes the natural environment and resources which comprises closer. They can be a “family- bonding activity” to achieve a common
What is outdoor recreation? the land, water, wildlife, vegetation, open space, and scenery. The goal, and goes through the same experience.
Consider the following activities; bird-watching, caving, outdoors may be in their most natural state or semi- natural state, which c. Psycho- emotional Benefits – engaging in outdoor recreational
spelunking, camping and snorkeling. When and why do people engage is a state where it had gone through some human modification but has activities helps people to rest, relax, de-stress or unwind, and feel
in the mentioned activities? What is a common factor among them? retained its natural features. They are pleasurable, but they may involve revitalized. And also improves our self-esteem, confidence, and
Answering these questions will lead to answering what outdoor some degree of discomfort or even in danger. creativity. This is a sense of feeling good whenever achieves the goal in
recreation is all about. Were your answers the same or close to the Outdoor recreation or outdoor activity refers to recreation a particular activity just like reaching the peak of a mountain or learning
following? engaged in out of doors, most commonly in natural settings. The a skill of paddling in canoeing.
_done during vacation or school break Philippines is rich in natural resources despite being in a relatively small d. Economic Benefits- People who have relaxed body and mind tend to
_they want to have fun country which is surrounded by all kinds of land information’s and natural be more productive at work. “It’s more fun in the Philippines” as the
_done outdoors with nature water resources. Department of tourism slogan goes. Indeed, it is more fun as well for
According to the World Facebook {Maps of the world} it has everyone involved in ecotourism activities in the Philippines. It has been
Putting the answers together, outdoor recreation is organized been listed as having the fifth longest coastline in the world. It hosts rewarding for the local folks as ecotourism in the country created jobs
activities done during one’s free time for his/her own personal reasons, varied outdoor recreational activities, some of which are the following: and other economics activities which have one way or another,
wherein interaction between man and an element of nature is present. contributed to our economic growth.
Let us break down the ideas to have a common understanding LAND: WATER: AIR: e. Spiritual Benefits – Positive outdoor experiences can stir up spiritual
of the terms. When we hear “free time” what does it mean to you as a Mountaineering Swimming Parasailing values. Being one with nature brings certain calmness within in a
student? “No Classes” easily to come our mind and consequently will be Trekking/hiking Snorkeling Skydiving person. It strengthens an individual as it heals, rejuvenates, and soothes
able to use the “free time” to do things which you want to do but have Camping Diving Paragliding the body and soul.
been unable to do so because of the “lack of time” such as continuing a Backpacking Surfing Helicopter tours
project or undone homework, or perhaps, going out with friends to watch Picnic Canoeing Hot air ballooning Enjoy the following endless benefits of outdoor recreation:
a movie. A day can be divided into three (3) parts according to Clayne R. Bird-watching Kayaking Bungee jumping 1. Unplug from the daily grind
Jensen, 2006. Mountain biking Whitewater rafting Going out for a walk or sitting in a park could give you the
a. Existence time- is a time spent for biological needs like having a meal, Orienteering Sailing opportunity to unplug, rest, and reset. It will reduce the anxiety and
sleeping, and other personal care. stress associated with today’s on-demand society.
Canyoneering Fishing
b. Subsistence time – is a time refers to the hours spent for economic 2. Improved physique
Rock climbing Bamboo rafting
purposes such as going to work, chores, and for students, hours spent Outdoor recreation can be physically demanding but you can
for school and school work. be sure that such activity will work different muscles better than the
Benefits of Outdoor Recreation:
c. Free time – is a time therefore, is all the remaining time after machines at the gym. The motion of outdoor activities works out your
1. Fun and pleasure are perhaps the immediate answers of the majority
Leisure comes from the Latin word “licere”, which means to permit or to stabilizer muscles in different ways thus improving muscle tone and
who have experienced outdoor activities.
allow. In Webster dictionary, it is defined as free time and unoccupied strength.
2. Studies have shown that being close to natural environment is
time. It is the time when an individual has already consumed his/her time 3. Improved focus and better sleep
to do things for existence and subsistence. Outdoor activities will change the way our/your body moves
3. Aside from the fresh air and the amazing sight of nature, the outdoors
Leisure Education is the process of clarifying to the individual while exercising muscle stimulating the mind. After such relaxation, it will
has positive effects on the general wellness of an individual most
the values, character, and attitudes drawn for after engaging in the be easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night so that
especially if it is done with regularity.
activity. The school is the special agent that educates the students or an you’ll be prepared to focus on the following day.
individual’s to know his responsibility. 4. Develop new hobbies
Wellness encompasses the general state of a person and in the end
Recreation is derived from the Latin word “recreare” which These new activities will help you to cultivate a passion for the
contributes to a better quality of life:
means to be refreshed. Choices for recreation vary from person to activity and for the new environment as well.
a. Physical Benefits – being an outdoors prevent a person from having a
person. Therefore recreational activities depend on one’s interests, 5. Improving bonding
sedentary life. It allows people to move whether by walking, running,
pursuits, and needs which may be reflective one’s beliefs and level of Outdoor recreation time is bonding time and when
swimming, biking, paddling and etc… Green space is now “screen
gratification. For example, a natural park may serve as a bonding place conversations begin, you’ll find the things you have common with other
space” unknowingly; a great part of their day was spent sitting or lying
for a family to have a picnic, a great fitness area for a jogger, and a people and this will be the begging of new friendships and new
down with gadgets in their hands.
place to commune with nature or meditate for others. connections.
6. Better body
Outdoor activities offer you the benefits of muscular and 6. Respect wildlife be developed if you’re going to participate in it. Write a short explanation
cardiovascular fitness. It will also have the wholesome benefits of Avoid disturbing wildlife of your answer.
improving the functioning of your immune system. Enjoy wildlife at a distance
7. Be considerate of other visitors
7. The feel- good factor Avoid conflicts
When you engage in physical activity, your body produces Respect the privacy of others visitors and let nature’s sound
feel-good hormones. These will help you to reduce stress and to mitigate prevail. Outdoor recreational Health – Related Explanation
possibilities of depression. The Relationships of Outdoor Recreation to Education: Activities components that
8. It’s good for economy 1. Experiential Education will be developed
Outdoor activities pay off with economic benefit. If you - Engages students using outdoor activities to produce Ex. Swimming Cardio respiratory
regularly participate in outdoor activities. You will turn out to be more meaningful learning activities. endurance
productive at work and this will lead to economic growth. 2. Environmental education 1. Hiking
9. Increased environmental awareness - Increases the awareness of the students about the 2. Snorkeling
Outdoor activities will give you environmental benefits, environment for posterity and preservation. 3. Kayaking
including the benefits increased environmental awareness. This can 3. Adventure Education 4. Parasailing
boost your involvement in environmental issue. - Uses activities to achieve certain objectives; typically 5. Surfing
10. Lengthen lifespan expected outcome are improved judgment decision making,
Instead of going to the gym for solitary workout, consider group interaction and teamwork.
heading outside and taking an adventure walk, run, climb, hike and
whatever it is that you like breathe the fresh air while you can. CHARACTERISTIC OF RECREATION
The important things that should be remembered when participating in 1. Recreation involves in activity that may be physical, mental, or
an outdoor recreational activity: emotional. It could be passive or active as it is worthwhile and satisfying.
It has been established earlier that outdoor recreation is an 2. Recreation has no single form; individual has a wide variety of activity
interaction between man and nature. The interaction should come with to choose from. Motivation always guides the individual to choose his
care and respect. It is important that in using and enjoying what nature chosen activity whether it is passive or active.
offers, an equal responsibility in conserving and preserving it must be 3. Recreation is purposeful; participation in activity comes within the
consciously employed by the people. individual because of his intention
“The Leave No Trace Seven Principles” is a set of universal outdoor And desire.
ethics that guides one in the activities to do with nature. It also provides 4. Recreation is determined by motivation. In choosing one’s
the framework for making the decisions in outdoor recreation. recreational activity, it is always the desire of the individual that justify
1. Plan ahead and prepare- the selection.
Know the area and what to expect 5. Recreational is universally sought and practiced, sex, age, race, or
Learn about the local habitats and what it takes to protect nationality are not a hindrances for an individual to do his recreational
them. pursuit.
2. Travel and camp on durable surfaces – 6. Recreation occurs in free time, all enjoyment and satisfaction derived
Camp away from bodies of water from the work should not be considered as recreation. There should be
Avoid places where impact is just beginning. clear distinction between activities done for existence, subsistence and
3. Dispose of waste properly leisure.
Bring out inorganic and organic waste, including food scraps. 7. Recreation is participated voluntary; individuals cannot be obliged to
Dispose of human waste responsibly participate to any recreational activity. It is the individual who can decide
4. Leave what you find to indulge or not.
Avoid damaging live trees and plants
Protect cultural resources, including archaeological artifacts Activity 1: Complete Me
5. Minimize campfire impacts Directions: Below are different outdoor activities done in our country.
Careful campfire site selection and fire tending are critical to Identify the health – related components of physical fitness you think will
minimizing impact

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