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Skills Assessment

Unit code, name and release number
SWERWT001 Read and write simple social texts

Release 1

Qualification/Course code, name and release number

10727NAT Certificate I in Spoken and Written English

Release 1

Student details
Student number

Student name

Document title: SWERWT001_AE_Sk_6of6_Online_LA023960 Page 1 of 10

Resource ID: CAE_18_08_U03_A04_SWERWT001_AE_Sk_6of6_Online_LA023960
Version: 20190411

Date created: 10/10/2018

Date modified: 29/04/2019

For queries, please contact:

Career Pathways, Aboriginal Languages and Employability Skills

Janison Street

Tamworth NSW 2340

© 2018 TAFE NSW, Sydney

RTO Provider Number 90003 | CRICOS Provider Code: 00591E
This assessment can be found in the: Learning Bank

The contents in this document is copyright © TAFE NSW 2018, and should not be reproduced
without the permission of the TAFE NSW. Information contained in this document is correct at time
of printing: 29 April 2019. For current information please refer to our website or your teacher as

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Resource ID: CAE_18_08_U03_A04_SWERWT001_AE_Sk_6of6_Online_LA023960
Assessment instructions
Assessment details Instructions

Assessment overview In this assessment you will edit a draft text message and write a final
text message.

Assessment Event
6 of 6

Instructions for this This assessment is in three (3) parts:

1. Review a draft text message.

2. Write a final text message.

3. Observation Checklist (to be completed by your teacher).

You can use a bilingual or English dictionary, but you cannot use a
translation app.
You can ask your teacher to show you model texts.

You can ask your teacher to explain the task. For example your teacher
could read the instructions to you, assist you with reviewing your
writing and support you with grammar, spelling and punctuation.

In this assessment you will:

1. check the teacher’s feedback on Assessment 5 Part 1 Write a

draft text message
2. complete Part 1 Review the draft text message using the Error
Correction Code and discuss with your teacher as required
3. complete Part 2 Write a final text message.

Submission instructions When you finish this assessment, check you have completed all the
parts and upload it to the Online Learning System (OLS).

It is important that you keep a copy of all electronic and hardcopy

assessments submitted to TAFE.

What do I need to do to Complete the tasks as required.

achieve a satisfactory

What do I need to Distance learning - Computer with Internet access, pen or pencil
You can use a bilingual or an English dictionary if required but you
cannot use a translation app.

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Resource ID: CAE_18_08_U03_A04_SWERWT001_AE_Sk_6of6_Online_LA023960
Assessment details Instructions

Due date/time allowed 1. Review a text message –30 minutes.

2. Write a final text message –30 minutes.

Assessment feedback, Appeals are addressed in accordance with Assessment Guidelines for
review or appeals TAFE NSW.

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Resource ID: CAE_18_08_U03_A04_SWERWT001_AE_Sk_6of6_Online_LA023960
Part 1: Review a draft text message
You need:

Assessment 5 Part 1 – the draft text message with the mark ups from your teacher.

Check the teacher’s feedback on Assessment 5 Part 1 Write a draft text message.
Look at the error correction code and the mark-ups your teacher has made. Go through each error
and correct it. Discuss with your teacher as required.

Error Correction Code

Error correction code Error correction meaning

WW wrong word

SP word not spelt correctly

X extra word (unnecessary word)

T wrong tense

P upper and lower case letter not used correctly

M missing word

WO word order

FS full stops

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Resource ID: CAE_18_08_U03_A04_SWERWT001_AE_Sk_6of6_Online_LA023960
Part 2: Write your final text message
Write your final text message. Correct the mistakes you found in Part 1. Use the Observation
Checklist in Part 3 to help you.
You need to write 50 -70 words. Then submit your final email to the OLS.

Hello Luis!

How are you?

I am very glad to send you this message.

I've been thinking and it's been a while since we've been
together. I have decided to meet up with some close friends
and I would like you to join us, too. Are you available next
weekend for a BBQ in the park? You have to be at the park
at 11 and bring your funniest side to spend a pleasant

I wait for your answer.

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Resource ID: CAE_18_08_U03_A04_SWERWT001_AE_Sk_6of6_Online_LA023960
Part 3: Observation Checklist
Observation checklist to be completed by your teacher.

Assessor Comments
(Describe the student’s ability to
Task# Write a text message S U
demonstrate the required skills and

Drafts using the structure

of a text message
1 • greeting
• main points
• closing sentence

Writes simple sentences

using correct tense and
2 word order:

e.g. I am/I will

Uses conjunctions to join

independent clause:
e.g. and, but, because, so,

Uses simple grammar

including personal
4 pronouns:

e.g. I, you, she + verb +


Uses spelling:

5 You can check spelling is

correct with your

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Resource ID: CAE_18_08_U03_A04_SWERWT001_AE_Sk_6of6_Online_LA023960
Assessor Comments
(Describe the student’s ability to
Task# Write a text message S U
demonstrate the required skills and

Uses punctuation:
6 e.g. full stops and capital

Uses vocabulary related

7 to inviting a friend to an

Uses correct language for


Reviews own writing:

9 See error correction code

and the draft your
teacher marked.

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Resource ID: CAE_18_08_U03_A04_SWERWT001_AE_Sk_6of6_Online_LA023960
Assessment Feedback
Assessment outcome
☐ Satisfactory

☐ Unsatisfactory

Assessor Feedback
☐ Was the assessment event successfully completed?

☐ If no, has feedback been given and the student asked to resubmit?

☐ Was reasonable adjustment in place for this assessment event?

If yes, ensure it is detailed on the assessment document.


Assessor name and date

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Resource ID: CAE_18_08_U03_A04_SWERWT001_AE_Sk_6of6_Online_LA023960
Copyright references
Picture Title Link

Iphone, Cell Phone, Phone, Mobile Phone,

Electronics phone-160307/

CC0 Creative Commons Free for commercial use

No attribution required

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Resource ID: CAE_18_08_U03_A04_SWERWT001_AE_Sk_6of6_Online_LA023960

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