10 Jurnal

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NPM : C1A02003
10 Jurnal Ekonomi

Ekonomi Bisnis is a scientific dan peer-reviewed journal focusing in theoretical and apllied research in
Management and Business Economics field. The Journal also accept book reviews in relevant field. It is
published three times a year (March, July and November) by Department of Management, Faculty of
Economics, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. Ekonomi Bisnis tries to connecting scholars in
Management and Business Economics field.

Ekonomi Bisnis is ACCREDITED by Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, No

5162/E4/AK.04/2021, December, 2021. Validity period from Vol.25/No.2/2020 to Vol.30/No.1/2025

Focus and Scope :

1. Business Economics;
2. Strategic Management and Leadership;
3. Marketing Management and Sales;
4. Organization Behavior & Industrial Psychology;
5. Human Resource, Human Capital and Personnel Management;
6. Management of Finance, Banking & Accounting; and
7. Entrepreneurship, Small & Medium Business Management

General Guidelines : Manuscript submitted to Ekonomi Bisnis should be original contributions

and should not be under consideration for any publication at the same time. We are especially
interested in research, critical thinking and theoretical exploration related to management and business
economics topics. Manuscripts accepted is written in Bahasa Indonesia or English. All authors of a
manuscript should include their full name and affiliation(s). One author should be identified as the
corresponding author. He/she must include an email address. Please note that once published, your
email address will normally be displayed in the article permanently.

Article Tempalte : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MJ0xpg6_IeXjRwIx84052DkLCH8ofWKw/view

Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies (JIEFeS) is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal
published twice a year, in June and December by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas
Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia in cooperation with the Central Executive Board of
The Indonesian Association of Islamic Economists (DPP IAEI). The journal accepts scientific articles on
research results and theoretical or conceptual papers, written in standard English. JIEFeS focuses on the
central issues and studies in Islamic Economics and Finance. It covers Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking
and Finance, Islamic Microfinance, Islamic Philanthropy (Zakah and Waqf), and Halal Economy.

Aims and Scope

Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies provides a forum to promote the wide dissemination
of knowledge and research in various fields of Islamic Economics and Finance.
This journal encompasses research articles and conceptual papers in the areas:
 Islamic economics
 Islamic banking and finance
 Islamic microfinance
 Islamic philanthropy (zakat and waqf)
 Halal economy

Article Template :
Author Guidelines :
1. The paper must discuss the topics of Islamic Economics, Islamic Banking and Finance, Islamic
microfinance, Zakah, Waqf, Islamic Philanthropy, halal economy, or other related topics.
2. Ensure that the paper follows the journal template.
3. The paper should be between approximately 5000-8000 words including tables, figures,
references, and appendices intended for publication.
4. All submissions should be in Microsoft Word or RTF document file format.
5. The paper has never been published or submitted anywhere.
6. The paper is typed by considering the use of standard languages. It should be spell-checked by
the facility available, such as Grammarly.
7. The copy editor of the Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance Studies is responsible only for
minor typos and understandable grammatical errors
Jurnal Ekonika : Jurnal Ekonomi Universitas Kadiri publish by Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Kadiri. The
Journal of Ekonika first appeared in March 2016. Ekonika is a national scientific journal open to seeking
innovation, creativity, and novelty. Either letters, research notes, articles, supplemental articles, or
review articles in the field of :
 Economic Development
 Management
 Human Resource
 Accounting
 Entrepreneurship
 Finance
 Business
The journal is published twice a year, in April and September.
Author Guidelines
1. The journal must be written in Microsoft Office Word (doc/ docx/ rtf)
2. Abstract written in two language (English and Indonesian) 11pts
3. The font used is Book Antiqua, 12pts and 1,5 space, justified
4. The paper used is A4 with 3 cm of every margin,
5. The total page is 25, including references, table, and appendicitis
6. The writing used one column
7. The paper is the result of research
8. The writing used the Indonesia standard language
9. The foreign quotation is written in Indonesian standard language
10. Using researcher for the subject
11. Sentences taken from scientific writings in a foreign language are translated into standard
12. The pronoun uses "Researcher" Ex: The researcher is aware of the lack of ... ..: As the
background, the researcher takes the title ............
13. Use the tools for reference management, eg Mendeley.
14. The chapter title (16 pt bold, Book Antiqua, align left)
15. Do not use footnotes as a list of theory libraries.
16. Footnotes contain instructions on published journal data, along with the pages provided by
editorial sections
17. Minimal reference used was 5 reference date (at least 10 years of writing articles, unless the
discussion is limited) Content writing is not the responsibility of the editor and the editor
reserves the right to make changes and correct grammar every script that is loaded.

Article Template : https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1ra50Is4S1APLYQdgxO-

International Journal of Economics Development Research (IJEDR)

Focus and Scope : IJEDR focuses on economics, innovation, and investment fields. Dedicated to
enhancing the economic development of a country, region, and the world in general. It aims to publish
original articles, whether in the form of theoretical studies, empirical studies, or practical studies.

IJEDR is published three times a year (January, May, and September).

IJEDR invites papers on a wide range of topics, including the following (but not limited to these topics
 Economic growth
 Monetary and fiscal policy effect
 Innovation practices
 Innovation capability
 Innovation impact
 Financial econometrics
 Investment
 Banking
 International finance
 Stock Exchange

Author Guidelines
 Please download the manuscript template
 Please download the copyright statement
 Please upload the manuscript along with a copyright statement
 The paper should be submitted by the author via online submission.
 The content of the article should not be submitted simultaneously to another journal.

Template :
Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis JAGADITHA, 2355-4150 (Print ISSN), 2579-8162 (Electronic ISSN) is a journal of
economic and business published by Management Department, Postgraduate Program, Warmadewa
University, provides a forum for publishing research articles or review articles. This journal has been
distributed by Warmadewa press started from Volume 1 Number 1 Year 2014 to present. The scope of
the journal is restricted to the fields of Economic and Business Research. The journal is published twice a
year every march and September. To have the contents of this journal indexed within a globally
distributed system of research databases, we have OAI url:
https://ejournal.warmadewa.ac.id/index.php/jagaditha/oai. The language used in this journal is
Focus and Scope :
 Management Science
o Financial management
o International Business
o Entrepreneurship
 Economics
o Monetary Economics, Finance, and Banking
o International Economics
o Public Economics
o Economic development
o Regional Economy
 Accounting Sciences
o Taxation and Public Sector Accounting
o Accounting information system
o Auditing
o Financial Accounting
o Management accounting
o Behavioral accounting
Author Guideline :
General Author Guideline
All manuscripts must be submitted to Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis: JAGADITHA Editorial Office by Online
Submission at E-Journal portal address:
Where author register as Author and/or offered as Reviewer by online. If authors have any problems on
the online submission, please contact Editorial Office at the following email:
Manuscript must be written in English at least 10 pages and 13 pages of maximum including picture,
table, and diagram. The manuscript should be written based on the Jurnal Ekonomi & Bisnis:

Template :
Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis dan Ekonomi Asia will publish the Special Edition in December 2023. This special
edition will accommodate the best papers presented at conferences from several institutions in
Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis dan EKonomi Asia publishes three times a year in February, July and November.

Focus and Scope

The focus and scope of The Jurnal Ilmiah Bisnis dan Ekonomi Asia are to provide Academic and Scientific
writings in the field of Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship, Management, and Accounting.

The Guidelines For Writing Article

The article employs one-column format, one-and-half (1.5) space, uses A4 paper size, Arial typography,
11 points font size, except for tables, graphics, pictures, etc, which adjusts the author's requisite, or,
unless the formats are specified in each article section (eg. title, article information, abstract, references,
etc). The article consists of abstracts (both in English and Bahasa Indonesia), content, and references.
The table is presented in the middle of the text with its information aligned with the left margin and
located above the flat table placed above the table. The role applies to the pictures and graphs
presented. The entire article (including tables, and mathematical equations) is written in an editable
format for editors.

Template : https://docs.google.com/document/d/16_oGPwD7Taz-
Jurnal Akuntansi, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Bisnis published since July 2013 by the Center for Research
and Community Service of the State Polytechnic of Batam. Contains articles taken from research in
Accounting, Economics and Business management, published twice in July and December.

Focus and Scope :

 Macroeconomics
 Microeconomics
 Urban economy
 Property appraisal
 Islamic economists
 Banking financial institutions

Author Guidelines :

1. Paper Title
2. Authors Name and Affiliations
3. Abstract
4. Introduction
5. General Instructions
6. Style Guidelines and Topics
7. Conclusions
8. Acknowledgment
9. References
Jurnal Template : https://polbat-
Isoquant : Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi adalah jurnal yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas
Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo yang berkolaborasi dengan Lembaga Penelitian dan
Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Publikasi dilakukan dua
kali dalam setahun yakni setiap bulan April dan Oktober yang berjumlah 10 Artikel. Artikel yang terbit di
Isoquant merupakan hasil penelitian mahasiswa dalam bidang Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi.

Fokus dan Ruang Lingkup :

1. Ekonomi Pembangunan
2. Manajemen keuangan
3. Manajemen Pemasaran
4. Manajemen sumber daya manusia
5. Manajemen operasional
6. Manajemen strategik
7. Akuntansi Keuangan
8. Akuntansi Publik
9. Akuntansi Sektor Publik
10. Akuntansi Perpajakan
11. Sistem Informasi Akuntansi
12. Kewirausahaan
13. Perbankan

Pedoman Penulisan :
Pedoman umum teks manuskrip adalah sebagai berikut:
A. Naskah merupakan hasil penelitian otentik yang belum pernah dipublikasikan media publikasi lain
atau penerbit.
B. Naskah tidak mengandung unsur plagiarisme. Dewan redaksi akan langsung menolak teks yang
berindikasi plagiarisme.
C. Proses pengajuan dan publikasi gratis, tanpa biaya tambahan.
D. Naskah yang telah ditulis di bawah pedoman Isoquant: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi
(dalam format MS Word, gunakan template artikel ini) dan harus dikirimkan melalui Open Journal
System (OJS) pada Isoquant: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan Akuntansi ( ). Kemudian, mendaftar
sebagai salah satu penulis atau reviewer di bagian atas "Register"
E. Pedoman penulisan artikel naskah dan template dapat diunduh. Tersedia template dan panduan
penulisan artikel
dalam format MS Word (word)
F. Naskah online submission dapat dilihat di bagian online submission
pedoman di bawah ini.
G. Naskah yang tidak sesuai dengan pedoman penulisan Isoquant: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen, dan
akan dikembalikan kepada penulis sebelum proses review.
H. Naskah harus memuat beberapa aspek dari sebuah artikel ilmiah sebagai berikut:
(sub judul sesuai urutan), yaitu: (a) judul artikel, (b) nama penulis (no
gelar akademik), (c) alamat penulis terafiliasi (dari unit terkecil, alamat dan kode pos), (d) email penulis
(e) kalimat
abstrak dan kata kunci, (f) pendahuluan, (g) kajian pustaka, (h) metode penelitian
(i) hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, (j) kesimpulan, (k)
I. Subjudul disertakan dalam bagian pembahasan (Pengantar, Tinjauan Teoritis, Metode Penulisan, Hasil
dan Pembahasan, dan Kesimpulan) harus diberi angka di bagian Urutan penomoran dimulai dari huruf A.
Sub judul ditulis dengan huruf tebal dan format khusus judul ini menggunakan perataan teks kiri tanpa
garis bawah. Selanjutnya diperluas
sub judul harus ditulis dengan huruf tebal dan format kalimat, harus menggunakan perataan teks kiri
dan format penomoran level dua.
J. Naskah ditulis dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Naskah harus terdiri dari lima (5) sampai dua puluh lima (20)
halaman termasuk gambar dan tabel. Teks manuskrip harus ditulis sesuai dengan template artikel.
Artikel ditulis pada kertas berukuran A4 (210x297 mm),
dengan custom margin sbb: kiri 3 cm, kanan 2,5 cm, bawah 2,5 cm dan atas 2,5
K. Kata-kata dari bahasa yang tidak umum atau asing dinyatakan dalam format Italic. Untuk artikel
dalam bahasa Indonesia, istilah atau kata-kata asing harus dihindari. Setiap paragraf dimulai 10mm dari
batas sisi kiri sementara tidak ada spasi di antaranya paragraf. Semua angka ditulis dalam format angka,
kecuali yang baru
L. Tabel dan gambar ditempatkan di grup teks setelah tabel atau gambar yang direferensikan foto-foto.
Setiap gambar harus diberi keterangan (Figure Caption) di bawah gambar dan diberi nomor dengan
format penomoran diikuti dengan judul gambar. Setiap tabelharus diberi judul tabel (Table Caption) dan
diberi nomor dengan format penomoran
di atas tabel diikuti dengan judul tabel. Lampiran gambar seharusnya bisa dicetak dengan baik (ukuran
font, resolusi dan spasi baris terlihat jelas). Gambar, tabel, dan bagan harus diletakkan di tengah antar
kelompok teks. Jika ukurannya lebih besar, bisa diletakkan di tengah halaman. Tabel tidak boleh
mengandung garis vertikal, sedangkan garis horizontal hanya diperbolehkan untuk poin penting.

Template : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y37PDLTfvxvsEEH7-0k7lwFjMrPiaLRq/view?pli=1
FORUM EKONOMI: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi
is a scientific journal in the field of economics and management published four times a year. January,
April, July & October.


 Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Organizational Behavior, Corporate
Governance, Strategic Management, Operations Management, Change
Management, Management ,Information Systems, Public Policy, Management
Accounting, Business Law, Industrial Relations, Management of Sharia, Green Management,
and Entrepreneurship.

Author Guidelines :

The general guidelines of the text of the manuscript are as follows:

1. The manuscript is the result of authentic research that has not been published in other
publications or publishers.
2. The text of the manuscript should be written as a template for this article. This article is written
on A4 sized paper (210x297 mm), with special margins as follows: left 25 mm, right 20 mm,
bottom 20 mm and top 30 mm, Time New Roman theme font, 12pt font size, and 1.5 line
3. The manuscript is typed using the Microsoft Word program on A4 paper, about 6,000-7,000
words including numbers, tables, and references.
4. The manuscript does not contain any element of plagiarism. The editorial board will directly
reject texts that show plagiarism. We use plagiarism software to check your manuscript.
5. Manuscripts that have been written based on FORUM EKONOMI: Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen
dan Akuntansi (in MS Word format, use this article template) must be submitted through the
Online Submission System using the Open Journal System (OJS) on the portal FORUM EKONOMI:
Jurnal Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Akuntansi E-journal
(https://journal.feb.unmul.ac.id/index.php/kinerja. FORUM EKONOMI: Jurnal Ekonomi,
Manajemen dan Akuntansi just choose one procedure. Then, list it as one of the authors or
reviewers at the bottom of the "List".
6. Manuscript article writing guidelines and templates can be downloaded. Template and article
writing guidelines are available in MS Word (.doc) format.
7. Online submission of manuscripts can be seen in the online submission guidelines section
8. Manuscripts that do not comply with the KINERJA writing guidelines: The Journal of Economics
and Management will be returned to the author prior to the review process.
9. The manuscript must contain several aspects of the scientific article as follows: (subheadings in
order), namely: (a) article title, (b) author name (without academic title), (c) address of affiliated
author, (d) author's email (e) abstract and keywords, (f) introduction, (g) method, (h) results and
discussion, (i) conclusion, (j) bibliography.
10. Subheadings included in the discussion section (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion,
and Impulses) should not be numbered. Subtitles are written in bold and title format. It uses left
text alignment without underscores. The next expanded subtitle should be written in bold and
sentence format, It should use left text alignment and second-level numbering format.
11. Words from foreign or uncommon languages are expressed in Italic format. Each paragraph
starts 10mm from the left side border while there is no space between the paragraphs. All
numbers are written in Arabic numbering format, except for new sentences.
12. Tables and images are placed in text groups after the referenced table or image. Each image
must be captioned and sourced (Figure Caption) below the image and numbered in Arabic
numbering format followed by the image title. Each table must be titled a table (Table Caption)
and numbered in Arabic numbering format above the table followed by the table and source
headings below the table. Image attachments should be guaranteed that they can be printed
well in black and white ink (font size, resolution and line space are clearly visible). Images,
tables, and charts should be placed in the center between text groups. If it has a larger size, it
can be placed in the center of the page. The table cannot contain vertical lines, while horizontal
lines are allowed only for important points.

Template : https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=17dy_8BXDBAyN2vZQeDlm2fUFluwQQ-
Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan (JEP) published by Pusat Pengkajian Ekonomi dan Kebijakan Publik
(PPEKP), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Malang. This journal is used
as a source of information about scientific works in the field of development economics for every
academician, researcher, lecturer and activist, and other authors.

Aim Scope : Jurnal Ekonomi Pembangunan (JEP) is focused on the research (Empirical Study) or
conceptual articles in economic science, which consists of:
 Development Planning
 Regional Economics
 Public Economics
 Industrial Economics
 Institutional Economics
 International Economics
 Islamic Economics
 Finance and Banking
Author Guidelines :
Authorship of the Paper
Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception,
design, execution, or interpretation of the reported study. All those who have made significant
contributions should be listed as co-authors. Where there are others who have participated in certain
substantive aspects of the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as contributors. The
corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are
included on the paper and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and
have agreed to its submission for publication.

Template : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YDLWH-qbVw3pN406l-

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