Cog 602 Pe Portfolio Template Xiaoman Yang

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University of the Visayas


Colon Cor, Jakosalem St., Cebu City,





Activite 1

1.What is the best assessment suited for hybrid Learners? If
any, please elaborate and give concrete examples.
The best assessment suited for hybrid learners is one that combines
both traditional assessment methods and digital tools to
accommodate the unique learning environment of hybrid learning.
Here are some assessment strategies that work well for hybrid
learners along with concrete examples:
 Online Quizzes and Tests: Use platforms like Google Forms,
Kahoot, or Quizlet to create interactive quizzes and tests that
students can access remotely. These assessments can include
multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank exercises, and short-
answer questions. For example, in a physical education course,
you can create a quiz on different sports rules and regulations.
 Video Submissions: Ask students to record themselves
performing physical activities or demonstrating skills related to
the course content. For instance, students can record a video of
themselves performing a yoga sequence or demonstrating proper
basketball shooting techniques.
 Discussion Boards: Create online discussion boards where
students can engage in discussions about various topics related
to physical education. You can pose questions about fitness
strategies, sports psychology, or the benefits of regular exercise.
Encourage students to share their opinions, experiences, and
 Peer Assessments: Implement peer assessment activities
where students evaluate and provide feedback on each other's
work. For example, students can review and provide constructive
feedback on their peers' workout routines or sports technique
 Portfolio Projects: Assign portfolio projects where students
compile and showcase their learning journey throughout the

course. This can include reflections, goal-setting exercises,
progress reports, and evidence of skill development. For instance,
students can create a digital portfolio showcasing their fitness
goals, achievements, and reflections on their physical education
By integrating these assessment strategies, you can create a
dynamic and engaging assessment environment that caters to the
needs of hybrid learners in physical education courses.

2. What are the salient features to consider in

making assessments?


 Clear and Explicit Goals and Standards

Define clear learning objectives, including knowledge, skills, and
understanding levels, to ensure that the assessment process
accurately reflects students' learning outcomes.Establish assessment
criteria, which are specific standards and indicators used to measure
student performance during assessment, such as correctness of
answers to specific questions, application of skills, etc.
 Diverse Assessment Methods
Combine different types of assessment methods, such as written
tests (e.g., multiple-choice questions, fill-in-the-blank), oral
expressions ( e.g., verbal responses, speeches), project assignments
(e.g., lab reports, creative projects), and practical demonstrations
(e.g., performances, lab experiments).This approach allows for a
comprehensive assessment of students' various abilities, including
knowledge comprehension, application skills, critical thinking,
communication skills, etc.
 Combination of Objective and Subjective Assessment
Combine objective assessment (e.g., multiple-choice questions, fill-in
-the-blank) and subjective assessment (e.g., essay questions,
project assignment grading) to obtain more comprehensive and
accurate assessment results. This combination enables a holistic
evaluation, avoiding limitations that may arise from relying solely on
one type of assessment method.
 Timely Feedback
Provide timely and specific feedback, indicating areas where
students excel and areas needing improvement, to promote
students' self-awareness and reflection on their learning. Feedback

should be constructive, including specific suggestions and guidance
to help students improve effectively.
 Flexibility
Adjust assessment methods and arrangements flexibly based on
individual differences and learning needs, such as providing
personalized assessment plans for students with special needs or
choosing appropriate assessment methods based on students'
learning styles.
 Fairness
Ensure fairness and impartiality in the assessment process, avoiding
biases or discrimination, such as avoiding exam content that favors
certain student groups or grading based on personal
preferences.Take measures to ensure fairness in assessment, such
as establishing clear grading criteria, randomizing question orders.
 Data-Driven Decision Making
Utilize assessment data for analysis and decision-making, such as
analyzing student assessment results, identifying learning
bottlenecks, and implementing targeted teaching strategies. Data-
driven decision-making helps teachers better understand students'
learning needs and issues, making effective teaching adjustments.
View assessment as a continuous process rather than a one-time
event, using ongoing assessment and feedback to help students
continuously improve and develop.Continuous assessment promotes
students' ongoing learning and growth, ensuring they continue to
improve and progress throughout their learning journey.

3. What are the differences between the scope of policies
guidelines implemented in basic education and higher
In the Philippines, there are several differences in the scope of
policies and guidelines implemented in basic education and higher
education. Here are the main differences:
 Educational Objectives and Focus
Policies and guidelines in basic education often focus on ensuring
that all students acquire fundamental learning skills and knowledge
such as reading, writing, arithmetic, as well as holistic development
qualities including physical education, arts, social skills, etc.
Policies and guidelines in higher education are more specialized,
emphasizing the cultivation of subject knowledge and professional
skills to provide students with comprehensive academic and career
development support.
 Curriculum Design and Teaching Methods
Policies and guidelines in basic education typically cover a
comprehensive curriculum design, including core subjects (e.g.,
language, mathematics, science) and elective courses (e.g.,
physical education, arts, technology), and encourage the use of
diverse teaching methods and resources.
Policies and guidelines in higher education place more emphasis on
subject depth and professionalism, often including specialized
course offerings, practical teaching, internships, etc., to develop
students' professional skills and professional ethics.
 Assessment and Certification
Policies and guidelines in basic education typically focus on
comprehensive assessment of students' academic abilities and

overall qualities, such as subject exams, project assignments, oral
expressions, etc., and issue basic education certificates or diplomas.
Policies and guidelines in higher education emphasize the
assessment of academic research and professional practical abilities,
such as thesis writing, lab reports, internship evaluations, etc., and
issue bachelor's, master's, doctoral degrees, etc.
 Student Support and Development
Policies and guidelines in basic education often emphasize students'
holistic development and personalized support, such as student
counseling, career planning, mental health services, etc.
Policies and guidelines in higher education focus more on academic
and career development support, such as academic guidance,
career mentors, internship opportunities, etc., to help students
transition smoothly into their professional careers.
Overall, policies and guidelines in basic education and higher
education differ in educational objectives, curriculum design,
assessment methods, and student support and development,
reflecting the different educational needs and focuses of these two

Activite 2
1. Which phase of assessment involves administering
quizzes, tests, or projects at the end of a unit or period of
The phase of assessment that involves administering quizzes, tests,
or projects at the end of a unit or period of instruction is called
summative assessment
The summative assessment phase involves administering quizzes,
tests, or projects at the end of a unit or period of instruction. Its
purpose is to assess students' overall understanding and mastery of
the content learned during that unit or period. Here are some
characteristics and examples of the summative assessment phase:
 Exams and Quizzes Students take exams or quizzes at the end
of the learning period to test their understanding and recall of
the material learned. For example, a math course may have a
final exam covering the mathematical knowledge and skills
taught throughout the semester.
 Project Assignments Students complete project assignments
to demonstrate their knowledge and skills acquired during the
learning period. For instance, a final project in a history course
might require students to write a research paper analyzing the
impact and significance of a specific historical event.
 Comprehensive AssessmentComprehensive assessments
involve evaluating students across multiple dimensions to assess
their mastery of the content learned throughout the learning
period. For example, a final assessment in an art course might
include a showcase of artwork, oral explanations, and written

2. How to design an authentic assessment? What is being
focused on this kind of assessment?
Designing an authentic assessment involves creating tasks or
activities that reflect real-world scenarios and require students to
apply their knowledge and skills in authentic contexts. The focus of
authentic assessment is on assessing students' ability to transfer
their learning to meaningful and relevant situations, rather than just
regurgitating memorized information. Here are steps and key
focuses for designing an authentic assessment:
 Identify Learning Goals: Clearly define the learning objectives
and outcomes you want to assess. These goals should align with
the curriculum and reflect what students are expected to know
and be able to do.
 Choose Real-World Tasks: Select tasks or activities that
mirror tasks students may encounter in real-life situations
related to the subject matter. These tasks should be authentic,
meaningful, and relevant to students' lives or future careers.
 Provide Context: Provide students with the necessary context
and background information for the task. This could include case
studies, scenarios, problems, or projects that mimic real-world
 Encourage Critical Thinking: Design tasks that require
students to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information.
Encourage critical thinking skills such as problem-solving,
decision-making, and creative thinking.
 Allow for Creativity and Choice: Offer students opportunities
to demonstrate their understanding in creative ways. Allow for
flexibility and choice in how they approach and complete the
assessment, fostering autonomy and engagement.
 Provide Feedback and Reflection: Offer constructive
feedback to students throughout the assessment process.

Encourage self-reflection and self-assessment, where students
can evaluate their own work against established criteria and set
goals for improvement.
By focusing on these key elements, authentic assessment promotes
deeper learning, critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and the
ability to apply knowledge in real-world situations, preparing
students for success beyond the classroom.

3. How can Higher Order Thinking Assessment be effectively

implemented in a physical education course?


mplementing higher-order thinking assessment effectively in a

physical education course is crucial for fostering students' critical
thinking and problem-solving skills. Here are key strategies to
achieve this goal:
 Design Complex Tasks: Create tasks or challenges that
require students to apply knowledge and skills in real-world
contexts. For example, design a complex sports project that
requires students to develop training plans and solve challenging
 Encourage Student Reflection: Guide students to analyze
their performance, identify strengths and areas for improvement,
and develop plans for enhancement. Reflection promotes self-
awareness and learning motivation.
 Integrate Decision-Making Scenarios: Incorporate real-
world scenarios or simulations that prompt students to make
decisions based on information and objectives. For instance, in a
simulated competition, students need to devise tactics and
adjust strategies.
 Foster Collaboration and Communication: Design team
projects or cooperative tasks that encourage students to
collaborate in problem-solving and share ideas. Collaboration
enhances teamwork and critical thinking.
 Utilize Authentic Assessment Tools: Employ assessment
tools that reflect real-world contexts, such as performance
evaluations, field observations, and case analyses. These tools
comprehensively assess students' integrated abilities and
practical application skills.

Activite 3
1. How do rubrics help in assessing students' skills and
performance in physical education?

 Providing Clear Standards and Expectations: Rubrics offer

clear assessment standards and expectations for both students
and educators. They outline the criteria for success, including
requirements for skills, knowledge, and performance. This clarity
helps students understand the level they should achieve and
guides educators, making the assessment process more fair and
 Promoting Consistency and Fairness: Rubrics ensure
consistency and fairness in the assessment process. They
provide the same assessment standards for all students,
reducing subjectivity and bias. This ensures that each student is
evaluated against the same criteria, increasing the reliability and
comparability of assessment outcomes.
 Encouraging Self-Assessment and Reflection: Rubrics
enable students to self-assess and reflect on their performance.
Students can evaluate their skills and knowledge levels based on
the rubric criteria, identify strengths, and areas for improvement.
This reflection helps students enhance self-awareness and self-
management skills, promoting learning and growth.
In conclusion, rubrics play a crucial role in physical education
assessment. They provide clear standards and expectations,
promote consistency and fairness, and encourage self-assessment
and reflection. Effective use of rubrics can help educators better
assess students' skills and performance, fostering student learning
and development.

2.In what ways can technology be integrated into assessment
practices in physical education?
Integrating technology into physical education assessment practices
can enhance objectivity, personalize learning, stimulate student
engagement, provide real-time feedback, and expand assessment
dimensions. There are many ways to incorporate technology, such
 Video Analysis Tools: Incorporate video analysis tools to
assess students' performance in sports and physical activities.
These tools allow educators to record, playback, and analyze
students' movements, techniques, and skills. By reviewing
videos, educators can provide specific feedback, identify areas
for improvement, and track progress over time.
 Fitness Tracking Devices: Utilize fitness tracking devices such
as wearable technology or mobile apps to monitor students'
physical activity levels, heart rate, calories burned, and other
health-related metrics. This data can be used for ongoing
assessment of students' fitness progress, setting personalized
goals, and adjusting fitness programs as needed.
 Online Assessment Platforms: Implement online assessment
platforms to conduct quizzes, tests, and surveys related to
sports rules, strategies, and health concepts. These platforms
offer interactive assessments, immediate feedback to students,
and data analytics for educators to analyze performance trends
and identify learning gaps.
 Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR):
Integrate VR and AR technologies to create immersive learning
experiences and simulations for sports training and skill
development. VR can simulate realistic game scenarios, while AR
can overlay digital information onto real-world environments,

providing interactive assessments of tactical thinking, decision-
making, and problem-solving skills in sports.
By leveraging these technological tools and platforms, educators
can enhance the assessment practices in physical education,
promote personalized learning experiences, and provide valuable
insights into students' progress and performance.

4. How do Filipino physical education teachers currently
assess students' performance and progress in PE classes?
Filipino physical education (PE) teachers typically assess students'
performance and progress in PE classes using a variety of methods.
Some common assessment practices include:
 Skills-Based Assessments: PE teachers assess students'
proficiency in specific skills related to various sports and physical
activities. This may involve observing students' performance
during drills, exercises, and game simulations to evaluate their
technique, coordination, agility, and overall skill level.
 Fitness Assessments: Teachers use fitness assessments to
measure students' physical fitness levels, such as cardiovascular
endurance, muscular strength, flexibility, and body composition.
This may include conducting fitness tests like the beep test,
push-ups, sit-ups, and flexibility tests to gauge students' fitness
 Performance Tasks and Projects: Teachers assign
performance tasks and projects that require students to
demonstrate their understanding of sports rules, strategies, and
concepts. These tasks may include creating and presenting
sports-related projects, designing fitness programs, or analyzing
game strategies.
 Written Examinations: PE teachers may administer written
examinations to assess students' knowledge of sports rules,
history, safety guidelines, and health-related topics. Exams may
include multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and
essays to evaluate students' understanding and application of
theoretical concepts.
 Self-Assessment and Reflection: Teachers encourage
students to engage in self-assessment and reflection activities,
where students evaluate their own performance, set personal

goals, and reflect on their learning experiences in PE classes.
This promotes self-awareness, goal setting, and continuous
 Peer Assessment: Teachers may also incorporate peer
assessment, where students provide feedback and evaluate each
other's performance during group activities, games, or sports
drills. Peer assessment promotes collaboration, communication,
and social skills development among students.
Overall, Filipino PE teachers use a combination of skills-based
assessments, fitness assessments, performance tasks, written
examinations, self-assessment, reflection, and peer assessment to
comprehensively assess students' performance and progress in PE
classes. These varied assessment methods help teachers gain a
holistic understanding of students' abilities, promote continuous
improvement, and support students' overall development in
physical education.

Activity 4
1. How can peer mentoring programs be utilized as an

intervention strategy to promote gender inclusive physical

education environments?

Peer mentoring programs can be utilized as an intervention strategy
to promote gender-inclusive physical education environments in
several ways:
 Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: Peer mentoring
programs can pair students of different genders to work
together, promoting diversity and inclusion in physical education
settings. This fosters mutual respect, understanding, and
collaboration among students of various backgrounds.
 Challenging Gender Stereotypes: Mentoring programs can
challenge traditional gender stereotypes by encouraging
students to participate in a wide range of sports and physical
activities regardless of gender norms. Mentors can serve as role
models who challenge stereotypes and promote equal
opportunities for all students.
 Building Confidence and Self-Esteem: Mentoring programs
can help build confidence and self-esteem in students, especially
those who may feel marginalized or excluded due to gender-
related issues. Mentors can empower mentees by providing
positive feedback, constructive criticism, and opportunities for
skill development.
 Encouraging Leadership and Advocacy: Mentoring programs
can encourage students to become leaders and advocates for
gender equality in physical education and beyond. Mentors can
empower mentees to speak up against discrimination, advocate

for inclusive policies, and promote positive change within their
school community.
By utilizing peer mentoring programs as an intervention strategy,
educators can create gender-inclusive physical education
environments that promote diversity, challenge stereotypes, create
safe spaces, build confidence, address issues of bullying and
harassment, and encourage leadership and advocacy among

2. What intervention strategy and technique could be best
applied in a heterogenous class?
In a heterogeneous class with diverse learning needs and abilities,
an effective intervention strategy that can be best applied is
differentiated instruction. Differentiated instruction is a teaching
approach that aims to tailor instruction and assessment to meet the
individual needs, interests, and learning styles of students within
the same classroom.
Here are some techniques and practices within differentiated
instruction that can be applied in a heterogeneous class:
 Flexible Grouping: Group students flexibly based on their
learning needs and abilities. This can include small group
instruction, peer tutoring, collaborative learning activities, or
one-on-one support sessions.
 Varied Learning Materials: Provide a variety of learning
materials, resources, and instructional strategies to
accommodate different learning styles and preferences. This can
include visual aids, hands-on activities, multimedia
presentations, and technology-enhanced learning tools.
 Adjusting Content Complexity: Modify the complexity of the
content or tasks based on students' readiness levels. Provide
additional support or challenge for students as needed to ensure
meaningful learning experiences for all.
 Differentiated Assignments: Offer differentiated assignments
or projects that allow students to demonstrate their
understanding and skills at their own pace and level. Provide
options for students to choose tasks that align with their
interests and strengths.
 Assessment for Learning: Use formative assessment
techniques to gather ongoing feedback on students' progress

and understanding. Adjust instruction and provide targeted
support or enrichment based on assessment data.
 Scaffolded Instruction: Provide scaffolding and support
gradually as students work towards mastery of learning
objectives. Break down complex tasks into smaller steps,
provide guided practice, and offer opportunities for students to
build on prior knowledge.
 Personalized Learning Plans: Develop personalized learning
plans or goals for individual students based on their strengths,
needs, and interests. Monitor progress and adjust instruction
accordingly to ensure continuous growth and achievement.
By implementing differentiated instruction techniques and practices,
teachers can effectively address the diverse learning needs and
abilities in a heterogeneous class, promote student engagement and
success, and create an inclusive learning environment where all
students can thrive.

3. How can physical education teachers employ intervention
strategies and techniques to address specific challenges or
barriers students may face in achieving their physical,
mental, and emotional well-being goals?
Physical education teachers can employ intervention strategies and
techniques to address specific challenges or barriers that students
may face in achieving their physical, mental, and emotional well-
being goals. By adopting a holistic approach, teachers can create
inclusive and supportive environments that promote overall well-
being. Here is an overview of how intervention strategies can be
 Assessing Individual Needs: Start by assessing each
student's unique needs, strengths, and challenges related to
physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This may involve
conducting surveys, interviews, or observations to gather
relevant information.
 Setting Realistic Goals: Work with students to set realistic and
achievable goals for their physical, mental, and emotional well-
being. Goals should be specific, measurable, and tailored to each
student's abilities and interests.
 Implementing Personalized Plans: Develop personalized
intervention plans based on students' individual needs and goals.
These plans may include a combination of physical activities,
mental health strategies, and emotional regulation techniques.
 Providing Skill-Based Training: Offer skill-based training in
areas such as stress management, conflict resolution,
mindfulness, and emotional resilience. Teach students practical
skills they can use to cope with challenges and enhance their

 Promoting Physical Activity: Design physical education
lessons that promote regular physical activity and exercise.
Incorporate a variety of activities to cater to different interests
and abilities, and encourage students to engage in active
lifestyles outside of school.
 Offering Supportive Resources: Provide access to supportive
resources such as counseling services, mental health workshops,
and community programs. Collaborate with school counselors,
health professionals, and community organizations to offer
comprehensive support.
 Fostering a Positive Environment: Create a positive and
inclusive learning environment where students feel safe,
respected, and valued. Encourage open communication,
empathy, and peer support among students.
 Monitoring Progress and Adjusting Plans: Continuously
monitor students' progress towards their well-being goals and
adjust intervention plans as needed. Celebrate successes,
provide feedback, and offer additional support or modifications
as necessary.
By employing these intervention strategies and techniques, physical
education teachers can play a vital role in helping students
overcome challenges and barriers to achieve their physical, mental,
and emotional well-being goals. Through personalized support, skill
development, and fostering a positive environment, teachers can
empower students to lead healthier and happier lives.

Activite 5
1. What are the key components of an integrated approach
to physical activity intervention in schools?
Certainly, here are the key components of an integrated approach
to physical activity intervention in schools, summarized into four
 Curriculum Integration and Physical Education Programs:
Integrate physical activity into the school curriculum across
subjects and grades. This includes incorporating movement
breaks, active learning strategies, and comprehensive physical
education programs that focus on motor skills, fitness, and
 Active Transportation and Environmental Modifications:
Encourage active transportation methods like walking or biking
to school and create a supportive physical environment with
playgrounds, sports facilities, and recreational spaces that
promote physical activity.
 Recess and Break Time Activities: Provide structured and
unstructured physical activity opportunities during recess and
break times, incorporating games, sports, and active play
options to keep students physically active throughout the school
 Health Education and Community Partnerships: Integrate
health education initiatives emphasizing the benefits of regular
physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Collaborate with
community organizations, local governments, and healthcare
providers to support physical activity initiatives and provide
resources for students both in and outside of school.

2.How physical activity can improve students academic

performance in the classroom?

 Enhanced Cognitive Functioning: Regular physical activity
has been linked to improved cognitive functioning, including
enhanced attention, concentration, memory, and problem-
solving skills. When students engage in physical activity, it
increases blood flow and oxygen delivery to the brain, which
can positively impact their ability to focus and retain
information in the classroom.
 Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Physical activity is known to
reduce stress and anxiety levels among students. Exercise
stimulates the release of endorphins, which are natural mood
lifters and stress reducers. When students participate in
physical activities, they experience lower levels of stress and
anxiety, leading to a more positive mental state that can
improve their academic performance and overall well-being.
 Better Academic Engagement and Behavior: Engaging in
regular physical activity has been shown to improve students'
academic engagement and behavior in the classroom. Active
students tend to exhibit better behavior, such as increased
participation, cooperation, and motivation to learn. Physical
activity breaks during the school day can also help students
refocus their attention, leading to improved academic
performance and productivity.
Overall, incorporating physical activity into students' daily routines
can have a positive impact on their academic performance by
enhancing cognitive functioning, reducing stress and anxiety, and
promoting better academic engagement and behavior in the

3. How can schools effectively design and implement a

comprehensive physical activity intervention that Integrates

various strategies and techniques in Physical Education to

promote long-term engagement and improved health

outcomes among students?

Schools can effectively design and implement a comprehensive
physical activity intervention by integrating various strategies and
techniques in Physical Education to promote long-term engagement
and improved health outcomes among students.
The first step is to assess the specific needs, interests, and abilities
of students related to physical activity. This can involve surveys,
fitness assessments, and discussions with students to understand
their preferences and goals. Based on this assessment, schools can
develop a comprehensive physical activity program that includes a
variety of activities and strategies to cater to different needs and
preferences. This program should encompass structured physical
education classes, extracurricular sports and activities, wellness
initiatives, and active breaks during the school day.
Integrating a wide range of physical activities into the program,
including team sports, individual fitness challenges, recreational
games, dance, yoga, and outdoor adventures, can provide options
for students to choose activities that align with their interests and
abilities. Using active learning strategies in Physical Education
classes, such as gamification, problem-solving activities, peer
teaching, and technology-enhanced learning tools, can enhance
participation and motivation.
Creating supportive environments that encourage physical activity
both inside and outside of school is essential. This includes

providing access to sports facilities, playgrounds, walking trails,
and bike racks, as well as promoting safe and active transportation
methods. Schools should also educate students about the
importance of physical activity for overall health and well-being and
empower them with knowledge, skills, and resources to make
healthy lifestyle choices.
Engaging families, community organizations, local businesses, and
healthcare providers in supporting physical activity initiatives is
another key aspect. Collaborating on events, workshops, and
resources that promote physical activity can encourage a culture of
health and wellness within the school community.
Continuous monitoring and evaluation of the physical activity
intervention, including data collection on participation rates, fitness
levels, student engagement, and health outcomes, are necessary to
assess progress and make adjustments as needed. By integrating
these strategies and techniques into a comprehensive approach,
schools can promote long-term engagement and improved health
outcomes among students, fostering a culture of health and well-


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