Economy & Employment Stats, Facts and Figures

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Economy & employment stats, facts and figures

Following are various stats, facts and figures on the economy and employment in India , picked out of newspapers (mainly Hindustan Times), magazines (mainly India Today), the BBC and various sources on the web. These figures are not meant to be comprehensive lists, but rather statistical trivia or factual snippets. For basic general facts and figures about India as well as several Indian states, please see the Quick Reference popups on the right hand side of this page, or go to the main page of India statistics, facts and figures . For a full list of links to our statistics pages, see the About India index or the bottom of the right navigation bar on this page. The stats on this page are divided into following sections: Figures on employment Data on employment in IT & BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Statistics on income, wages, labour force etc Indian IT industry & BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) related data Statistics on economic growth and GDP in India Data on government income and spending Various economic statistics and figures Stats on Indian import, export and domestic market Lines marked with an asterisk (*) are recently added entries.

some figures on employment - number of regular employees of Indian Railways in 1997: 1,583,614 (standing world record 2004) [GWR] - number of people applying for 22,000 jobs advertised by the Indian Railway (2003): 740,000 - planned number of staff of Reuters news agency to work in Bangalore by 2006: 1,500 (or 10 % of Reuter's total workforce) [BBC Oct 04] - number of Dalits employed to clean toilet pits (& remove night soil) in Bangalore: 10,000 - 15,000 estimate [BBC; Sep 2002]

- working population: 699.9 million [GTF; 2005] - domestic workers in India: 14 million [approx 2003] - women employed in rural areas: 31 % [approx 2003] - women employed in cities: 11 % [approx 2003] - people registered as unemployed with 936 employment exchanges: 41.6 million (beginning 2004) - * people employed: about 480 million [AT Jan 07] - unemployment in Himachal Pradesh: 120,000 people or 20 % [HT Apr 04] - employment in the unorganised sector: 91.39 % of work force [approx 2003] - employed in agriculture: 50 % (2003) - employment growth in agriculture: 0.01 % (2003) employment in IT and BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) - * number of people employed in overall IT industry in India (end 2006): 1.3 million directly -- 3 million indirectly [BBC Jan 07] - staff employed in ITES-BPO : 2002/03: 171,100 -- 2003/04: 245,100 (ITES-BPO: IT enabled Services - Business Process Outsourcing) [GTF; 2005] - staff employed in outsourced customer service: 2002/03: 65,000 - 2003/04: 95,000 [GTF; 2005] - annual employee attrition (staff turnover) in voice based BPO (i.e. outsourced call centres): up to 70-80% in some voice BPOs [GTF; Jan 2006 - * number of people applying at Infosys in Bangalore: 1.4 million in 2006 [BBC Jan 07] - * number of workers hired by Infosys in Bangalore per year: 30,000 [BBC Jan 07] - * people employed by three major Indian IT firms (Infosys, Wipro, TCS): 2006: between 52,000 and 83,000 each-- 2001: between 10,000 and 20,000 each -1996: between 1,000 and 9,000 each [BBC Jan 07] - * people employed abroad by major IT firms: Wipro: 11,000 -TCS: 20,000 [BBC Jan 07] - annual salary hike in IT services 2003: 14% [2004] - * levels of pay for legal professionals in India as used in LPO (Legal Process Outsourcing): 10% - 15% of that of US lawyers [DNA May 06] - * standard salary for call centre worker in India: around 1.2 lakh

Rs (120,000Rs or 1,600 GBP) per year or 10,000 Rs per year [BBC Jan 07] - call centre salary in Gurgaon (in the state of Haryana, but more considered a suburb of Delhi): 8,000 to 14,000 Rupees per month [2004] - * number of members of WBITSA (West Bengali organisation representing IT worker's rights): 500 [BBC Jan 07] - * number of IT workers in West Bengal: 2006: 40,000 (incl. call centre staff) [BBC Jan 07] -- 2004: 20,000 [BBC Oct 04] statistics on income, wages, labour force etc - average per capita income (GNI): 470 US Dollar (2003) - average per capita income in Bihar: 4,616 Rupees (approx 80 Euro) - official minimum wage in Jammu & Kashmir state: 1,800 Rs per month (or 60 Rupees per day, equiv to 1.2 Euro per day) for simple labourer - official minimum wage in Himachal Pradesh: 65 Rupees per day (simple labourer) - population living on less than 2 USD per day: 41.4 percent [v2020; Apr 2003] - average monthly wage: 179 USD [GTF; 2005] - India's working age population (15-60 years): 610 million (estimate 2003) - growth of India's labour force: 1.9 % per year [BBC Jul 04] - growth of job creation between 1994-2000: 1.07 % per annum - estimate of wage increase over the next four decades: 800 % (estimate by IMF) [BBC Jul 04] - number of cabin crew working for Air India: 1,600 [BBC, Jan 2006] - salary of senior Air Hostess in India: up to 75,000 Rs per month [BBC, Jan 2006] - percentage of Air India's cabin crew being overweight or obese: 20 % [BBC, Jan 06] - expected increase of passengers in the Indian aviation market: approx 45 million over next 5 years [BBC, Jan 2006] - monthly salary of 5 year old Police Officer in Chattisgarh: 2,500 Rs (the boy took over the job from his father when he died, responsible for filing and bringing tea) [BBC, Sep 2005]

- number of children working in Tamil Nadu districts of Kanchipuram and Thiruvanamalai in silk industry: 10,000 estimate [BBC; Aug 2005] - Indian child labourers: between 10.25 % to 19.90 % of all Indian children aged 9-15 [BBC; Aug 2005] Indian IT industry & outsourcing / off-shoring (BPO) related data - * contribution to India's GDP by Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): estimated for Financial Year 2007: 5.4% -- Financial Year 2006: 4.8% [FE Jan 07] - * exports of BPO services: 2006: 13bn GBP -- expected 2010: 30bn GBP [BBC Jan 07] - * export of software services and IT-BPO in financial year 200607 according to Nasscom: approx 16.3bn GBP (31bn USD) [FE Jan 07] - * increase of world wide share of the global outsourcing market by Indian companies: within the last 4 years from 0.5% to 7% [BBC Jan 07] - revenue from BPO & call centres in fiscal year 2004-05: 5.2bn USD [c/net; Jun 05] - revenue from export of software and services industry in fiscal year 2004-05: 17.2bn USD [c/net; Jun 2005] - total revenue in software industry in fiscal year 2003-04: 15.9bn USD [GTF; 2005] - export of goods and services of India's IT and outsourcing industries in fiscal year 2003-04: 7 billion GBP [BBC sep 04] - revenue percentage of software industry exports 2003-04: 78% [GTF; 2005] - contribution of outsourcing to India's total software exports: 29 % [BBC sep 04] - Bangalore's (Karnataka's state capital) revenue from overseas outsourcing: 32 % of India's total overseas outsourcing revenue of 10 bn Euro [BBC Sep 04] - * value of shares sold in 1999 by Bangalore based company Infosys: approx 37 million GBP [BBC Jan 07] - * current market value of major IT firms: Infosys: 17 billion GBP -Wipro: 13bn GBP -- TCS: 13bn GBP (all figures approximately, with exchange rate

1.9 USD = 1 GBP) [BBC Jan 07] - * current annual revenue of major IT firms: Infosys: 1.1 billion GBP -Wipro: 1.2bn GBP -- TCS: 1.6bn GBP (all figures approximately, with exchange rate 1.9 USD = 1 GBP) [BBC Jan 07] - * area of the Infosys campus in Bangalore: 40 acres [BBC Jan 07] - * number of major international companies which have IT operations in Bangalore: more than 500 [BBC Jan 07] - * concentration of IT sector in Bangalore: 40 percent of the whole of India's IT industry [BBC Jan 07] - * population in Bangalore: estimate for 2015: 10m -- 2006: 6.5m -- 1990: 2.8m -1970: 1.6m [BBC Jan 07] - * expected future share by India of the emerging global KPO market: 70% of the estimated 17bn USD global KPO market (KPO: Knowledge Process Outsourcing) [DNA May 06] more on e-commerce on telecom & IT stats page statistics on economic growth and GDP in India - * growth of Indian economy for 2006-07: approx 9% [BBC Jan 07] - * growth of Indian economy or GDP (Gross Domestic Product): 2005-06: 9% -2006-07: 7.4% [DNA Jan 07] - * economic growth in the manufacturing and industry sector (2005-06): 9.1 percent [DNA Jan 07] - * economic growth in the IT and ITES sector: approx 20 percent [DNA Dec 06] - * economic growth in the agricultural sector: 6 percent [DNA Jan 07] - * percentage of India's GDP coming from services, manufacturing and industry: 77 percent [DNA Dec 06] - * contribution to India's economy by the nearly 70% of the population living off the land: 23 percent [DNA Dec 06] - * Gross Domestic Savings (GDS): 2005-06: 32.4% of GDP -2004-05: 31.1% of GDP - * yearly foreign investment: 2006: 6.3bn GBP estimate -- 2005: 4.2bn GBP --

2004: 2.1bn GBP [BBC Jan 07] - economic growth in 2003: about 7 % - growth of India's economy in the year 2004 to March: 8.2 % (the country's fastest expansion in 15 years) [BBC Jul 04] some data on government income and spending - Indian foreign exchange reserves: March 2005: 137.55 bn USD [Rediff; Mar 05] -mid Dec 2005: 144.05 bn USD -- end Dec 2005: 137.2 bn USD [IInfoLine; Jan 2006] - India's Gold reserves end Dec 2005: 5.27 bn USD [IInfoLine; Jan 2006] - India forex reserves 2004: over 80 billion Euro (cash + foreign investment) - corporate tax rate: 35.88 % [GTF; 2005] - VAT tax rate: 12.5 % [GTF; 2005] - rate of inflation: 3.8 % [GTF; 2005] -- earlier about 6 % [BBC Jul 04] - number of tax payers: 20 million (2 % of the population) [BBC Jul 04] - money collected in income tax (per year): more than one trillion rupees (17.6 bn Euro) [BBC Jul 04] - lowest rate of income tax: 10 % (at annual income between 50,000 and 60,000 Rs, equiv to 960-1150 Euro) [BBC Jul 04] - top rate of income tax: 30 % (at annual income above 150,000 Rs, equiv to 2880 Euro) [BBC Jul 04] - increase of government 's gross tax collection for time period April - October 2003: 8.89 % up from previous year - increase of military spending by government with new budget Jul 04: 18 %, to 770 bn Rs (14.8 bn Euro) [BBC Jul 04] various economic statistics and figures - * India's share of global biotech market: approx 1.1% [DNA Jan 07] - * revenues generated by the biotech sector: 2006: approx 61bn Rs (1.5bn USD) -2005: approx 32bn Rs (780m USD) [DNA Jan 07] - * number of companies comprising the biotech industry 2006: 280 [DNA Jan 07] - percentage of organised retail sector in total retail sales: 3 %

[BBC, Oct 2005] - number of shopping malls 5 years ago: 0 (no malls, only shopping arcades existed) [BBC, Oct 2005] - number of shopping malls functional or under construction in Gurgaon 2004: 8 [HT Feb 2004] - number of big shopping malls 2005: 100 [BBC, Oct 2005] - expected number of big shopping malls 2007: 360 [BBC, Oct 2005] - richest Indian according to Forbes list of 587 billionaires 2004: Azim Premji (58th place on list, net worth Feb 04: 5.4 bn Euro; Apr 04: 5.8 bn Euro) [HT Feb 04] - number of Indians in the Sunday Times 2004 list of the 1000 richest people in Britain: 29 (of who the richest Indian is No 5 on the list: Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittal, worth 3.5 bn GBP) [HT Apr 04] - richest Indian woman: Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw of Biocon (1,887 crore Rs, 230 million GBP) [HT Apr 04] - average time it will take to get all clearances in Indian bureaucracy to set up a new business: 88 days in India (as compared to 8 days in Singapore and 11 days in Hong Kong) [BBC Jun 04] - average time it will take to clear all formalities to close a firm if it becomes insolvent: more than 11 years in India (as compared to less than 7 months in Singapore and one year in Hong Kong) [BBC Jun 04] stats on Indian import, export and domestic market - * estimated value of the matchmaking and marriage industry: Rs 50,000-80,000 crore (approx 6.25-10 bn GBP) [EB Jan 07] - * growth of the matchmaking and marriage industry: 25% per year [EB Jan 07] - * number of marriages performed in India: 1 crore (10 million) [EB Jan 07] - * minimum spending on weddings: by middle-income family in India: approx Rs 140 lakh (34,000 USD) -- by equivalent American family in the US: approx Rs 100 lakh (26,000 USD) [IND Dec 06]

- * value of the online matchmaking industry: financial year 2006-07: expected 90 crore Rs (11.5m GBP) -financial year 2005-06: estimated 58 crore Rs (7.4m GBP) [EI Jan 07] more on online matchmaking industry see e-commerce (Telecom & IT) - vehicle export: 221,000 (April - September 2003) - cars sold in the month of August 2003: 53,177 - units sold by motorcycle company Hero Honda in 2003-2004: 2.07 million (with a turnover of 5,997 crore Rs, equiv to 1.15 billion Euro) [HT Apr 2004] - India mercury imports: 531 tonnes per annum - India's consumption of globally produced mercury: 50 % - increase of gold jewellery exports from India from 2003 to 2004: 68 % (to 2 bn Euro a year till Mar 04) [HT May 04] - share of US as destination for India's gold jewellery exports: 40 % (2004) - India's annual import of scrap metal: 3.65 m metric tonnes (worth 580 million Euro) [BBC Oct 04] - number of containers filled with metal scrap arriving in India's ports: 500 containers per day [BBC Oct 04] - amount of hazardous and potentially hazardous wastes entering India illegally 1998-1999: 100,887 tonnes (acc to Greenpeace) [BBC Sep 2000] [Back to Top] data sources & key: AT: Asia Times, BBC: BBC online, BRIT: Britannica 2002, BSNL: BSNL Telecom Trends, BSt: Business Standard, CIA: CIA Factbook India, CIN:, CNEI: Chandigarh Newsline, c/net: c/net news, ConSu: Content Sutra DI: Daily India, DNA: DNA India, EB: EquityBull, EI: ExpressIndia, EW: EconomyWatch, FE: Financial Express, FL: Frontline, GG: Gujarat Global, GTF: Global Technology Forum, GBoWR: Guinness Book of World Records, HT: Hindustan Times, ID: IndiaDaily, IInfoLine: India InfoLine IND: The Independent, ITo: India Today, NPBS: Nature PBS, PhO: PhysOrg, RED: Rediff, REU: Reuters, Sify: Sify Broadband, TH: The Hindu, TNJ: The News (Jang), ToI: Times of India, TT: The Tribune,

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