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Total of 60 students responded to our survey about the poverty impact on education. We
conducted a lot of students from nearby schools from grade 8 to college since some of them
were affected by the poverty impact on education.



A. number of students that was as was affected by the poverty on education = 50

students in brgy san antonio

B. location = BRGY san antonio, san pedro laguna

C. gender = 30 females and 20 males

D. ethnicity = filipinos

E. age ranges = 14-25

F. grade of students = junior high - college


a. num of students = 55 students

b. location = brgy san antonio san pedro laguna

c. gender - 30 male and 30 female

d. ethnicity = all filipino

e. age ranges = 14-25

f. grade of students = junior high - college


a. number of students=60

b. gender - 30 male and 30 female

c. ethnicity - all filipino

d age ranges - 14 - 24

1. Lack of financial to afford tuition and other necessities
2. How poverty affects the education on students
3. Living in urban places
4. Lack of school materials


How does poverty affect you and your education?
a) Greatly b) Moderately

c) Slightly d) Not at all

The government is working on various ways to reduce poverty and its effects on education.
Which program works best for you?
a) Transportation b) Housing

c) Income and employment supports d) Health

Most people are poor because they are lazy and simply don't have the drive to go out and
and educate their children.
a) Strongly agree b) Somewhat agree

c) Somewhat disagree d) Strongly disagree

We should end all foreign aid until we take care of the poverty of education in our country.
a) Strongly agree b) Somewhat agree

c) Somewhat disagree d) Strongly disagree

Minorities are poor and uneducated because they have been mistreated. They were not
any job opportunities etc.
a) Strongly agree b) Somewhat agree

c) Somewhat disagree d) Strongly disagree

There is no excuse for anyone starving and being uneducated in the world today.
a) Strongly agree b) Somewhat agree

c) Somewhat disagree d) Strongly disagree

Poor people should receive all of the free educational help they need.
a) Strongly agree b) Somewhat agree

c) Somewhat disagree d) Strongly disagree

Poor families should receive a free college education for their children.
a) Strongly agree b) Somewhat agree

c) Strongly disagree d) Somewhat disagree

Do you agree or disagree that affected education will also be the reason for poverty
a) Strongly agree b) Somewhat agree

c) Strongly disagree d) Somewhat disagree

Have you personally ever contributed to educate poor people
a) Yes b) No


- some of the students find our study helpful so that other people will be aware on how
big the poverty impact their education

- most of the students are willing to answer our questions seriously

- some of the students became emotional in sharing their experiences


- most of the students were willing to cooperate with us and share their experiences
because they want us to be more aware on how big poverty impact on education and
how many of the students were affected to the point were some of them needs to stop
school to help provide for their families


on our research, the data we gathered from observing and interviewing students, we
assume that there are still a lot of students that was aware of the poverty on their
education and how was that affects them on a daily basis

we therefore conclude that having financial crisis affects the students a lot cause some
of them were forced to take part time jobs and some of their parents were forced to take
2-3 jobs just to provide them with the necessities they need on their daily lives

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