Tutorial 1

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1. Oil & Gas Industry covers the upstream and downstream operations. Define both upstream
and downstream based on your understanding.

2. Describe the role of a Geophysicist. Explain how the role differs from a Drilling Engineer.

3. Identify the three other areas in upstream Petroleum Industry. Describe their respective
roles in order to ultimately produce the hydrocarbon (oil or gas) economically.

4. The life of an oil or gas field can be sub-divided into a few phases. Identify the sequence of
those phases and briefly describe each phase involved.

5. In production, there are a few phases involved starting from the first production of
hydrocarbon. With the aid of illustration, briefly describe each phase in production.

6. In Petroleum Geology, the study of rocks is important in order to discover good reservoir
rocks for hydrocarbon accumulation. Identify the three classes of rocks and describe how
each is formed.

7. Igneous rocks can be divided into two major groups. Compare between those two groups.

8. Discuss the potential of igneous rocks to serve as reservoir rock for hydrocarbon

9. Sedimentary rocks consist of two main groups. Identify those groups and differentiate on
how they are formed.

10. Metamorphic rocks are formed from the process of metamorphism. Define ‘metamorphism’.

11. Illustrate the rock cycle and identify all the processes occur.

12. Define mineral. Identify the most occurring minerals in sandstones and limestones.

13. Describe how a rock differs from a mineral.

14. Sandstone and carbonate are sedimentary rocks potentially as reservoir rocks. In carbonate
reservoir, it becomes very good reservoir when secondary porosity present. Describe the
process leading to the formation of secondary porosity.

15. Anticline is a structural feature that is potential for hydrocarbon accumulation. Illustrate how
an anticline structure assists in petroleum accumulation. Label accordingly.

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