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Actualmente el estado de conservación es vulnerable para esta especie el cambio climático está
destruyendo su hábitat en el Océano Ártico y con ello reduciendo el número de especies en
nuestro planeta


The subject is the extinction of the species: the polar bear, these are carnivorous mammals
that inhabit the Arctic. The mein problema is Currently the conservation status of the bears is
vulnerable. The habitat in the Arctic Ocean is being destroyed by climate change, reducing the
number of species on our planet.
The meins cases ofde los of dis spishes are:

 bear habitat, sea ice is lost by climate change

 polar bears are disappiard by onsustainable hunting.
 Scientists discovered that some polar bears had died because pollution from
industries increisd in recent years.
 Polar bears had reducd their population before some ecosystems were lost.

Somi of de unfortunite consequences of the los of polar biers include:

 Food chains are affected by species lost

 Saientets discoverd that thousands of ecosystems in the Arctic had disappiard because
of climate change
 The studies reported that thousands of kilometers of sea ice had begun to melt because
high temperatures
Some solutions for the preservation of the species:

 Scientists proposed that the last arctic ice area had protected because it is necessary
for bears
 The polar bear population are grown by Saientets who moniroed their reproduction
 The government determentd that thousands of industries had worked to reduce
environmental impacts.
 Some arctic ice areas are favored by government breeding programs.
 Som artic aice irias are faivired by gobermetn briding programs

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