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TC_ID Feature Sub_Feature TC_Type

TC_001 User User_id Valid


User_name valid


Address valid


TC_002 User_Registration User Interface Valid

Required fields valid

Optional Fields Valid

Email validation Valid

Phone Number valid

Password Valid

TC_003 User_Login UserId Valid


Password Valid

LoginButton Valid


Forgot Password Valid

Reset Password Valid

Welcome Email Valid

TC_004 Invalid User Login User Login Valid

Address valid


TC_005 Shop ShopId Valid


ShopName valid

EmailId Valid


ContactNumber Valid


Password Valid

TC_006 View Shop View Invalid

TC_007 Open Application View Valid

TC_008 Google Location Latitude Valid

Longitude Valid

TC_009 Update Get_Updates Valid

TC_010 Reminder Get Reminders Valid

TC_011 Get_Notification Get_Notification Valid

Test Scenario Action and De Input Expected Re
Validate or check whether Enter number. User_id:12 User_id id should be a
User_Id field accept
Validate or check whether Enter alphabet. User_id:abcd User_idid should not a
User_Id field accept
Validate or check whether Enter alphabet. User_name: abc User_name :name
User_Name field accept
Validate or check whether User_name: abc User_name :name
User_Name field accept
Validate or check whether enter Location Address: Nashik Address should be
Address field accept
Validate or check whether Enter number. Address:123456 Address should not
Address field accept

Validate or check whether Check all the text N/a UI Should Be Perfect
User Interface field accept boxes, radio
User Resgitsration buttons, buttons,
Validate or check whether Check the N/a It show amandotory
Required field accept User required fields by symbol (*) on
Resgitsration not filling any data mandotory field.

Validate or check whether Check all the N/a 1. User should be

Optinal field accept User optional fields registered successfully
Resgitsration when do not fill 2. A successful
data registration message
should show
3. Mail should send to
the user

Validate or check whether Check all the valid It should show the
email id field accept emails 2.test@gmailcom validation message for
alpha+num+@+alpha+ 3.test@gmail valid email
Validate or check whether Check the phone Phone Number: It should show the
Phone Number Validation number when 9812345678 validation message for
field accept Phone passing country phone number.
Number code
Validate or check whether Check the Pass123456 It should not show any
Password field accept password when validation message
Password passing valid data

Validate or check whether Enter number. UserID:12 User id sho

User Login field accept
Validate or check whether Enter alphabet. UserID:abcd User id sho
User Login field accept
Validate or check whether Enter register Password:om1234 Password should
User Login field accept
Validate or check whether Click on login Login:Click Add here page shou
Validate or check whether Click on login Login:Click Error message shou
User Login field accept button.
Validate or check whether Verify user should 1. Click on the User should get an
User Login field accept get an error Forgot password error message
Forgot Password message when link.
he/she enters not 2. Enter
registered email unregistered email
id. id and click on the
send button.

Validate or check whether Verify user able to 1. Go to the reset Users should get the
User Login field accept reset his/her password link. success message and
Forgot Password password 2. Enter a new the password should
password and a get reset.
confirm password.
3. Click on the Reset
Password button.
2. Enter the previous
3. Click on the Reset
Password button.
Validate or check whether Verify new users 1. Go to the Email. Users should get a
User Login field accept should get the 2. Enter Login welcome email on
Welcome Email welcome email Email. his/her email id
once after the

Validate or check whether Check result UserID:12 when User enter invalid
invalid User Login field when User enter Password:1234 username and
accept User Login invalid password , system will
username ,passw be show error
ord message-"invalid
Validate or check whether enter Location Address: Nashik Address should be
Address field accept
Validate or check whether Enter number. Address:123456 Address should not
Address field accept
Validate or check whether Enter number. ShopID:12 Shop id sho
ShopId field accept
Validate or check whether Enter alphabet. ShopID:abcd Shop id sho
ShopId field accept
Validate or check whether Enter Alphabet Shopname:abdc Shop name
ShopName field accept
Validate or check whether Enter Emailm id should be accepted.
email id field accept alpha+num+@+alpha
alpha+num+@+alpha+ + com
Validate or check whether email id field Enter alpha+num+@. EmailId:om12@ Error message should be display.
accept alpha+num+@ or not.
Validate or check whether Enter 10-digit contact ContactNumber: 9812345678 Contact number
contact number field accept 10-digit number. should be accepted.
number or
Validate or check whether contact Enter less than 10-digit ContactNumber:981234 Error message should be display.
number field accept less than 10-digit cotact number.
number or not.

Validate or check whether Enter register Password:om1234 Password should

Password field accept

unregister password or
Passworf fied aeept

Validate or check whether password field Enter unregister password. Password:1234 message should be
unregister password or display.
Verify to open application Click on the view Click:Open Application should get
on the device. Butto opened.

Validate or check whether Check all the text N/a Application should be
boxes, radio open on device
buttons, buttons,

Validate or check whether Check all the text N/a Application should be
boxes, radio open on device
buttons, buttons,
validate or check if the Click on the Click:Update Data should be
data Update Butto Updated

Verify the fuctinality of Check all the text N/a Application should be
Reminder button. boxes, radio open on devices
buttons, buttons,
Verify the fuctinality of Check all the text N/a Application should be
Notification button. boxes, radio open on devices
buttons, buttons,
Actual Result Status
Patient_id id is accepted. Pass

Patient_id is not accepted. Pass

Patient name accepted pass

Patient name not accep pass

AddressAccepted Pass

Address not accepted pass

User interface is accep Pass

Required Field is acc pass

Optional filed is accep Pass

Email is accep Pass

Phone number is accepted. pass

Password is accepted. Pass

User id is accep Pass

User id is not a Pass

Password1 is accepted. Pass

Add here page is added Pass

Wrong username passw Pass

Invalid User Name Or Pass


Password reset Succesfull Pass

Successful Login Pass

system is showing error Pass

message -"invalid

AddressAccepted Pass

Address not accepted pass

Shop id is accep Pass

Shop id is not a Pass

Shop name is a pass

Emailid is accepted. Pass

Error message is display. Pass

Contact number is accepted. Pass

Error message is display. Pass

Password is accepted. Pass

message is display. Pass

Application is getting pass

User interface is accepted Pass

User interface is accepted Pass

Status Updated pass

User interface is accepted Pass

User interface is accepted Pass

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