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(Problem 16, Solution: q er Wx sy +26, then find the value of (x ~ 1)’ + (y— Ip) + @~ ¥y' given that ( ~ Yy Wed. Babe = (a +b + oy(a? + bi +c — ab — be - ca) i setPee Using identity: a? +b! +6 [0c — 1) + (y—2) + 3] * [- ONE (y= 2) = 3) = 3K = IY = 2H ~ 3) 12+ (y ~ 2)? + (23)? ~~ Iy 2) — (Y — 2X 3) ~ @— 3x). & eae ee > MO Ng ae x+y +2 OMe 1P + (y- 2h + (4-39 = y= 2) =~ 2B 9 3H DI Since x+y +2=6=9x+y+2-6=0 f= DP + (y= 29 + 23) — 3K Iy~ 29@— 3) = 0 Also, (x ~ IMy ~ 2% ~ 3 (given) Hence, (x ~ 1) + (y-2)' + (@—3) =3 © scanned with OKEN Scanner aaa ee) 1p aatfies the following eqvations “Problem 5. >) When x = 3, find the product of xy such . a = (ees) (osing identity (@—b)= 2° +B? ab) Substituting value of‘ we get er) 3 Giveax= 2 eg) ‘Equating powers on both sides SF MYT 4 oy tay +723 3 oy + tay +40 2 2 Gy+2P=03y=-% 2 sence x9=(3)+(-3) wart © scanned with OKEN Scanner Problem 4. a Solution: B is equal to Ifa and b are positive integers such that a” ~ b is a prime number then a (Aja-b @farb (©) (a * blab) (D) none of these ‘ (By 2b? (a+ bya—b) If this a prime number then either of there product is equal to 1. So, a—b = 1 (different.5f two positive number is less then sum of that numbers) = a’—b?=(at+b) SEPIA EU MOEN TSN STS STE © scanned with OKEN Scanner potty we te tL MULLUELS 1S & MUMUIPIE of &, q 8 Find the smallest numbers which must be added to 133098 to make it divisible by 11. 9 & Find the least number which is a perfect square and has 540 as a factor. EO Find the value of —— + 1 © scanned with OKEN Scanner Cs Find the greatest number of 4-digit which is divisible by both 8 and 11. 9 Find the square roots of 7 +3 V3. Q ex Find the minimum prime number which divides 9" + 81? +243? + 21874 © scanned with OKEN Scanner \" sta Fifff'the remainder when 1771 + 2701 + 32019 + © 2020” is divided by 2019. © scanned with OKEN Scanner 1 Prove tha PVM composite. MT MWA 3). Hint: af + 4b' Evaluate -b) +b? ][(e+ey +b? | sophie — germain identity). 15 te ania © scanned with OKEN Scanner ue UpuUNS CUFrect) ae Numbers a, b, c and d have 16, 28, 30 and 27 factors respectively. Which of these could be al cube. , (ec Nd A number N? has 15 factors. What could be the number of. factors of N. (A)s . @)7 ©Oe6 @)s A natural number is 75 times the average of its digits. Given that it is a 3 digit number find Possible values of sum of digits of number. (Ay6 (@)9 Os () 15 SNE © scanned with OKEN Scanner If2*¥ — 17x2** | =~ y, then which of the following is true? (A) x is a positive value (B) x is a negative value (Cx can either be positive or negative value (D) none of these Ifa = 0.2209 then value of (427 4a+l) +3a is: (A) 0.2209 ) 0.2078 (C) 1.2209 (D) 2.2209 © scanned with OKEN Scanner 14, The number of consecutive zeros in 2° x 3* x 5' x 7, is (a) 3 (b) 2 4 (@) 5 © scanned with OKEN Scanner EXAMPLES Factorize each of the following algebraic expressions : ax-y iy’ a!2x* - atx” SOLUTION (i) We have, v-y' = {ory -W'P} 8 _y8 = (xt -y')ixt ty") ry? = {7 WF Jot ey) — o- = (x? — pyr + xt +y') x8 -y = (x- =a EG) 0 - PP 4 2x? y ay 2x7y?* 2} x8 -y8 ay? = (x- = yr + ls? +) ae a+yy (ia) U Po yP = (x -et yer +¥)0 ty 2 — xy)? +y? +V2e) ) et uuu ut ud © scanned with OKEN Scanner *EXAMPLE11 Factorize: (x? — 4x)(x? — 4x — 1) - 20 SOLUTION We have, (x? - 4x)(x? - 4x -1)- 20 = (x? - 4x)? (x? - 42) - 20 = y? —y~ 20, where y = x? — 4x = y? -5y+4y-20 = (y? ~ 5y) + (4y ~ 20) = yy —5) + 4(y —5) = (y-5)ly+4) = (x? - 4x -5)(x? - 4x +4) = (x? -5x +x —5)(x? -2xxx2+2) = {x(x -5) +(x -5)}(x — 2)? = (x - 5)(x + I(x - 2)? [Replacing y by x? — 4x] © scanned with OKEN Scanner Find the condition which must be satisfied by the coefficients of the polynomial fx) = = x° “pt + gx —1 when the sum of its two zerosis zero. A, SOLUTION Let a, Band ybe the zeros of the polynomial f(x) such that a +B = 0. © scanned with OKEN Scanner ste1- (2) 3 a+B+y=p * O+y=p [- a+B=0] T=P Seceyis a zeT0 of the polynomial f(x). Therefore, f@).=0 > v-pP+qy-r=0 > Pp +qp-r=0 fey =pl 2 P94 = 1 , which is the required condition. © scanned with OKEN Scanner ey wh Pan edison a " remainder on dividing fon by 0 asgigh elo "sion algorition to find the quotient and remainder © WiC)=8 62 sy 6 ~6, gaya x42 6) f0)=2 30 59) a Wi) J0)=3 3 ogee G9) fe)= 3 5046, a6) =2-. SOLUTION () Wehave, fx) 2 {NCERT] pa INCERT] ae INCERTI 627 + Ue—6 and g(a) = 242 Wefind that degree f(x) =3 and degree g(x) =1. Therefore, quotient g(x) is of degree 3-1=2and the remainder (x) isof degree zero. Let q(x) = x? +bx + ¢ and (x) = By using divisionalgorithm, wevbtain F00)= 3)» g) «1 2 B68 atx-6= la? shes otra ger = 2 ~ 6x2 + Mx-6 = ax +(204.)22 4 Qhs cys 204k Equating the coefficients oflike powers of xonboth sides, we get [On equating the coefficients of =] ree [Onequating the coefficients of] l= +e [On equating the coefficients of x] Ces [On equating the constant terms} Solving these equations, we get @=1,b=-8,c=27andk = 49 “Quotient qs) = ax? br + c= 22-8 +27 and, Remainder r(x) = (i) Wehave, a . f(s) = <3 + 5x—3and g(a) = 2-2 Wein that degree (2) = and degree (g(3)) = 2. Therefore, quotient (x) is of degree and the remainder r(x) is of degreeless than? Let q(x) = ax + band r(x) = ex +d. © scanned with OKEN Scanner Walgorith, hm, weave > LO so)sqay 709) s Bee Br 3 6 (¥ yar ey afer +8 : 4 equating By = ay) +h? 4 (¢= Dade 2 \ ating the coticens ot varons powers onda gfientho/) = a [Ome ecient 2° - wt poco a, Lovee i} Soe, eines ms Solvin, ‘ wsthese equations, weget: a= 1= Be 7andd =? Quotient q(x) = ax +b = sinder (2) otro 9 Gay was Nata 1) ar 8a ea ) fa) = xt — 3x? + axe 5 and ge -tHT 8 tient) i We find that degre : at degree f(3)) = dand degre (g(s)) =2- Therefore M4 2(= 4-2) and remainder 1(s) mae see than 2. (=aepeee(s))+ $0» Fe x) = x? + bx + ¢ and 1(2) = px tq ‘Using division algorithm, we have F(a) = g(x) x) +r) xf 402) 3x? + dt B= (at x4 Dar a eed PEG = a 403 as? 4dr Beant 4 ba) 0 +(enbea) (beep) 44 ‘On equating the coefficient of various powersofx onbothsdes we get ael [Onequating thecoefficients of 3] [Onequating thecoefficents of 2] [Onequating thecoefficients of =] [Onequating the coefficient of x] {Onequating the constant terms] and, Solving these equations, we get a=1b=1,c=-3,p=0 and q=8 :. Quotient (x) = 3? += Sand Remainder) = 8 (iv) Wehave, iff) = 38+ 027 +087 ~Bx+6 and (2) Wefind that degree(f(e))=4 and degre (2) = 2, Therefore quot fa) areof degree 2and less than 2 respectively quotient gi) and remainder Tata) 2a bre ad 0) Pg py divisionalgorith, wehave fla) = 2) * 0) #10) xf 40x +077 5x +6 af +02? +007 - 5x46 = a4 (2 +2) ax? + b+ 0) + pe, 0 or-dtee, 4 926s Mer 2e+g @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Equating the coefficients of various Powers of x, inh — [Onequating the coefficients of ] ne. [Onequating the coefficients of 2] nai [On equating the coefficients of x7] wipes [On equating the coefficient of 1] a ceca [On equating the constant terms] Solving these equations, we get a=-Lb=0,¢=-2,p=-Sandg =10 Quotient q(x) = -x” - 2and Remainder r(x) = -5x + 10. TypeTV ON CHECKING WHETHER A GIVEN POLYNOMIAL IS A FACTOR OF THE OTHER POLYNOMIAL BY APPLYING THE DIVISION ALGORITHM EXaMPLe 6 /By applying division algorithm prove that the polynomial g(x) =x? +3x+1 isa factor of thé polynomial f(x) = 3x4 +529 -7x7 + 2x42. SOLUTION We find that degree ( f(2)) = 4and degree (g(x)) = 2. Therefore, quotient q(x) is of degree 2 ( = 4 - 2) and the remainder r(x) is of degree 1 or less. Let gfx) = ax? + bx +c and r(x) = px +4 Using division algorithm, we have Fla) = g(x) x gl) +0) * : 2 +1) +(pr+ St 7422 Ccaene rss eced © scanned with OKEN Scanner Fue jRuniAL SY APPLYING THE DIVISION ALGORITHM 7 -1isa exanrte » /By applying division algorithm prove that the polynomial g(x) = x ~ 3¥~ factor of thé polynomial f(x) = 3x* + 5x3 —737 42x42. SOLUTION We find that degree ( f(x)) = 4 and degree ( g(x) = 2. Therefore, quotient q(x) is of degree 2 (= 4 - 2) and the remainder r(x) is of degree 1 or less. Let ga)= ax? tbxec and r(x) =prsq, Using division algorithm, we have F(X) = g(x) x q(x) + r(x) => 3xt+5x° - 7x7 + 2r42 = (ar? + brs g(x +3x+1)+(px+ 9) = 3x8 45x - 7x? 42x42 = art + (3a+b)x? + (a+ 3b40)x7 + (b+ 3c+ p)X+erG Equating coefficients of various powers of x, we get a=3 [On equating the coefficients of x4] 3a4+b=5 {On equating the coefficients of x°] a+c+3b [On equating the coefficients of x] b+3c+ [On equating the coefficient of x] and, c+q=2 [On equating the constant terms] Solving these equations, we get a=3,b=-4,c=2,p=Oandq=0 Quotient q(x) = 3x? - 4x +2 and, Remainder r(x) = 0x +0 =0 Clearly, r(x) = 0. Hence, (x) isa factor of fix). © scanned with OKEN Scanner On dividing the polynomial f(x) = x° —3x° + x +2 by a polynomial g(x), the quotient g(x) and remainder r(x) where q(x) = x-2 and r(x) =-2x+4 respectively. Find the polynomial g(x). : INCERT] SOLUTION "By division algorithm, we obtain F(x) = g(x) x g(x) + (x) > gx) x q(x) = f(x) - r(x) > g(x) (x —2) = 2? -3x7 +x 42-(-2x +4) EXAMP! © scanned with OKEN Scanner am MATHEMATICS = Taw en OO Py 3e—2 3 SG)!8afactorof 2° ~34? + 3x~2 other thanthefacor(t=2)So,togetsia) wedivide 30 4 34-2 by (¢—2)as follows: *-2) 8 ar ara (e Past =e yar-2 =e yay 3d x2 0 Hence, g(x) =? = 41 WNamrce §//What must be subtracted fom Bx! + 140° = 22474 =8 50 thatthe resulting polyoma i exactly divisible by 432 3x —2 SOLUTION" Weknow that Dividend = Quotient Divisor + Remainder = __ Dividend ~ Remainder = Quotient x Divisor Clearly, RHS ofthe above results dvisibleby the divisor. Therefore, LHSis also dvisbleby the dlvisor Ths, fwesubtract remainder fom the dividend then it willbe exact divisible bythe Letusnow divide gy! « 14:9 —242 «7-8 by 4s? 4 3x 2 long division method. a 4 3-2) BTR OP Tw [207 42-1 axl Gr at BAR s7x-8 Bx + 6x? =e a Ts Way ~ 342 es 2x? + 25 —1and Remainder = 14x —10 will be Find the waluesofaand bso that x4 +234 802 + ax +b ie diisibleby x2 +41 SOLUGQN’ IF a4 +2) +82 + ar is exactly divisible by 1? +1, then the remainder should be zero, Let us now divide x 42° +81 +ar-+b by x2 41 by long division method. © scanned with OKEN Scanner POLYNOMIALS stexe7 S97 bared 78 + x@-)eb 7 eT Quotient = 2? x 4 7 and, Remainder = x(a - 1) +(b-7) Remainder «0 x6-D+6- x0 2(@-1)+-7)=0r40 L=Gand b-7=0 — [Omequating the coefficients of like powers of 3] ae ExaMp(e 10° What must be added to f(x) = 4x 4 203 2x? + x—1 50 that the resuling lyons sstety 0) =v 20 EUUTION By dsm doin, weave Fa) = 9x) x gfx) + 6x3 > fla) —rl2) = g(x) x 2) > Fle) + -r02)) = g(x) x gfx) Clearly, RHS is divisible by (2) Therefore, LHSis also divisible by g(). Thus, if we add -r(2) to f(a), then the resulting polynomial is divisible by g(x), Let us now find the remainder when fx) is divided by (3) Using long division method, we obtain xP 42r-3) G04 2e 2 eet? ox 4x4 480-12 Oe H10x +e 1 6x? 12x? + 18r mae 1 De + Hr -65 ae Hx) = 61x + 65 Hence, we should add -r(2) ate. = 61-6 toflx) sothat the resulting polynomial is divisible by as © scanned with OKEN Scanner MATHEMATICS 254 z Pare y/If the polynomial fla) = 24 62 + 16x? 25 +10 lide! Wy mete polynomjdl 2 2x termine comes out e+ fd kan. SOLUTION Bydivisionalgorithm, wehave Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder => Dividend ~ Remainder = Divisor x Quotient = iver Remainder is aways vile bythe dv 2x+k leaves ¥42 Iisgiventhat f(x) = 34 ~ 62+ 63? — 25x +10 when divided by asremainder. Therefore, f0)—(2+ a) = x4 ~ 623 +163? — 26x + 10-0 isexactly wisibleby 27 - 20+ Using long, division Let us now divide x —6x* + 160? -260-+10—4 by x7 -28+k method 2e+k) F—6e ole 26x v10—a [x44 8-4) x20 +k? ae 48d ake (6 Be 26a 410-4 (8— By ~ (16-24) + k-K) (Gis 2+ 0-4 ~8k +) 62° 4162 ~ 264+ 10a tobe exely divisible by 2? ~ 2x +k, (10 + 2kjx + (10a ak + 2) =0 forallx ) 10-1 8k-+K = 0 [Onequating the coefficients of like powers of x], k= 5,10-a-40425=0 pxampte 2 Ifthe polynomial 6x! + 8x° + 17x? + 21x +7 is divided by another polynomial 3 +41 theremander coment ok ax-+, id {CBSE 2091 SOLUTION Let us divide the polynomial (x) = 6x* +x" +1732 + 21x +7 by the poly- nomial g(x) = 3x2 + 4x-+1 tofind the remainder by long division method as shown below: art edeet) a ear FIT HITT (20 +5 Gxt +8 427 Se + 2 +7 1Be +2045 © scanned with OKEN Scanner \NOMIAL 298 cay temalider = 0-1 2 16 iven that the remainder i a # e powers} On compatring he coeticints of He pags 1 Phu so that x? INCERE EXEMPLAR ‘of the polynomial AUTON TEAS given that mtx! Py Qrsk in a factor jaye ast or 1921506 whonclvid by x? 424 +k theremalnd petusnow divide f(x) «294 pho 1x? Sa by a2 6 2 + by using tong division PRA) BUS Pare at arated 2 8 ae? ~ 3x" 22 Tv BG Beaune Bk A) 3K) 2k 4 4) = ark + 4) 2k (+ A) 0k 21+ QP +8k+6) ‘Thus Remainder = x (7k +21) (24 8k +6) and Quotient = 2x? ~3x — 208+ 4). Remainder =0, (7-621) 4 2(2 +443) 00 forall 7k 21=0 and + 4k+3 0 7(k-+3)=0 and (k+1)(k+3) =0 k43=0> k=-3 Sabstituting the value of kin 32 424-4 k, we obtain: 22 +2x = 3 = (2+ 3)(x=1) asthe divisor Clealy, its zeros are-3 and 1. Consequently, twozeros of f(x) are-3and 1. 3, we obtain uous oF An $x 2a x(x 241-2) Pe3r-x-3 (x -2)(2x +1) (r+3)-1(2+3)=(e-(x+3) fe fla) = 2a x8 ha" 45x46 0-224 D-H) nce, zeosof f(x) are2,~ V2, Land ~3. 00 34 Ifthe remainder on diosionof 2? +2 + x43 by 2~3 1521, find the quotient tie alucofk Hence, ind th zeroes of te cabicpolyrowial + 23? + x18. uutlon Let f(a) = x2 +22" + bx +3, lis given that (x) when divided by x3 gives as emainder. © scanned with OKEN Scanner f= 21 SP 42x 3k 432M = 27 +18+3k4+3=21 > 3k +48 = 21 > 3k=2W7 > k= fix) 2x8 2x? 98 +3 Hence, te given polynomi i ¢, Using ong 4S Let us now divide f(x) by (r=3) to find the quotien obtain yo apsene cores Ut 48r4§ 8-3 So, Quotient = 37 Thus, when f(x) isdividedby x ~ respectively. Therefore, using division algo fla) = (2 + 5x +6) —3) +21 x +3-21=(x+2)(¢+3)2-3) +24 90-3) Hence the zerosof 39 +217 -95-=18 ie, 0 420% + kx-18 are-2,-Band3 Gone) For thick sauesofaand bare thezeosof (x)= 2° + 247 + also he zeosaf the cried) x3 28 4x0 + 3x2 + 3+ BT Whihzeosof A) arena he zerasof M2)? ees a) ee abs the zt of 0), then as vse By 9) seen, when px) sdvidedy 9), heremainderiszeo Letusnow dive 7) by g(a) toobtain the remainder : erdsal Soe ae ear 43x45 (x y inte! Bat = ax + (B—a)x + 3x4 = 3x4 - 6x7 - Sax Ewes salva 3 thequotient and the remainder are x2 45x46 and2t rithm, we obtain (Aa)? + 3x(1 4a) + b= 20 — © scanned with OKEN Scanner un method, we oLYNOMIALS POLYNOMIAL 257 If p(a) is divisible by q(x), then remainder mustbe zero. Now, Remainder = 0 : (1-4) x? + 3x (14 0)+b~20=0 forallx. ae ‘On ting the coefficients | 1-a=0, 3(1+a)=Oandb-20=0 [ut romesote “| > a=-landb~2a=0 > a=-landb = -2 Substituting q = 1 in q(x) = x° + 2x? + a, we obtain q(x) = x9 + 2x? -1, Now, = x? 3x +2 =(x-1)(x-2) So, zeros of x2-3x+2 are 1 and 2. We find that q(l)=1+2-1=2¢0 and 4) = 8+ 8 -1 = 15 0, So, the zeros of the quotient x7 ~ 3x + 2 arenot the zeros of q(x). Hence, 1 and 2 are zeros of p(x) which are not zeros of q(x). ———._ EXERCISE 2.3 © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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