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Beth : Today is a celebration to recognize and honor our select group of teacher and school head

awardees, who put forth exceeding work this past year.

Grace: You are right, Mam Beth. Our awardees for this year are indeed special for they have
imbibed the DepEd values: Maka-Diyos, Maka-tao, Makakalikasan at Makabansa.
Their contributions have made a significant impact on the lives of young people
in our school communities and the broader community.

Beth: To our honored guests, Mr. Noel E. Santillan, Senior Education Program
Specialist, Ms. Daisy A. Villasis, Public Schools District Supervisor, District of Sibunag I,
Mrs. Lourdes T. Salcedo, Principal of this institution, Dr. Analiza G. Mallorca, School Principal
Of Liningwan Central School, Teacher awardees, ladies and gentlemen, good morning.
Welcome to the 2019-2020 Golden Torch and Vanguard of Leadership Award.

Grace: To start with, may I request everyone to please stand for the singing of our National
Anthem to be conducted by Mrs. Lilibeth M. Galanza and please remain standing for
a prayer to be led by Mrs. Dahlia G. Geonigo.

Beth: Please be seated. At this juncture, may I call on our vibrant and ever supportive
school principal, Mrs. Lourdes T. Salcedo for her opening remarks.

Grace: Thank you Mam Lourdes for that ___________________________________. And now, without
further ado, may I call on our Senior Education Program Specialist, Mr. Noel E.
Santillan for the Introduction of the Golden Torch and Vanguard of Leadership
Awardees. Sir.

Beth: At this juncture, let us now have the Distribution of Certificates to Golden Torch and
Vanguard of Leadership Awardees. To distribute the certificates, may I call on Mr.
Noel E. Santillan, Ms. Daisy A. Villasis and Mrs. Lourdes T. Salcedo to do the honor.

Awarding….awarding…. (ad lib)

Grace: Congratulations awardees and thank you, Sir Noel, Ms. Daisy and Mrs. Lourdes. At
this time, let us all listen to our school principal, Mrs. Lourdes T. Salcedo, for her
closing remarks.

Beth: Thank you very much ma’am. We are so pleased and delighted to your words. As we
end today’s affair, we thank you for your participation and congratulations. Once again these
have been your hosts, Mrs. Medybeth C. Tawas

Grace: And Mary Grace B. Asgar and we would like to leave a thought for all of you and all of us.

Beth: US president Abraham Lincoln, once quoted, “Don’t worry when you are not
recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition.”

Grace: Congratulations! Thank you for coming and for God be the Glory!

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