Ielts Writing Toolkit

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WRITING TASK 1 ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Review and key points in Graphs with a trend ............................................................................................. 3
Essay Structure.......................................................................................................................................... 3
Language ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Review and key points in Comparative graphs ............................................................................................. 6
Essay Structure.......................................................................................................................................... 6
Language ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Review and key points in Process diagrams ............................................................................................... 10
Essay structure ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Language ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Review and key points in Maps .................................................................................................................. 12
Essay structure ........................................................................................................................................ 12
Language ................................................................................................................................................. 12
WRITING TASK 2 .......................................................................................................................................... 15
TYPE 1: Advantages Disadvantages............................................................................................................. 15
TYPE 2: Causes / Problems/ Solutions ........................................................................................................ 16
TYPE 3: Discuss both views and give your opinion ..................................................................................... 17
TYPE 4: Opinion essay ................................................................................................................................. 17
IMPORTANT FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGES ..................................................................................................... 19
Ý kiến khách quan (Discursive language) ................................................................................................ 19
Quan điểm cá nhân (Personal opinions) ................................................................................................. 19
Chỉ nguyên nhân kết quả (Reasons and results) ..................................................................................... 20
Giải thích/ bổ sung thông tin (Giving extra information) ....................................................................... 21
Đưa ra ví dụ (Examples) .......................................................................................................................... 22
Chỉ mục đích (purpose) ........................................................................................................................... 23
Chỉ phương tiện, cách thức (Method/ means of…) ................................................................................ 23
Chỉ tác động (Effects) .............................................................................................................................. 21
Chỉ vấn đề (Problems) ............................................................................................................................. 24
Giải pháp (Solution) ................................................................................................................................ 24
Chỉ lợi ích/ hạn chế (Advantages and Disadvantages) ............................................................................ 25
Chỉ nguy hiểm, rủi ro (Dangers) .............................................................................................................. 25
Liên kết cặp ý song song (Connecting similar supporting ideas) ............................................................ 26
Liên kết cặp ý tương phản/ nhượng bộ (Connecting contrast supporting ideas) .................................. 26
Một số cách diễn đạt quan trọng khác (Other expressions)................................................................... 27
CREATING A SENTENCE ............................................................................................................................... 28
Compound sentence (Câu ghép)............................................................................................................. 28
Complex sentence (Câu phức) ................................................................................................................ 29
Compound-Complex sentence (Câu phức ghép) .................................................................................... 30

Review and key points in Graphs with a trend
Diagrams with TIME PERIOD – Graphs with a trend
Trend (changes through time)
❖ many years (3 years)
❖ values changing throughout the years
❖ 70% trend, 30% comparison

Essay Structure
Intro Pay attention to:
Paraphrase • Type of chart
the topic • What is being measured
• Units
• Categories
• Year(s)
• Chart = graph
• To describe = to illustrate = to demonstrate = to highlight = give information
about/ on = give data about/ on
• Information about something = data about/ on something
• The changes that happened/ took place in something -> how something
• From year X to year Y = between year X and year Y
• A/An X-year period = A period of X years
Overview Must-have key points:
➢ Point out the greatest overall rise/ decline (general trends)
➢ Point out the highest figures at the start and the end of the period
Introductory phrases:
• Overall / In general / It can be (clearly) seen that
Useful structures:
• Overall, A and B decreased while/ whereas C increased.
• Overall, both A and B increased/ decreased over the period.
• There was a significant upward/ downward trend in something.
• Something saw/ witnessed/ experienced/ underwent a significant increase/

BODY PARAGRAPHS (usually divided into 2 paragraphs)
Analyse the graph by looking for:
The extremes Only category to always rise/fall The continued rise/ fall
The constant Biggest/smallest increase Comparison of change
A peak Two categories the same Between two categories
A trough
Turn every table into a line chart
Add words like “predicted, expected, forecast, anticipated/ be likely to” for the future

• You must not: Write about everything in the diagram -> you have to choose key features and
make comparisons
• You must not: Use abbreviations for days and months
• You must not: Use singular nouns if plural nouns are needed
• You must not: Use opinions

Basic phrase:
Going up To show/ follow an upward trend
Going down To show/ follow a downward trend


Verbs to describe Verbs to describe Verbs to describe big Verbs to describe big
increases decreases increases decreases
Increase Fall Jump Plummet
Improve Go down Soar Plunge
Rise Decrease Surge Halve
Go up Drop Rocket Dive
Grow Shoot up Sunk

Strong adverbs Weak adverbs Other meanings

Sharply Gently Steadily
Rapidly Mildly Gradually
Significantly Slightly Abruptly
Dramatically Suddenly
*** Notes:
• Do not use adverbs with strong verbs, e.g.: to skyrocket dramatically -> wrong
• Neutral verbs should be accompanied by adverbs (90%)

2. Cấu trúc: Verb + adverb + data + time

Data Time (as an adverb phrase) Data and Time together
▪ from X% to Y% ▪ from year A to year B ▪ from X% in year A to Y% in
▪ by Z% ▪ between year A and year B year B
▪ in year A
▪ over/throughout the
Between 2000 and 2015, the population of Hanoi increased dramatically from 6 million to 8 million
The population of Hanoi increased dramatically from 6 million to 8 million people between 2000 and
The population of Hanoi increased dramatically from 6 million in 2000 to 8 million people in 2015.

3. Dùng ADJ + NOUN

Go up Go down
A rise A fall
An increase A decrease
A growth A decline
A surge
Cấu trúc 1: witness/ experience/ undergo/ see + a/ an + adjective + noun + data + time
E.g.: From 2000 to 2015, the population of Hanoi underwent a dramatic increase from 6 million to 8
million people.
Cấu trúc 2: There + be + a/ an + adjective + noun + in something
E.g.: There was a significant increase in the population of Hanoi from 2000 to 2010, a rise of 3 million

4. Các từ khác thể hiện data level:

Sự ổn định To stabilize/ stabilize
bằng phẳng To remain (relatively) unchanged/ stable/ static/ constant at ….
To stay the same
To vary insignificantly
To experience/ witness/ undergo/ see a period of stability
To remain stable + at about/ around/ approximately/ roughly + DATA
To remain stable/ vary insignificantly + between X% and Y%
e.g.: The consumption of fish and chip varied insignificantly between 50 and 60
times per person per year.
to level off at: đi vào ổn định (stop rising or falling and stay at the same level)
to flatten out at: trải ra, về phẳng (stop rising or falling and stay at the same level)
Thay đổi chóng To fluctuate / vary wildly
vánh, lên To oscillate
xuống nhiều To show some fluctuation (between A and B)
Đạt đỉnh điểm to reach a peak of X %
to peak at X %

to hit the highest point of X %
Chạm đáy to hit the lowest point of X %
Phục hồi to recover to X %
reach a plateau of: lên cao và giữ nguyên
reach a trough of: đi xuống và giữ nguyên một thời gian
Overtake/ surpass/ exceed: vượt qua, vượt quá một điểm nào đó

Language for future trends/comparison

Predict It is predicted/estimated/projected that by 2050, A will ……..

Estimate In 2050, A is predicted/ estimated/projected to ……..
Project According to future predictions/estimations/projections, A will ……... in 2050
Anticipate It is anticipated/ expected/ forecasted that by 2050, A will ….
Expect In 2050, A is anticipated/ expected/ forecasted to …..

Words that indicate possibilities

● In 2025, S + may + V
● In 2025, S + to be likely to + V


Review and key points in Comparative graphs

Diagrams with NO TIME PERIOD – Comparative graphs
Comparative (compare values)
❖ no years, only one year, two years
❖ focus 100% on comparing values
Essay Structure
Intro Pay attention to:
Paraphrase • Type of chart
the topic • What is being measured
• Units
• Categories
• Year or No time element
Template: The pie/ bar chart/ table gives information about something (in year X)
• Chart = graph
• To describe = to illustrate = to demonstrate = to highlight = give information
about/ on = give data about/ on
• Describe A and B -> Compare something between A and B
Overview Must-have key points:
➢ Method 1: Making superlative comparisons

➢ Method 2: Grouping information to reveal patterns
Introductory phrases: Overall / In general / It can be (clearly) seen that

BODY PARAGRAPHS (usually divided into 2 paragraphs)

Analyse the graph by looking for:
The extremes
Two categories the same
The relative size of one category with another
The rankings of one category to another
Parts of a whole (only possible when working with percentages)
Use different expressions when writing about survey
- 90% of the respondents stated that
- The majority of both sexes were shown to have/be
- 37% of the women questioned felt that
- Almost one third of women over 45 replied that
- None of the respondents had/were
- 16% of the women surveyed had/were
- The majority of the women in the survey
- None of the respondents held the view that
- The majority of both sexes who took part in the research said that
- All age groups for both men and women considered ….. to be
• You must not: Use words that suggest time period
• You must not: Copy the name of each category unless it is impossible to paraphrase
• You must not: Use opinions

Title vs Numbers
Titles: Vietnam, the USA, cars, movies, the underground network in London
Numbers: the amount of money, the population of Hanoi, the length of the underground network in
E.g.: The number of visitors to Vietnam is lower than the number of visitors to Thailand.

That/ those: The amount of money spent on food is higher than that on accommodation.
The figure for: The number of cars sold by KIA is higher than the figure for Ford.
you can also add “corresponding” or “equivalent”
E.g.: The number of passengers every year of the underground network in Tokyo is greater than the
corresponding figure for London.

Comparison structures
1. Comparative
A Rolls Royce is much more expensive than a Ford.
Indicate big difference: much, considerably, a lot, far
Indicate small difference: a bit, slightly, a little
2. “X is not as + adjective + as Y”
Coffee in France is not as expensive as in the UK.
3. “not + verb + as + noun phrase + as”
Coffee in France does not cost as much (money) as in the UK, at £2 and £2.90 respectively.
Crooners did not sell as many CDs as Hits Records in 1990, with 225, 000 compared to 230,000.
TEMPLATE 1: Provide data first, then comparison, using a reduced relative clause.
The length of the underground network in London is 1000km, which is 100km greater than that in Paris.
The number of visitors to Vietnam was 3 million people, 1 million lower than that to Thailand
TEMPLATE 2: Provide comparison first, then data using at/ with
The number of visitors to Vietnam was lower than that to Thailand, at 3 million compared to 4 million.
Common mistake: The number of visitors to Vietnam is higher than Thailand. (!!!)

TEMPLATE 1: Providing data first, then comparison, using a reduced relative clause
The amount of money spent on cars was 800 million USD, the highest (amount) among the six products.
TEMPLATE 2: Making comparison first, then provide the data (using at/ with)
The number of people living in Hanoi is the greatest/ highest, at 8 million.
Hanoi is the most populated city in Vietnam, with 8 million people.
*** Note: AT or WITH
At: when the subject is a figure
With: when the subject is an object (not a figure, data)
You can also use brackets (…) to refer to data
E.g.: Hanoi has the largest population in Vietnam (6 million)

Order and ranking

❖ In first/ second/ last place is/ was …
❖ Top/ bottom of the list is/ was …
❖ … was ranked second with …
❖ Ranked in third place was …
❖ The most/ second most/ next most/ least popular is/was …
❖ This was followed by …
Cấu trúc: Something following something else ( to be followed by )
The underground network in London is the longest, with 394km. This is followed by the system in Paris
with 199km.
The underground network in London is the longest, with 394km, which is followed by the system in Paris
with 199km.
Cấu trúc: to be ranked
The underground system in Paris is ranked the second in terms of length of route, with 199km.

Formular: A + to be + multiplication + B
The number of pens is two times that of books.
The number of elementary students is three times higher than the number of students in the beginner’s
classes, at 90 and 30 respectively.
There are twice/ three times as many students in the upper-intermediate level as students in the
advanced classes.
There is twice as much money spent in the UK as money spent by French for cars.

Two times = twice as much/many as = double (adj)

Three times = triple (adj)
Four times = quadruple
½: a half; 1/3: one-third; 2/3: two-thirds; ¼: a quarter

Formular: A + to be + the same as + B
A + to be + equal to + B
(A and B: numbers)
E,g,: The number of people in Da Nang is 3 million, (which is) the same as the corresponding number for

Other notes
Try to estimate figures, when they are not obvious, by using phrases like:
just over/ under ; nearly ; around ; about; almost; approximately; roughly

Rounding numbers rule:

Round up
A little: just below/ under. E.g. 28% = just below 30%
A little nearly/ almost. E.g. 99 – nearly 100
A lot: well below/under. E.g. 25% = well under 30%
Round down
A little: just above/ over. E.g. 102 = just over 100
A lot: well above/ over. E.g. 119 = well above 100

When writing a Task 1 answer, it is important to describe numbers and data in different ways to avoid
two-thirds: 66.6%
half: 50%
a/one quarter: 25%
two-fifths: 40%
three-quarters: 75%
a/one third: 33.3%
a/one tenth: 10%
Describing numbers and percentages

When writing your report, you must carefully identify whether the information that is given involves
countable data (trees), uncountable data (money) or percentages (%)
Countable numbers
The number of trees was 100.
The quantity of trees was 100.
Uncountable numbers
The amount of water used was 100 litres.
The rate of water usage was 15 per cent.
The proportion of water usage was 15%.
The water usage was fifteen per cent.
The percentages of water usage (15%) and power usage (16%) were about the same.
The water usage and power usage were 15% and 16%, respectively.


Review and key points in Process diagrams

Can be a man-made or natural process

Essay structure
INTRODUCTION Paraphrasing the topic question
• The diagram illustrates/ describes/ shows/ gives a description of …….
• The production of……………..
• The process of producing/ making………………
• How………….is produced/ made
• How to produce/ make…………
OVERVIEW Must-have key points:
➢ Mention how many steps in the process
➢ Say where/how the process begins and ends (look at the first and last
➢ You can also consider:
What are involved factors?
Is it a natural or man-made process?
Is the process cyclical or linear?
• There are………………..main steps/ stages in…………………..
• The……………………involves……….main steps/ stages beginning with
……………… and finishing with/ culminating in……
BODY Use sequence language and understand the process thoroughly to describe the
(2-3 PARAGRAPHS) steps in details.

Basic sequencing language:

The first stage is … Next … The last stage is …

First of all Then Finally
The first step is that Subsequently The last step is
Initially After that
To begin with (You should not At this point
start your paragraph with this The next step is that
phrase) Following this
The following step is that
…and then
…after which

Function: Link steps together + make complex sentence structure
Time connectors (mid-sentence)
• Then: in mid-sentences only.
E.g.: A happens, then B happens.
• After which + S + V: in mid sentences
E.g.: A happens, after which B happens
• Followed by + noun phrase: in mid sentences only
E.g.: Animal skins are dried, followed by the flattening of these skins.
(two steps in the same sentence)

Time connectors (beginning of sentences)

• Next: beginning or middle of sentences
• Afterwards: beginning of sentences
• Following this: beginning of sentences
• Subsequently: beginning of sentences
E.g.: Animal skins are dried. Subsequently, these skins are flattened.
*** You should move these connectors to the place after the subject of the second sentence.
E.g.: Animals skins are dried. These skins are subsequently flattened.
E.g.: Sand and water are mixed with clay. The mixture, following this, is placed into either a wire cutter or
a mould.

• The next step of the process is that …

Next => following/subsequent
Step => phase/ stage
Process => diagram/ flow chart

Other time connectors

• Before, after
a) Verb-ing (the same subject)
After being dried, the bricks are heated. (Not after drying)
b) Clause ~ S + V (different subjects)
After the clay is filtered, sand and water are added.
c) Noun phrase
After the packaging of bricks, these bricks are delivered.
Order of information:
Step 2 happens. Before Step 4 happens, Step 3 happens. => wrong order.
Step 2 happens. Step 3 happens, before Step 4 happens. => Correct order.
• Once/ as soon as (different subjects)
Once/ as soon as S1 + V1, S2 + V2
E.g.: Once the clay is broken into pieces, sand and water are added to it.

• Having (the same subject)

Having + past participle (passive: having + been + past participle.
Having been dried, the bricks are heated in a kiln.


Review and key points in Maps

Essay structure
INTRODUCTION Paraphrasing the topic question
• The maps describe the changes that happened in one place from year X
to year Y.
• The maps describe the changes that have happened in one place since
year X.
• Map = diagram
• To describe = to illustrate = to demonstrate = to show = to depict
• The changes that happened in one place = how that place changed
• From year X to year Y = between year X and year Y = during a/an (Y-X)
year period
OVERVIEW Must-have key points:
➢ General changes
➢ Noticeable differences

To identify general changes, consider these factors:

Basic information:
o Size?
o Number of buildings/facilities?
o Can accommodate more people/ or become more countryside?
o Transformed?
o Restructured?
BODY Use appropriate language to describe the changes, make comparison
(2-3 PARAGRAPHS) Use direction language


• Appear/ Disappear
- to be built
- to be constructed => the construction of …
- to be erected
- to be opened => opening
- to be established => establishment
E.g.: The year 1950 saw the construction/ opening/ establishment of new science block …

Changes in the way a structure is used

A + to be demolished to make room for B/ to make way for B
E.g.: The hotel has been demolished to make way for a new station.
- A + to be replaced + by B
- A + to be turned into + b
- A + to be converted into + B
- A + to be transformed into + B
• Size
- to be expanded/ broadened / widened
- the expansion of something
- the size of something + to be + increased / doubled/ tripled / quadrupled
- to diminish in size / to be reduced in size
- the size of something + to be + decreased/ reduced
• Change location
- to be moved
- to be relocated
E.g.: The building has been relocated from the western to the eastern part of the village.
- relocation
E.g.: The year 1995 witnessed the relocation of the school from position A to position B.
• No changes
- to remain/ stay unchanged/ intact/ the same

Vocab to describe future changes

Anticipate / Expect
It is anticipated/ expected that by 2030, A will ….
Project / Plan
It is projected / planned that by 2030, A will ….
In 2040, A is projected/ planned to ….
According to future projections/ plans, A will …

• In relation to a greater area/ fixed area
In the northwest of somewhere In the north of somewhere In the northeast of somewhere

To the northwest of somewhere To the north of somewhere To the northeast of somewhere
In the west of somewhere Roughly/ exactly in the middle In the east of somewhere
To the west of somewhere of somewhere To the east of somewhere
In the southwest of somewhere In the south of somewhere In the southeast of somewhere
To the southwest of somewhere To the south of somewhere To the southeast of somewhere

• In relation to an aforementioned structure

- A is near/ close to/ in the vicinity of/ in close proximity to B
- A is next to/ adjacent to/ adjoining B
- A is opposite B/ A is in the opposite part of B
- A is parallel to B
- Along, across, through
- A is around b = B is surrounded by A
The science block was built adjoining the existing school building.
The new railroad was constructed parallel to the existing main road


TYPE 1: Advantages Disadvantages

I. Introduction
1. General statement about the topic
2. Thesis statement
• While there are a few benefits of something, the drawbacks are greater/ more significant.
• Although there are some downsides to something, they are outweighed by the benefits.
• While something (topic) is advantageous in some aspects/ ways, the drawbacks are more
Structure Note: Normally the introduction would contain two above sentences. For a better IELTS Writing
Task 2 Essay, candidates should write a 3-sentence introduction.
1. General background statement (broader/ more general idea) (e.g if the essay question is about air
pollution, then this sentence would be about pollution in general)
2. Paraphrase the given topic
3. Answer the question
***Language Note: Each IELTS Examiner has their own preferences in terms of language use. Students
should use "in today's world, in contemporary society/ world, currently, presently" and "in recent
years/ decades" which is an acceptable paraphrase.
II. Body
1. Template 1
• Body 1: There are some advantages to (the topic)
• Body 2: However, the disadvantages are serious, far outweighing the advantages.
2. Template 2
• Body 1: On the one hand, there are some reasons to believe (the topic) is unbeneficial.
• Body 2: On the other hand, something (the topic) is associated with a number of benefits which
far outweigh the drawbacks.
3. Template 3
• Body 1: There are several drawbacks to (the topic).
• Body 2: Despite the negatives mentioned above, (the topic) is a positive development for
various reasons.
III. Conclusion
• Although something is beneficial in a few aspects such as A, I firmly believe that the
shortcomings/ drawbacks, including B, are more significant. A and B are the key ideas of the
body and are often noun phrases
***Note: A good conclusion should include a second sentence. This sentence should be a
recommendation/ suggestion or prediction. If candidates do not write a second sentence in the
conclusion paragraph, they will lose marks in terms of Coherence and Task response also.
• It is recommended/ suggested/ predicted that S+V

TYPE 2: Causes / Problems/ Solutions
I. Introduction
1. General statement (Write a sentence about the background of the topic)
Whether ……. (topic) is a controversial topic in the field of ….. / in modern society.
Something (topic) is/are a major topic of concern in today’s world.
2. Thesis statement
Causes – Solutions
• Template 1: Some explanations for this problem will be put forward, before a few possible
solutions are proposed.
• Template 2: Some causes for/ of the problem will be identified/ discovered/ revealed/
examined/ investigated before some viable solutions will be proposed/ suggested in the
following essay. problem -> trend/ situation/ practice/ problem/ issue
Problems – Solutions
• Template 1: This problem poses many threats to society and must be addressed by a number of
• Template 2: This situation exerts several impacts on society and must be addressed/ controlled
by some measures.
***Note: The subject of the sentence (problem/ situation/ trend) must be collocated with the verbs used
afterwards. Make students check collocations carefully before writing.
II. Body
Causes – Solutions
Template 1
• Body 1: There are two significant causes why something happens.
• Body 2: Some measures could be implemented to do something.
Template 2:
• Body 1: There are two significant causes of something.
• Body 2: Several solutions could be adopted to tackle the problem.
Problems – Solutions
Body 1:
• Something may produce some adverse effects on something.
• Something may pose some major problems to something.
Body 2:
• A number of solutions could be adopted/ actions could be taken to tackle something.
III. Conclusion
Causes - Solutions:
• In conclusion, (the problem) can be ascribed / attributed to a few factors, including A. To
address / tackle this problem, there are some effective measures such as B.
Problems - Solutions:
• In conclusion, (the topic) has exerted a number of adverse impacts on society including A.
Strong measures, such as B, must be adopted to handle/ control/ ameliorate/ address this

TYPE 3: Discuss both views and give your opinion
I. Introduction
1. General statement:
• People have different views about...
• Opinions differ as to why...
2. Thesis statement (mention both views and your own opinion)
• Although there are good arguments in favour of …A..., I personally believe that ...B…
• While …A… makes sense, …B… would be (far) more beneficial/ advantageous (than A)
II. Body
1. Body 1: Discuss the first view
• There are several reasons why some believe that/ hold the view that S+V
• The idea that S+V is justifiable for several reasons.
• The belief that S+V is reasonable for several reasons.
2. Body 2: Discuss the second view (make it clear that you agree with this view)
• On the other hand, I believe that (S+V) (e.g it is more beneficial/ advantageous for somebody to
do something)
• However, I am firmly convinced that S+V
III. Conclusion (Summarise both views and give your own opinion)
• While some hold the view that S+V, I strongly believe/ argue that S+V.
• It is recommended that/ suggested that/ predicted that S+V.

TYPE 4: Opinion essay

There are two ways to answer Opinion essay:
1. Strong opinion and
2. Balanced Opinion
I. Strong Opinion with 2 supporting points
1. Introduction
1. General statement (Paraphrase the question topic)
2. Thesis statement:
• I strongly/ firmly/ completely agree with this opinion/ policy/ action/ solution (because hint 1
and hint 2)
• I firmly agree with/ support the ….. , and the explanations for this will be discussed in the
following essay.
Adding hints in the thesis statement is not required, but students aiming a high band score in Writing
should do so. This will help increase score in Coherence and Cohesion (as long as students fully extend
and develop ideas in the body paragraphs and summarize main ideas in the Conclusion) and
Grammatical Range and Accuracy (writing complex sentences, having a variety of them is the basic
requirement of GRA 7.0)
A three-sentence introduction paragraph would be also highly recommended for a better band score in
2. Body

Template 1 Template 2
1. Body 1: 1. Body 1:
• The primary reason why I believe S+V is • From the X perspective, I think that …
that... 2. Body 2:
2. Body 2: • From the Y perspective, I believe that …
• Another reason for my belief is that... X and Y would be adjectives. The most common
perspectives (personal, economic, social,

3. Conclusion
1. Restate your opinion & Summarise the key points
• I strongly agree/ disagree with this opinion -> I firmly believe/ strongly argue that
• Because hint 1 and hint 2 -> Because of -> Since/ As
2. Recommendation
• It is recommended that….
***Note: If students restate their opinion and summarise key points in the same sentence, they should
add another sentence stating their recommendation/ suggestion/ prediction. Writing a one-sentence
conclusion, students would be punished.

II. Almost balanced opinion, but favoring one side

1. Introduction
1. General statement
Paraphrase the question topic
Write a general sentence of your own words about the topic
2. Thesis statement: Mention two opposing ideas, the weak opinion is mentioned first, followed by the
stronger one.
• While I agree that S1+V1 in a few aspects, I would argue that S2+V2.
• While I accept that S1+V1, I would contend that S2+V2.
• While A is true, B would be far more beneficial than A
2. Body
Template 1: Template 2:
Topic sentence 1: Topic sentence 1:
• There are a few/ several reasons why I • On the one hand, there are some reasons
believe that S1+V1. why S1+V1.
Topic sentence 2: Topic sentence 2:
• However, I am firmly convinced that • On the other hand, I firmly believe that
S2+V2. S2+V2.
3. Conclusion
1. Restate your opinion & Summarise the key points
• In conclusion/ To conclude, although I agree / accept that S1 + V1 because of a few reasons such
as A, I am strongly convinced that S2+V2 since/ because + clause.
2. Recommendation
• It is recommended/ suggested/ predicted that S+V
Giới thiệu chung

Từ vựng nói chung bao gồm 2 phạm vi: từ vựng chủ đề (topical vocabulary) và từ vựng diễn đạt chung
(general functional language)

Từ vựng diễn đạt chung (general functional language) có thể áp dụng cho mọi chủ đề và câu hỏi, cũng có
thể hỗ trợ các em khi gặp đề quá khó và không sử dụng được từ vựng ở phạm vi thứ nhất (topical
vocabulary). Nói cách khác, nếu nắm vững các cụm từ chỉ “functions” các em có thể tạo câu và lập luận
đủ cho bài viết hay cả lẫn bài nói của mình.

Ý kiến khách quan (Discursive language)

Trong các bài luận dạng Discussion và nhiều dạng khác, đôi khi người viết cần nói tới những thứ khách
quan có xu hướng “đúng” và được chấp nhận rộng rãi trong xã hội. Các cách diễn đạt phổ biến trong
trường hợp này như sau:

- Some (people) think / believe / argue / claim / maintain that something is true/ plausible.
- (S+V) in the view of some people
- It is often believed that …………. something is true
- There is a common belief that something is true
- Supporters/ Opponents of A often indicate that …..

Khi nói tới ý kiến khách quan, chúng ta rất cần cẩn trọng, thay vì nói tới một thứ với ý kiến áp đặt “đúng
100%” thì hãy giới hạn những phạm vi, khía cạnh mà nó đúng. Ví dụ:

- Something is true in a few aspects/ in a few ways

- Something is justifiable on the grounds of ……… / on several grounds
- There are a few reasons (as to) why something is true

Liên quan tới ngôn ngữ cẩn trọng, các bạn có thể tham khảo lại kĩ hơn bài “Academic language” trong

Quan điểm cá nhân (Personal opinions)

Có 2 cách chính để chỉ quan điểm cá nhân, sử dụng quan điểm cá nhân yếu hoặc mạnh (weak vs strong
opinion). Quan điểm yếu có nghĩa là mình công nhận mặt đó không sai, nhưng không phải cái mình
nghiêng về hẳn. Các cách diễn đạt cơ bản như sau:

- There are a few reasons why something is true

- Something is true in a few respects/ in a few ways
- There could/ may/ might be some certain reasons why something is true

Người viết nên dùng động từ khuyết thiếu (modal verb) để làm giảm tính chắc chắn của luận điểm đưa
ra trong một câu sử dụng quan điểm yếu:

- There could/ may/ might be some certain reasons why ………

Ngoài ra, chúng ta cũng có thể bảo “cái này đúng, nhưng chỉ đúng trên một số phương diện thôi” để làm
argument yếu đi.
- Something is true in a few aspects – in a few ways

Ngược lại khi thể hiện quan điểm mạnh, có thể dùng câu ngắn gọn, súc tích và đi thẳng vào vấn đề

- It would seem that something is true

- It could be argued that something is true
- This proves/ suggests/ supports the idea that something is true (in conclusions)

Cách tốt hơn để thể hiện quan điểm mạnh là sử dụng cấu trúc so sánh, chỉ ra mặt này quan trọng hơn /
thuyết phục hơn mặt còn lại

- There are more convincing/ persuasive/ compelling/ considerable/ significant reasons why
something is true

Một số từ khác có thể giúp bạn thể hiện quan điểm cá nhân cụ thể (opinion and argument)

- Speculation that… / speculation about something/ speculation over something

E.g: There is a widespread speculation that tourists can travel to outer space in the next decade.

- Be apparent to somebody that / Be apparent that …

E.g: It is apparent to environmentalists that global warming will bring destruction to the wildlife in the

Chỉ nguyên nhân kết quả (Reasons and results)

Giả sử A là nguyên nhân, B là kết quả, A & B đều là danh từ hoặc cụm danh từ

Cách diễn đạt theo chiều “xuôi” : A dẫn đến B

- A causes B
- A leads to B
- A results in B
- A is conducive to B
- A is the main culprit of B
- A is/acts as a precursor to B
- A is/ acts as a catalyst for B

E.g: Traffic emissions are conducive to air pollution.

Cách diễn đạt theo chiều “ngược”: B là do A

- B stems from A
- B springs from A
- B results from A
- B derives from A
- B can be ascribed to A
- B can be attributed to A
- B can be attributable to A
- B can be traced to A (Something can be traced to a number of factors)

e.g: Air pollution can be ascribed to traffic emissions.

Diễn đạt khác chỉ nguyên nhân “cause”: rationale ; reason (noun)

- Rationale behind/ for/ of something

- Reason for something/ for doing something; reason why; for obvious reasons

Diễn dạt khác để nói “For this reason…”: Therefore (hay ở giữa câu); For this reasons, This is why (hay ở
đầu câu); Thus; Hence

E.g: Today’s children eat more junk food and get less exercise than previous generations of children. It is
not surprising, therefore, that rates of childhood obesity are on the increase.

Children who grow up on a diet of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life. For this
reason, / This is why it is essential that children eat healthily from an early age.

“cause something to happen”: To prompt something/ to prompt somebody to do something

“cause a particular reaction/ effect”: Be likely to provoke something/ provoke somebody into doing
something/ provoke somebody to do something

“to stop something from having any effect”: To negate something

Chỉ tác động (Effects)

Các collocations đơn giản sau chỉ tác động của một việc lên việc khác:

- The effects of A on B
- The impacts of A on B
- The influence of A on B
- A has repercussions for B

E.g: Any decrease in tourism could have serious repercussions for the local economy.

Collocations – Các “verb” đi với “noun” như “effect/ impact” thông dụng nhất là:

- To exert/ produce an effect on something

- To exert/ create an impact on something
- To have an influence on something
- To generate a number of positive/negative outcomes

Nếu tác động là tích cực, chúng ta có một số tính từ trong collocations:

Positive/ favorable/ desirable + effect/ impact

Nếu tác động là tiêu cực, chúng ta có một số tính từ trong collocations:

Negative/ adverse/ undesirable + effect/ impact

Nếu tác động là rất tiêu cực, tới mức trầm trọng, chúng ta có thể dùng:

Detrimental/ devastating + effect/ impact

Lưu ý: nghĩa của 2 tính từ “detrimental” và “devastating” sẽ không phù hợp trong một số sự việc, dẫn tới
lỗi “thổi phồng” (exaggeration), làm giảm band xuống dưới 7. Ví dụ dưới đây về việc thổi phồng:

E.g: Using mobile phones has a detrimental impact on our he

Giải thích/ bổ sung thông tin (Giving extra information)
Giả sử A & B là 2 sự việc ở dạng danh từ

Cách giải thích sự việc thông dụng nhất là sử dụng “because” hoặc “due to”. Cấu trúc câu đơn giản như

- A happens because B happens

- A happens due to/ because of B (nếu B là danh từ/ cụm danh từ)

Chúng ta cũng có thể dùng “owing to” với ý nghĩa tương tự:

- A happens owing to B. (nếu B là danh từ/ cụm danh từ)

Chúng ta cũng có thể dùng “owing to” với ý nghĩa tương tự”

- A happens owing to B. (nếu B là danh từ/ cụm danh từ)

Thông thường chúng ta hay sử dụng câu phức/ ghép trong bài IELTS, và trong trường hợp phải cắt ra 2
câu nhỏ, khi đó chúng ta nên viết:

- A happens. This is because B happens.

- A happens. This is due to/ because of B. (nếu B là danh từ/ cụm danh từ)

Cách đưa thêm thông tin, có hàm ý giải thích, nhưng không quá nặng về giải thích mà thiên về
interpretation là dùng “in a sense that” (theo cách hiểu là …..). Cấu trúc câu như sau:

- A happens in a sense that B happens.

Một số cách giải thích, đưa thêm thông tin thông dụng khác:

- A happens. An explanation of this is that B happens.

- A happens. This means that B happens.
- A happens. In other words, B happens.

Lưu ý: từ “happen” ở đây được dùng để làm ví dụ, khi viết các bạn phải sử dụng động từ thật trong ý của
mình nhé.

Đưa ra ví dụ (Examples)
Giả sử B là ví dụ của A

Nếu B là ví dụ hiển nhiên của A, chúng ta dùng ví dụ ngắn:

- such as, including ….

E.g: Many great cities in the world, such as Paris, are suffering from the Covid pandemic.

Trong đó Paris hiển nhiên là một thành phố lớn

Khi B không phải là ví dụ hiển nhiên của A, chúng ta lấy ví dụ dài để có thể giải thích rõ hơn. Khi đó B
phải “address” được tất cả các key words trong A. Cấu trúc như sau:

- S (Chủ ngữ), for instance/ for example, V (verb)

- Adverb phrase, for instance / for example, S + V

- Take something as an example, + clause (mệnh đề)
- A clear/ stark example of this is that, + clause (mệnh đề)
- A clear illustration of this is that, + clause (mệnh đề)

Cách sử dụng ví dụ dài được thể hiện rõ ràng qua các ví dụ sau:

The government plays a central role in solving seawater pollution. The Vietnamese government, for
example, put a heavy fine on Formosa, a Taiwanese steel corporation, as this company dumped a huge
amount of chemical waste in to the sea in the middle part of Vietnam. This act improved seawater
quality in this country in a few months.

Chỉ mục đích (purpose)

Giả sử A và B là người/ nhóm người, X và Y là 2 việc khác nhau. Chúng ta có thể viết:

A does X in order to do Y

A does X in order for B to do Y

A does X in order that B does Y

A does X so as to do Y

A does X so that B can do Y

e.g: These job cuts are necessary in order for the company to remain competitive.

Chỉ phương tiện, cách thức (Method/ means of…)

Giả sử A & B là hai sự việc

Để chỉ phương tiện, cách thức, chúng ta thường dùng “thanks to” trong văn nói. Nhưng trong văn viết,
chúng ta nên thay “thanks to” = “by means of”:

- A happens by means of B

E.g: He will succeed by means of sheer persistence.

Sử dụng “by way of” = as a type of , as a means of something, via

E.g: The artist arrived in Paris from Bulgaria by way of Vienna.

He sent me some flowers by way of an apology.

Ngoài ra chúng ta có thể có cách khác với ý nghĩa tương tự khi diễn đạt chỉ phương tiện:

- A happens with the aid of B

- A happens with the use of B
- A happens using B
- A happens via B

E.g: I teach psychology by way of a range of traditional lectures, practicals and tutorials.

Those who seek to grab power through violence deserve punishment.

Chỉ vấn đề (Problems)
Những cách diễn đạt sau liên quan tới vấn đề

- To cause (gây ra)

- To remedy the problem (giải quyết)
- To tackle the problem (giải quyết)
- To address the problem (giải quyết)
- To curb the problem (giải quyết)

Làm giảm nhẹ vấn đề, dù nghĩa có thể hơi khác, cũng có thể được sử dụng thay thế cho “giải quyết”
trong một số trường hợp:

- To mitigate the problem

- To alleviate the problem

Làm trầm trọng thêm vấn đề:

- To exacerbate the problem

- To aggravate the problem

Người viết cũng có thể dùng diễn đạt chỉ “cắt giảm tác nhân gây ra vấn đề” bằng các động từ sau (Các từ
này cần phải đi với the amount/ number/ rate of something (measurable) )

- To minimise
- To reduce
- To limit
- To curtail
- To curb

E.g: to curtail the amount of traffic emissions.

Giải pháp (Solution)

Các bạn có thể sử dụng các từ sau, để chỉ “giải pháp” ở dạng danh từ:

- Solution
- Measure
- Action
- Remedy

Collocations: những động từ thường đi với “giải pháp

- To adopt/ implement/ employ/ take a solution

- To adopt/ implement/ employ/ take a measure
- To adopt a remedy
- To take an action

Chỉ lợi ích/ hạn chế (Advantages and Disadvantages)
Khi viết về sự việc có lợi, có những cấu trúc sau:

- There are advantages/ benefits to something/ doing something

- One of the advantages of something is ….
- Something is advantageous/ beneficial in a few ways

Ngược lại khi viết về sự việc có hại, có những cấu trúc sau:

- There are (some/ a few) disadvantages/ drawbacks/ shortcomings to something

- Something is disadvantageous/ unbeneficial (in a few ways/ aspects)

Cố gắng so sánh mặt lợi & hại trong dạng bài “Advantages & Disadvantages Essays”. Một số cấu trúc câu
như sau:

- The advantages outweigh the disadvantages

- The benefits are greater/ more significant/ considerable than the drawbacks
- The shortcomings are more serious than the benefits

Cố gắng dùng câu phức để nâng điểm

- There are significant benefits which far outweigh the drawbacks

- The benefits are significant, far outweighing the drawbacks
- Something is associated with a number of benefits which far outweigh the drawbacks.

Chỉ nguy hiểm, rủi ro (Dangers)

Collocations với 3 từ chỉ sự nguy hiểm và rủi ro: danger / threat / risk

Gây nguy hiểm, rủi ro:

- To present a danger/ threat/ risk to something

- To pose a risk/ a threat to something
- To cause danger to something (danger ở đây: uncountable)

Một số cách diễn đạt quan trọng khác:

- To take risks
- To void risks or danger
- Involving a risk / risks
- To be at risk of
- To be in danger of

Liên kết cặp ý song song (Connecting similar supporting ideas)

Trong một đoạn văn nếu có 2 supporting ideas cùng dùng để phát triển một ý duy nhất, thường ta gọi
đó là cặp ý song song. Những cách liên kết thường là:

- The primary _____ is that something is true. Another significant _____ is that something else is
true. (trong khoảng trống tùy theo bài sẽ là hiện tượng vấn đề được nói đến trong đề bài, ví dụ
như: reason, problem, solution….)
- This is primarily because something is true…. In addition to this, something else is true.

Để liên kết ý nâng cao, người viết cần thể hiện góc nhìn/ khía cạnh/ phjam vi khi bàn luận vấn đề.

Diễn đạt chỉ “Góc nhìn”:

- From an X perspective, something is true. From a Y standpoint, something else is true. (X,Y:
financial, environmental, social, individual….)
- From the perspective of X, something is true. From the standpoint of Y, something else is true.
(X, Y: parents, children, teachers, schools….)

Diễn đạt chỉ “Khía cạnh”:

- In terms of X, something is true…. With regards to Y, something else is true.

Diễn đạt chỉ “Phạm vi”:

- On an X level, something is true. On a Y scale, something else is true.

Trong đó, X và Y là các phạm vi từ cá nhân, xã hội tới quốc gia, toàn cầu: personal/ individual, social,
national, international/ global.

Liên kết cặp ý tương phản/ nhượng bộ (Connecting contrast supporting ideas)

Một số đoạn văn có 2 supporting ideas quan hệ tương phản hoặc nhượng bộ về mặt ý nghĩa. Các cấu
trúc có thể áp dụng như sau:

- Although/ Even though something is true, something else is true.

- Something is true although/ Even though something else is true.
- While/ whereas something is true, something else is true.
- Something is true. However, something else is true.
- Something is true while / whereas something else is true.
- Something else is true. By contrast/In contrast to this, something else is true.
- In spite off/ Despite + noun/ verb-ing, something is true.

Một số cách diễn đạt quan trọng khác (Other expressions)

- Cung cấp: to provide somebody with something, to provide something for someone
- Đưa ra cái gì cho ai: to offer something to somebody
- Hỗ trợ: to assist somebody in doing something, to help somebody do something
- Tạo điều kiện: enable somebody to do something, to facilitate an action/ process
- Khuyến khích: to encourage/ motivate somebody to do something
- Làm mất động lực: to demotivate/ discourage somebody from doing something
- Cho phép/ cấm: to allow / permit/ forbid somebody to do something; allow/ permit/ forbid
doing something
- Khác biệt/ phân biệt: to differentiate/ discriminate between A and B; differentiate/ discriminate
A from B ;
- Tính quan trọng: acute/ marked/ prominent/ pressing/ intense/ crucial; negligible/ subordinate

Các bạn có thể xem kĩ hơn cách cấu tạo các câu và hình thành đoạn văn, bài văn (sentence -> paragraph
-> essay) trong tài liệu writing khóa PRE IELTS.

Compound sentence (Câu ghép)

Coordinator Meaning Clause 1, + coordinator + Clause 2

for To add a reason Japanese people live longer than most other
nationalities, for they eat healthful diets.

and To add a similar, equal idea They eat a lot of fish and vegetables, and they eat

nor To add a negative They do not eat a lot of red meat, nor do they eat
equal idea many dairy products.

but To add an opposite Diet is one factor in how long people live, but it is
idea not the only factor.

or To add an However, people should limit the amount of animal

alternative possibility fat in their diets, or they risk getting hear disease

yet To add an unexpected or Cigarette smoking is a factor in longevity, yet

surprising Japanese and other long-lived Asians have a
continuation very high rate of tobacco use

so To add an expected Doctors say that stress is another longevity

result factor, so it is advised to avoid stress.

Adverb Meaning Clause 1, + conjunctive adv + Clause 2

Also, to add a similar, Community colleges offer preparation for

Besides, equal idea many occupations;
Furthermore, also/besides/furthermore/in addition/ moreover,
In addition, they prepare students to transfer to a four-year
Moreover, college or university.

As well Community colleges offer preparation for

many occupations; they prepare students to transfer to
a four-year college or university as well.

too Community colleges offer preparation for many

occupations; they prepare students to transfer to a four-
year college or university, too.

however to add an The cost of attending a community college is
nevertheless unexpected or low; however,/nevertheless/nonetheless/still, many
nonetheless surprising students need financial aid
still continuation

on the to add a Tuition at a community college islow; on the other

other hand complete hand, /in contrast, tuition at private schools is high.
in contrast contrast

otherwise to add an Students must take final exams; otherwise, they will
expected result receive a grade of incomplete.

accordingly Native and nonnative English speakers

as a result have different needs; accordingly, /as a
consequently result/consequently/hence/therefore /thus,
hence most schools provide separate English classes for
therefore each group.

for example, to add an Most colleges now have a writing requirement

for instance, example for graduation; for example,/for instance, students at
my college must pass a writing test before they register
for their final semester.

Semicolon ; Clause 1 ; clause 2

; only when the two Salt water boils at a higher temperature

independent clauses are closely than freshwater; food cooks faster in salt
related in meaning. If they are not water. Poland was the first Eastern
closely related, they should be European country to turn away from
written as two simple communism; others soon follow.
sentences, each ending with a

Complex sentence (Câu phức)

With adverbial clauses when, while, because, although, if, so, that
Subordinator + adv
clause Although women in the United States could own property, they
could not vote until 1920.
A citizen can vote in the United States when he or she is 18
years old.

With adjective clauses who, whom, which, whose, that

Relative pronoun/adv + where, when
adj clause Men who are not married are called bachelors.
Last year we vacationed in Cozumel, which features excellent
scuba diving.

With noun clauses Wh-question word, that, whether, if + noun clause

That there is a hole in the ozone layer of Earth’s atmosphere is

well known.
Scientists know what caused it.

Compound-Complex sentence (Câu phức ghép)

3 clauses I wanted to travel after I graduated from college; however, I had to go to

2 independent work immediately.
After I graduated from college, I wanted to travel, but I had to go to work

I wanted to travel after I graduated from college, but I had to go to work

immediately because I had to support my family.

I could not decide where I should work or what I should do, so at first, I did

Linking devices
Please note that you just have to use some of these linking devices carefully for your writing (not all) in
both tasks, and try to avoid mechanical use.

The ones in bold are often preferred for IELTS Writing task II

Meaning/ Transition Conjunctive Coordinating Subordinating Others

function phrases adverbs Conjunctions Conjunctions
To introduce In addition, / Furthermore and Another +
an additional In addition to Moreover noun
idea this, ….. Besides An additional
Also + Noun
To introduce On the other However But Although In spite of +
an opposite hand, … Nevertheless Yet Though noun
idea or In contrast Instead Even though Despite +
contrast Still Whereas noun
Nonetheless While
To introduce a Likewise, A similar
similar idea Similarly, pattern could
be seen in ….
To introduce a otherwise Or If,
choice or Unless
To introduce a In fact That is It means that…
restatement Indeed In other
or explanation words,
To list in order First, The first,
Second, second …
Third, The next, last,
Next, final …
To introduce For example An example of
an example For instance + noun
A clear Such as +
illustration of noun
this is that …
A stark
example of
this is that …
To introduce a In brief,
conclusion or In short,
summary In conclusion,
In summary,
To introduce a Accordingly Therefore So , so that
result As a result Consequently
As a Hence
consequence Thus


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