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COMPUTER MEMORY by Cherry Mhay Aguilar of BSCE211E

3TB External

engine 2011 Hard Drive.

1939 128 GB USB

flash drives
Micro SDHC's in
electronic 50-
bit words development
digital memory by Sandisk.

1947 magnetic Consider the recent improvements

core memory to computer memory (storage and
with pulse RAM). DDR3L and DDR4 memory 1TB
transfer have become commonplace.
control Hard Drive
Advances in storage technology
have allowed SSDs to become

cheaper and smaller and

traditional harddrives to reach
capacities of 10 TiB.
Intel is granted
patent for a digital Double
multichip computer Data Rate
memory. (DDR SDRAM)
8 MB Flash drives are

1980 1983
5 1/2"
disk drive Apple Motorola
68000 Lisa with
floppy 1 megabyte RAM Synchronous
Dynamic RAM

s a d v a n t a g e
d i s However, internet contains some dark sides that
s i n g t
can't be ignored. It can pose numerous problems

o f u h e
to the students if misused. Adult content is widely accessible to children under the age
of 18. Students may be exposed to many sorts of vulgarity,

e r n anti-social
such as violence and pornography, when using the internet.

i n t et Children are more engaged in computer communication

than in communicating with people in real life. Interacting
Because it is simpler to remain anonymous on the Internet,
with people online is vastly different than interacting with
people may bully other people who are also online.
people in person. Children's communication abilities have
The Internet is a constantly evolving
identity theft
deteriorated in recent years, owing to the widespread use of
technology that adds new features to the internet.

make its use more comfortable for Reliability Computer hackers and unscrupulous individuals with
access to billions of computers can hack accounts and
users. People's daily lives have been Not all content on the internet comes from trustworthy obtain personal information that could be used for identity
easier and more comfortable since the sources. Some content is made solely for the purpose of theft. Because the Internet connects all computers, hackers
deceiving visitors. It's possible that the information on the can scan millions of them and determine which ones are
emergence of the internet. internet is false or exaggerated. vulnerable to attack rapidly.

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