Reynolds Number Effects and Outer Similarity of Pressure Fluctuations in

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International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 96 (2022) 108998

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Reynolds number effects and outer similarity of pressure fluctuations in

turbulent pipe flow
Ming Yu a, b, *, Alessandro Ceci b, Sergio Pirozzoli b
State Key Laboratory of Aerodynamics, Mianyang 621000, China
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aerospaziale, Sapienza Universita di Roma, via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Roma, Italy


Keywords: We study the structure of pressure fluctuations in turbulent pipe flow, up to friction Reynolds number Reτ =
Pipe flow 6000, using standard spectral decomposition and proper orthogonal decomposition (POD). The mean pressure
Pressure fluctuations distribution is found to be qualitatively different from the case of channel flow, with an additional mean pressure
Attached eddies
difference caused by combined centrifugal and swirling effects. The variance of the pressure fluctuations exhibits
a wide region with negative logarithmic decay with the wall distance, due to the presence of a hierarchy of wall-
attached eddies, which we clearly trace in spectral maps, and which are generally isotropic in nature. On the
other hand, the largest eddies are strongly non-isotropic, and are mainly elongated in the azimuthal direction.
POD is used to prove self-similarity of the attached eddies, whose typical scales are found to be linearly pro­
portional to the wall distance of their center.

1. Introduction fluctuations in boundary layers and channels increases logarithmically

with the Reynolds number, when scaled by the mean wall shear stress,
Pressure fluctuations in wall-bounded turbulence have been widely say τw (Willmarth, 1975; Farabee et al., 1991; Hu et al., 2006; Tsuji
investigated due to their important role in structural vibration and et al., 2007; Jimenez and Hoyas, 2008; Sillero et al., 2013). Tsuji et al.
acoustic radiation (Blake, 2017). Over the years, primary focus has been (2007) found a similar trend for the peak pressure variance, which oc­
on assessing the variation of moments and spectral properties of pres­ curs at approximated at y+ = 30 (herein, the superscript + denotes the
sure fluctuations against the Reynolds number in turbulent channels and normalization by mean wall shear stress τw and kinematic viscosity ν).
boundary layers, whereas less is known about the case of pipe flow. Jimenez and Hoyas (2008) suggested that this logarithmic increment
Early research on pressure fluctuations was commonly conducted via should be attributed to a growing hierarchy of self-similar wall-attached
experimental methods. Readers may refer to Farabee et al. (1991); Tsuji eddies (Townsend, 1976; Hwang, 2015; Marusic and Monty, 2019).
et al., 2007; Klewicki et al., 2008 for detailed and comprehensive Pressure, like the wall-parallel velocity components, can indeed be
literature review. However, it has been sometimes criticised that pres­ regarded as a wall-attached quantity (Bradshaw, 1967), which explains
sure fluctuation measurements in laboratory setups as wind tunnels and why profiles of the pressure variance also follow a logarithmic trend
return circuits should be taken with caution owing to non-negligible with respect to the wall distance. The same behavior can however be
spurious facility noise (Lauchle et al., 1987; Tsuji et al., 2012). The also predicted based on inner/outer layer overlap arguments (Panton
advent of direct numerical simulation (DNS) has provided an alternative et al., 2017). A. Mehrez et al. (2019) explored the DNS database of
and more accurate tool of investigations. However, experiments can turbulent channel flow at friction Reynolds number Reτ ( = huτ /ν, with h
achieve much higher Reynolds numbers, whereas DNS is still con­ the channel height, uτ = (τw /ρ)1/2 the friction velocity, and ρ the fluid
strained by limitation of computational resources. This Reynolds num­ density) up to 4000, and found that the logarithmic trend only shows up
ber gap between experiments and simulations is being progressively for Reτ ⪆500. Those authors showed that higher-order moments also
filled on account of progress in computer science and algorithmic follow the logarithmic behaviour. With the aid of conditional averaging,
development. they found that pressure fluctuations are related to geometrically self-
It is by now well established that the intensity of wall pressure similar hairpin vortices, similar to those observed in experiments

* Corresponding author at: State Key Laboratory of Aerodynamics, Mianyang 621000, China.
E-mail address: (M. Yu).
Received 8 March 2022; Received in revised form 9 May 2022; Accepted 9 May 2022
Available online 17 May 2022
0142-727X/© 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
M. Yu et al. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 96 (2022) 108998

(Ghaemi and Scarano, 2013), and found through resolvent analysis cular pipe are carried out assuming periodic boundary conditions in the
(Luhar et al., 2014). Sillero et al. (2013) and Panton et al. (2017) axial (z) and azimuthal (ϕ) directions, as shown in Fig. 1. The velocity
compared the pressure fluctuation intensity profiles in turbulent chan­ field is controlled by two parameters, namely the bulk Reynolds number
nels, pipes and zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers, and found that (Reb = 2Rub /ν, with R the pipe radius and ub the bulk velocity), and the
the disparity primarily lies in the outer region, where the effects of the relative pipe length, Lz /R. The incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
flow geometry cannot be disregarded. are solved with a spatially uniform, time-varying pressure gradient in
By inspecting the spatial spectra, Jimenez and Hoyas (2008) pointed such a way that the mass flow rate is kept strictly constant in time. A
out that there are two sorts of flow structures related to pressure fluc­ second-order finite-difference discretization of the incompressible
tuations, the strongest being localized in the near-wall region, and Navier–Stokes equations in cylindrical coordinates is used, based on the
weaker large-scale structures spanning the entire wall layer. The former classical marker-and-cell method (Harlow and Welch, 1965), whereby
scale in viscous coordinates, whereas the latter scale in outer co­ pressure and passive scalars are located at the cell centers, whereas the
ordinates. Tsuji et al. (2016) argued about the possible onset of a sec­ velocity components are located at the cell faces, thus removing odd–­
ondary peak of the pressure variance in the outer wall region, as for the even decoupling phenomena and guaranteeing discrete conservation of
streamwise velocity variance. However, such peak is not observed in the total kinetic energy in the inviscid limit. The Poisson equation
channel flow (A. Mehrez et al., 2019). Within the overlap region, the resulting from enforcement of the divergence-free condition is effi­
characteristic length scales of pressure fluctuations in the streamwise ciently solved by double trigonometric expansion in the periodic axial
and spanwise directions increase linearly with the wall-normal location and azimuthal directions, and inversion of tridiagonal matrices in the
(A. Mehrez et al., 2019), reminiscent of the self-similar features of the radial direction (Kim and Moin, 1985). A crucial issue is the proper
attached eddies. A recent study by Xu et al. (2020) combined the Kol­ treatment of the polar singularity at the pipe axis. A detailed description
mogorov theory and the attached eddy hypothesis formalism to show of the subject is reported in Verzicco and Orlandi (1996), but basically,
that the pre-multiplied pressure spectra in the logarithmic layer should the radial velocity ur in the governing equations is replaced by qr = rur (r
follow distinct power laws at small and at large scales, which at suffi­ is the radial space coordinate), which by construction vanishes at the
ciently high Reynolds number would reduce to k− 1 variation at the large axis. The governing equations are advanced in time by means of a hybrid
scales, and k− 7/3 variation at the small scales, where k is a relevant third-order low-storage Runge–Kutta algorithm, whereby the diffusive
wavenumber. terms are handled implicitly, and convective terms in the axial and
The consensus reached so far is mostly based on turbulent channel radial direction explicitly. An important issue in this respect is the
flows and boundary layers. Although pipes are supposed to behave convective time step limitation in the azimuthal direction, due to
similarly to channels, some differences are nevertheless noted (Sillero intrinsic shrinking of the cells size towards the pipe axis. To alleviate this
et al., 2013), which should be most apparent in the outer wall layer. In limitation, we use implicit treatment of the convective terms in the
the present study we thus focus on the study of pressure fluctuations in azimuthal direction (Akselvoll and Moin, 1996; Wu and Moin, 2008),
turbulent pipe flow. By exploiting the database introduced in a previous which enables marching in time with similar time step as in planar
study (Pirozzoli et al., 2021), herein we investigate the variation of in­ domains flow in practical computations. In order to minimize numerical
tensities and spectral properties of pressure fluctuations in a relatively errors associated with implicit time stepping, explicit and implicit dis­
wide range of Reynolds number. Utilizing a standard tool of analysis as cretizations of the azimuthal convective terms are linearly blended with
proper orthogonal decomposition (POD), we further investigate off-wall the radial coordinate, in such a way that near the pipe wall the treatment
similarity of pressure-bearing eddies. The remainder of this paper is is fully explicit, and near the pipe axis it is fully implicit. The code was
organized as follows. In Section 2 we present the numerical database; adapted to run on clusters of graphic accelerators (GPUs), using a
the one-point statistics and the spatial organization of the pressure field combination of CUDA Fortran and OpenACC directives, and relying on
are discussed in Section 3 and 4, respectively. Energetic modes extracted the CUFFT libraries for efficient execution of FFTs (Ruetsch and Fatica,
from POD are presented in Section 5. Concluding comments are finally 2014).
given in Section 6. From now on, capital letters will used to denote flow properties
averaged in the homogeneous spatial directions and in time, brackets to
2. The DNS database denote the averaging operator, and lower-case letters to denote fluctu­
ations from the mean.
Numerical simulations of fully developed turbulent flows in a cir­ A list of the main simulations that we have carried out is given in
Table 1. The mesh resolution is designed based on the criteria discussed
by Pirozzoli and Orlandi (2021). In particular, the collocation points are
distributed in the wall-normal direction so that approximately thirty
points are placed within y+ ⩽40 (y = R − r is the wall distance), with the
first grid point at y+ < 0.1, and the mesh is progressively stretched in the

Table 1
Flow parameters for DNS of pipe flow. Cases are labeled in increasing order of
Reynolds number, from A to F.
Dataset Lz /R Mesh (Nz × Nr × Reb Reτ Δtstat /τt Line color
Nϕ )

DNS-A 15 256 × 67 × 256 5300 180.3 204.0

DNS-B 15 768 × 140 × 17000 495.3 87.4
DNS-C 15 1792 × 270 × 44000 1136.6 25.9
DNS-D 15 3072 × 399 × 82500 1976.0 22.4
DNS-E 15 4608 × 540 × 133000 3028.1 16.6
Fig. 1. Definition of coordinate system for DNS of pipe flow. z, r, ϕ are the axial, 4608
DNS-F 15 9216 × 910 × 285000 6019.4 8.32
radial and azimuthal directions, respectively. R is the pipe radius, Lz the pipe
length, and ub is the bulk velocity.

M. Yu et al. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 96 (2022) 108998

outer wall layer in such a way that the mesh spacing is proportional to 3. One-point pressure statistics
the local Kolmogorov length scale, which there varies as η+ ≈ 0.8 y+ 1/4
(Jiménez et al., 2018). Regarding the axial and azimuthal directions, The mean pressure distribution in the radial direction is shown in
finite-difference simulations of wall-bounded flows yield grid- Fig. 2(a,b), in terms of the difference between wall and local values. For
independent results as long as Δx+ ≈ 10, R+ Δϕ ≈ 4.5 (Pirozzoli et al., all cases here considered the pressure difference first increases in the
2016), hence we have selected the number of grid points along the ho­ inner region, reaching a peak value, and then it decreases in the outer
mogeneous flow directions as Nz = Lz /R × Reτ /9.8, Nϕ ∼ 2π × Reτ /4.1. region. With the increase of the friction Reynolds number, the peak
According to the established practice (Hoyas and Jiménez, 2006; Lee pressure difference increases, and the corresponding wall-normal loca­
and Moser, 2015; Ahn et al., 2015), the time intervals used to collect the tion is shifted further away from the wall. For DNS-F, this peak resides at
flow statistics (Δtstat ) are reported as a fraction of the eddy-turnover time y+ ≈ 1000, or y/R = 0.17. This is rather different from the mean pres­
(R/uτ ). sure in turbulent channel flows, as displayed in Fig. 2, in which the
A detailed study of the velocity and passive scalar statistics are re­ maxima of the mean pressure are reached in the inner region at
ported in previous studies (Pirozzoli et al., 2021; Pirozzoli et al., 2022), y+ ≈ 50 ∼ 100. The difference can be attributed to disparity in the
which contain a full analysis of sensitivity of the flow statistics to respective mean balance equations. In turbulent channel flows, inte­
domain size and grid resolution, as well as a study of the time sampling gration of the mean momemtum equation in the wall-normal direction
error. Based on the method of Russo and Luchini (2017), which extends yields
the classical batch means approach, we find that the sampling error for ( ) 〈 〉( )
Pw − P y = v 2 y , (1)
the one-point pressure statistics is generally quite limited, being larger
in the largest DNS, which have been run for shorter time. In particular, hence the distribution of the pressure difference is identical to the wall-
in DNS-F the expected sampling error in the mean pressure and pressure normal velocity variance. In pipe flows, momentum balance along the
variance is less than about 0.5%. radial direction yields (Schlichting et al., 2000)

1.5 1.5

1 1
P w+ − P +

P w+ − P +

0.5 0.5

0 0 1 2 3 4
0 -3 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
(a) y+ (b) y/R

1.5 1.5

1 1
P w+ − P +

P w+ − P +

0.5 0.5

0 0 1 2 3 4 0 -3 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
(c) y + (d) y/R

1.5 1.5

1 1
M r+2

M r+2

0.5 0.5

0 0 1 2 3 4
0 -3 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
(e) y + (f) y/R
Fig. 2. Wall-normal distribution of mean pressure difference in pipes (a-b) and in channels (Lee and Moser, 2015) at Reτ = 180, 550, 1000, 2000, 5200 (c-d, dashed
lines), plotted against (a, c) viscous coordinates, and (b,d) outer coordinates. The M+
r2 term in Eq. (3) is shown in panels (e–f). Refer to Fig. 1 for line style.

M. Yu et al. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 96 (2022) 108998

〈 2〉 〈 2〉 〈 〉
ur − uθ d u2r dP 〈 ( / )
+ = − , (2) p2 〉+ y R = Alog(y/R) + B, (4)
r dr dr

which can be integrated to yield curve fitting within the range of y = (0.02 ∼ 0.3)R for DNS-F yields the
⎛ ⎞ values of parameters A = − 2.28 and B = 1.13, with error of 0.4%.
〈 〉
∫ y 〈 2〉 〈 2〉 Compared with the variances in turbulent channels (see Fig. 3(c)), we
⎜ ⎟ ur − uθ
Pw − P⎝y⎠ = u2r + dy . (3) note that pressure fluctuations in pipes tend to be lower for y+ ≲150, and
⏟̅⏞⏞̅⏟Mr1 R− y
⏟̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅⏞⏞̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅⏟Mr2 higher farther from the wall, a behavior which can also be traced in
earlier studies (see, e.g. Sillero et al., 2013, Fig. 5). Overall, the slope of
The first term is known to attain a flat distribution at high Reynolds logarithmic decay seems to be shallower in pipes. The calibrated log-law
number, and its peak value slowly asymptotes to an extrapolated values parameters are listed in Table 2, along with those reported in previous
of about 1.38 in pipe flow (Smits et al., 2021). The difference with studies in turbulent channels and boundary layers. Despite some data
respect to the case of channel flow is due to term Mr2 at the right-hand- scatter across different studies, the table confirms that the decay rate is a
side of Eq. (3). The latter (see panels e,f) is associated with centrifugal 〈 bit less in pipes than in other flow configurations.
u2r 〉 and swirling 〈u2θ 〉 effects, and is found to increase monotonically We further report the wall and peak values of pressure variances 〈
from the wall to the pipe centreline, hence it contributes to making the p2w 〉+ and 〈p2P 〉+ in Fig. 4. With exclusion of the lowest Reynolds number
pressure difference between the pipe wall and the interior larger than in case at Reτ ≈ 180, the wall and peak values of pressure variances can be
channel flow. Interestingly, term Mr2 is scaling with very good approx­ well characterized in terms of the following logarithmic trends
imation in outer units, yielding a maximum increase of about 0.4 wall 〈 2 + ( )
units. As a consequence, we find that the difference between wall and pw 〉 = 2.05log Reτ − 7.61, (5)
centreline pressure to be of the order of one wall unit in the case of pipe 〈 ( )
flow, whereas in channels it is about 0.5 wall units. p2P 〉+ = 2.22log Reτ − 6.74. (6)
The distributions of the pressure variance are displayed in Fig. 3(a-
b). These are found to remain nearly constant within the viscous sub­ The data thus support theoretical inference that wall and peak pressure
layer (say, y+ ⩽10), then increasing to attain a peak value at y+ ≈ 30, variances increase logarithmically with Reτ , with accuracy of 0.3% and
and then decrease. A region with distinctly logarithmic decrease is found 0.25%, respectively. The logarithmic growth rate seems to be margin­
from y+ ≈ 100 to y/R ≈ 0.4, which is then followed by steeper decrease
towards the pipe centreline. As the Reynolds number increases, the Table 2
pressure variances at the wall and their peak values increase systemat­ Parameters of logarithmic fits for pressure variance distributions in Eq. (4).
ically, whereas the centreline value is not much affected. When plotted Source A B
against outer wall coordinates, the logarithmic portions of the pressure
Pipe (present) − 2.28 1.13
variance distribution collapse for Reτ ⪆500, consistent with the case of Channel (Sillero et al., 2013) − 2.75 0.1
channel flow (A. Mehrez et al., 2019). Expressing the outer distribution Channel (Panton et al., 2017) − 2.56 0.270
as Channel (A. Mehrez et al., 2019) − 2.51 0.395
Boundary layer (A. Mehrez et al., 2019) − 2.42 2.39

15 15



10 10 -4 -2 -1 0
10 10 10



5 5

0 0 1 2 3 4
0 -3 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
(a) y + (b) y/R

15 20





0 0 1 2 3 4
0 -3 -2 -1 0
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
(c) y + (d) y/R
Fig. 3. Wall-normal distribution of pressure variance plotted against (a) inner and (b) outer coordinates. Peaks values (〈p2P 〉+ ) are marked with circles. In panel (b)
the grey line denotes 〈p2 〉+ (y/R) = Alog(y/R) + B, with A = − 2.28 and B = 1.13, and the inset shows the log-law diagnostic function, y dp2 /dy. Panels (c, d) show a

comparison with channel flow DNS data by Lee and Moserdashed lines (2015), at Reτ = 180, 550, 1000, 2000, 5200, offset by 2.0 in (d). Refer to Fig. 1 for line style.

M. Yu et al. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 96 (2022) 108998

14 universal in wall units at small scales, although the peak intensity is

slightly increasing with Reτ . Most energetic contributions come from
eddies residing at y+ ≈ 30, and with typical length scale λ+ θ ≈ λz ≈ 200

(see panels a,c), where λθ and λz are wavelengths along the azimuthal

p2P , p2w

and axial directions, respectively. Similar insensitivity from Reynolds

number variation in the wall-normal location and characteristic length
6 scales of the spectral peaks was also found in channel flows (A. Mehrez
et al., 2019). Consistent with the attached nature of pressure as a flow
variable, we find that the azimuthal and axial spectra both exhibit a
2 2 3 4
prominent ridge which reaches out towards the top-right corner of the
10 10 10 maps, suggesting linear growth of the length scales with the wall dis­
Re τ tance. When expressed in outer units (panels b, d) the spectra show very
good universality at the largest scales. Unlike the axial velocity, the
Fig. 4. Variation of wall pressure variance (〈p2w 〉2 , black squares) and peak
spectra of pressure fluctuations do not feature prominent outer-layer
pressure variance (〈p2P 〉, red diamonds) with Reτ . Solid symbols are used for pipe
energetic peaks. However, the nearly vertical contour lines indicate
flow (present DNS), and open symbols for channel flow (Lee and Moser, 2015).
Solid lines note the fits given in Eqs. (5) and (6). The dashed lines denote data that energetic pressure fluctuations at large scales (λθ ≈ R and λz ≈ R)
fits for channel flow (A. Mehrez et al., 2019), 〈p2w 〉+ = 2.24log(Reτ ) − 9.18, 〈 penetrate through the logarithmic and the buffer layer at almost con­
p2P 〉+ = 2.77log(Reτ ) − 10.47.
stant intensity down to the wall. In fact, unlike velocity fluctuations,
pressure fluctuations are not constrained from the no-slip and/or no-
penetration conditions which would cause them to decay in the wall
ally, but systematically less than for channel flow, which again high­
lights differences between the two flows.
Reynolds number trends are better illustrated in Fig. 7, where we
show peak values with respective wall distance and associated wave­
4. Spatial organization
length. The peak spectral amplitudes are found to increase very slowly,
tending to reach an asymptotic value at high Reynolds number. Hence,
Representative instantaneous fluctuating pressure fields are shown
the previously observed logarithmic increase of the peak pressure vari­
in Fig. 5, at the pipe wall and in the cross section. At low Reynolds
ances with Reτ , is due to broadening of the range of eddy scales
number pressure fluctuations are organized into nearly circular blobs,
contributing to it, as Fig. 6 well illustrates, and as pointed out by
but some hint of coherence along the azimuthal is also perceivable. This
Jimenez and Hoyas (2008). The position and the typical length scales of
kind of organization is distinctly different than in the axial velocity field,
the near-wall spectral peak are also not changing much with Reτ , and
which is instead characterized by longitudinal streaks (see, e.g. Pirozzoli
they are similar for the azimuthal and the axial spectra.
et al., 2021). At higher Reynolds number (panels(c-f)), the multi-scale
The wall pressure spectra are shown in detail in Fig. 8. When plotted
nature of pressure fluctuations becomes obvious. In particular, the
against viscous scales, the spectral intensities are Reynolds number in­
small-scale eddies (see the zoomed inset), have similar characteristic
dependent for λ+ θ ≲100, λz ≲100 for cases with Reτ ⪆1000, consistent with
length scales in the axial and azimuthal directions, thus showing no
the discussions on Fig. 7. The peak values are slowly increasing with the
preferential alignment. On the other hand, the largest eddies come in the
Reynolds number, and are attained at λ+ θ ≈ 220, λz ≈ 250. Notably, the
form of spanwise-aligned streaks, hence far from isotropy. Pressure
fluctuations in the pipe cross section come in the form of blobs, whose azimuthal spectra seem to be more affected from Reynolds number
size does not change substantially with the Reynolds number, and which variation than the axial ones. When plotted against outer coordinates,
are mainly distributed within the buffer layer. The figure further sug­ the spectra at the large scales become nearly Reynolds number inde­
gests (note that the same color scale is used for all cases) that extreme pendent, as suggested by collapse of the contour lines in the large-λ
positive and negative pressure fluctuation events become stronger at range when outer scaling is used, see Fig. 6. In particular, universal
higher Reynolds number. distributions are achieved for λθ /R > 0.5 in the azimuthal spectra, and
More quantitative insight is provided by the spectra of pressure for λz /R > 2.0 in the axial spectra, for Reτ > 500. The collapsed portion
fluctuations, which are shown in Fig. 6, in pre-multiplied form. The of the azimuthal and axial spectra seem to follow a logarithmic decay,
spectral distributions in the near-wall region (y+ ≲100) are close to being with slope − 0.23 and − 0.3, respectively, although we could not find
any convincing theoretical explanation.
The two-dimensional spectral densities of wall pressure are displayed
in Fig. 9(a). The two-dimensional maps are consistent with the one-
(a) (b) dimensional spectra discussed above, in that the spectra tend to be
Reynolds number independent at small scales and at large scales when
plotted against viscous and outer coordinates, respectively. Most energy
resides at small scales, with peak at λ+ θ ≈ 190, λz ≈ 210, showing that

these eddies are very nearly isotropic in the wall-parallel directions, as

(c) (d) also found in channels (Kim, 1989; Jimenez and Hoyas, 2008; Klewicki
et al., 2008). As for the large-scale portion of the spectra, the charac­
teristic length scales in the azimuthal direction are found to be roughly
three times larger than in the axial direction, hence they are charac­
terized by strong anisotropy. These results quantitatively corroborate
(e) (f) our previous observations about the instantaneous pressure fields that
the small-scale fluctuations tend to be isotropic, whereas the large-scale
fluctuations are significantly elongated in the azimuthal direction. As a
comparison, in turbulent channel flow the characteristic length scales of
pressure fluctuations in the streamwise and spanwise directions in the
Fig. 5. Instantaneous fields of inner-scaled pressure fluctuations (p/τw ) at the outer region have been reported to be close to the half-channel height
pipe boundary and in the cross section, for (a) DNS-A, (b) DNS-B, (c) DNS-C, (d) (A. Mehrez et al., 2019). A recent study (Amaral and Cavalieri, 2021)
DNS-D, (e) DNS-E, (f) DNS-F.

M. Yu et al. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 96 (2022) 108998


103 -1

102 -2


101 10

0 -4
10 1 2 3 4 5
10 -3 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
(a) λ +θ (b) λ θ /R

103 -1

102 -2


101 10

0 -4
10 1 2 3 4 5
10 -3 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
(c) λ +z (d) λ z /R
Fig. 6. Pre-multiplied spectral densities of pressure fluctuations, (a, b) kθ E+
θ and (c, d) kz Ez , under (a, c) viscous and (b, d) outer coordinates. Line colors as in

Table 1. Contour levels: (a, b) 0.3 and 1.2, (c, d) 0.2 and 1.0. Grey dashed lines in panels (a) λθ = 5y, (c) λz = 5y.

2 35

1.5 30
[kE + ]P

1 25

0.5 20

0 2 15 2
10 103 104 10 103 104
(b) Re τ (b) Re τ


λ +P

150 k θ E θ+
k z E z+
100 2
10 103 104
(c) Re τ
Fig. 7. Reynolds number dependence of spectral peak values [kE+ ]P (a), with corresponding wall-normal location y+
P (b), and associated wavelength λP (c).

based on resolvent analysis applied to turbulent channel flow at low spectral maps are bi-modal, however both small eddies and large eddies
Reynolds numbers, likewise predicted that the energetic large-scale tend to be elongated along the axial direction, with aspect ratio of about
pressure fluctuations are spanwise oriented. In particular, resolvent ten, corresponding to near-wall streaks, and to the imprinting of outer-
analysis predicts the presence of spanwise-coherent modes displaying layer superstructures.
alternating spanwise vortices, with pressure peaking at the vortex The spectral distributions in the logarithmic region are inspected
centers. next. For that purpose, we only show results for DNS-F, in which a
This is to be contrasted with the structure of the axial velocity field in logarithmic region is most evident. As a first step, we have detected the
the wall proximity, which are shown in Fig. 9(b). Also in this case the peak values of the spectra at each wall-normal locations, and marked

M. Yu et al. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 96 (2022) 108998

1.2 1.2
− 0.23 log(λ θ /R )
0.9 0.9

k θ E θ+

k θ E θ+
0.6 0.6

0.3 0.3

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 -3 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
(a) λ +θ (b) λ θ /R

1.5 1.5
− 0.3 log(λ z /R )
1.2 1.2

0.9 0.9
k z E z+

k z E z+
0.6 0.6

0.3 0.3

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 -3 -2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
(c) λ +z (d) λ z /R
Fig. 8. Pre-multiplied (a–b) azimuthal and (c–d) axial spectral densities of wall pressure, plotted under (a, c) viscous scales, (b,d) outer scales. Line colors as
in Table 1.

5 5
10 10

4 4
10 10

10 10
λ +z

λ +z

10 10

10 1 2 3 4 5
10 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10

(a) λ +θ (b) λ +θ
Fig. 9. Two-dimensional pre-multiplied spectral densities (kθ kz E+ θz ) of p (a) and of ∂uz /∂y (b) at the wall. Contour lines: (a) 0.1 and 0.4, (b) 0.0004 and 0.002.
′ ′

Dashed lines in (a): λ+

z = 0.3λ +
θ , (b) λ +
z = 10λ+
θ . Line colors as in Table 1.

them with symbols in Fig. 10. Between the peak locations in the near- directions increase linearly with the wall-normal coordinate, showing
wall region at y+ ≈ 30 and y+ ≈ 1000 (corresponding to y/R ≈ 0.17), close similarity. The slope of this linear trend is approximately 5.0,
the characteristic length scales in both the azimuthal and axial which is higher than the value 3.0 reported for turbulent channels

λ θ /R λ z /R
-2 -1 0 1
10 10 10 10 0 10-2
10-1 100 101 0
10 10

103 103
10-1 10-1

2 2
10 10



10 10-2

1 1
10 -3 10 -3
10 10

0 0
10 1 2 3 4 5
10 1 2 3 4 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
(a) λ +θ (b) λ +z

Fig. 10. Pre-multiplied azimuthal (a) and axial (b) spectra of p′ , for DNS-F. The symbols denote the position of the spectral peak at any given y. The red lines denote
the trends: (a) λ+
θ = 5y , (b) λz = 5y .
+ + +

M. Yu et al. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 96 (2022) 108998

(Jimenez and Hoyas, 2008; A. Mehrez et al., 2019). particular, whereas negative fluctuations still exhibit an exponential
Based on the observation that the pressure fluctuations are most tail, positive fluctuations are more nearly Gaussian. This has to do with
energetic at small scales, Xu et al. (2020) inferred scaling laws for the the fact that the most intermittent structures in isotropic turbulence are
streamwise pressure spectra, relying on Kolmolgorov theory and on the tube-like vortices, with low-pressure at their interior (Jiménez and
attached-eddy hypothesis, which can be formulated as Wray, 1998).
[ ]
y− (3n− 7)/4 kx Ex ∼ (λx /y)n− 1 , (7) 5. Outer-layer similarity and wall-attached eddies

for λx < κy, and The spectral maps discussed in the previous section have shown that
[ ] the large-scale, pressure-bearing eddies are nearly Reynolds number
y− (3n− 7)/4 kx Ex ∼ (λx /y)(3n− 7)/4
, (8) independent, and that pressure fluctuations in the logarithmic region
show some typical features of self-similarity resulting from wall-
for λx > κy, where κ denotes the slope of the linear relation in Fig. 10. attached eddies. To further elaborate on this issue, herein we exploit
The parameter n was found to be in general dependent on the local proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) to extract the structures with
Taylor micro-scale Reynolds number. Herein we attempt to validate strongest spatial coherence, as previously done by many authors to
their theory in pipe flow. In Fig. 11, we thus display compensated, pre- analyse transitional and turbulent flows (e.g. Lumley, 1967; Holmes
multiplied spectra of pressure, namely (y/R)− (3n− 7)/4
kθ E+
et al., 2012; Taira et al., 2017). For that purpose we have collected five
(y/R) − (3n− 7)/4
kz E+
for the DNS-F flow case, at y/R = 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, hundred cross-stream planes for each case, which proved to be sufficient
0.2 and 0.3. Best fitting of the dataset yields n = 1.9, consistent with the to achieve statistical convergence of the ensemble. Considering homo­
results reported by Xu et al. (2020); Tsuji et al., 2007 in turbulent geneity and periodicity in the azimuthal direction, we then proceed as
channels. At small length scales, the power-law (7) is satisfied in an suggested by Hellström et al. (2016), by expanding the flow properties
increasingly wide band of wavelengths at increasing wall distance, up to in Fourier series, leaving only spatial coherence in the radial direction to
about one decade. The scaling (8) is found to hold for λθ /y > 5 and be determined. The two-point correlation tensor of the azimuthal
λz /y > 5, in a wider range as the wall is approached, which indicates spectral coefficients is expressed as
that band of wavenumbers is a constant fraction of R. Although the ( ) ∫T ( ) ( )
p * kθ , r , t r 1/2 dt, (10)
′ ′ ′

scaling laws in Eqs. (7) and (8) were derived for the streamwise spectra S kθ , r, r = lim r1/2 ̂
p kθ , r, t ̂
T→∞ 0
in channels, we find that the conclusions apply to pipes as well, also in
the azimuthal direction. where the hat symbols is used to denote the Fourier coefficients, and the
Fig. 12 displays the probability density distributions of pressure asterisk to denote the complex conjugate. The POD equation can then be
fluctuations at the wall and at y = 0.2R. Consistent with previous ob­ cast as
servations (Hu et al., 2006), we find that positive and negative pressure ∫ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
fluctuations are equally likely to occur at the wall, hence the skewness is ′ ′ ′
S kθ , r, r ϕ(n) kθ , r dr = σ (n) kθ ϕ(n) kθ , r r, (11)
locally zero. As the Reynolds number increases, the frequency of intense


pressure fluctuations increases, and algebraic tails. The resulting prob­

with σ (n) (kθ ) and ϕ(n) (kθ , r) denoting energy and associated radial pro­
ability density function is quite far from Gaussian (triangles), and we
files of the n-th POD mode corresponding to the azimuthal wavenumber
empirically find that it can conveniently be approximated as a T-
kθ . In a discretized setting, we collect all data samples into a matrix
⎛ ⎞ X = [x1 , x2 , ⋯, xN ], (12)
( ) ( )( )− (n+1)/2
⎜ ⎟ 2 Γ n+1
⎟ = n −√̅̅̅̅̅ x2
PDF ⎜ x ( 2
) 1 + , (9) whose column vectors xi (i = 1, 2, ⋯, N) are
⎝ ⎠ n nπΓ n2 n

xi = [x1i , x2i , ⋯, xNr i ] .

where Γ is the Gamma function, by setting n = 9. According to its We further set xij = ̂
p (kθ , rj , ti )Δrj to incorporate the grid intervals so
definition, the T-distribution is similar to the normal distribution but has that the correlation and the POD energy is consistent with the definition
fatter tails, with normal distribution recovered in the limit n→∞. Hence, given in Eqs. (10) and (11). The POD for the discretized system is then
finite value of the parameter n has to do with the strong observed obtained from singular value decomposition of matrix X,
intermittency of the pressure fluctuations. At y = 0.2R, the most intense
′ ′
X = UΣ VH , U ∈ CNr ×N , Σ ∈ CN×N , V ∈ CN×N ,
pressure fluctuations become negative, and the structure of the PDF are
similar to those reported for isotropic turbulence (Pumir, 1994). In

1 1
10 10
k z E z+ · (y/R ) − (3 n− 7) / 4
k θ E θ+ · (y/R ) − (3 n− 7) / 4

0 0
10 10

10-1 10-1
y/R = 0 .025
y/R = 0 .05
-2 -2
10 y/R = 0 .1 10
y/R = 0 .2
y/R = 0 .3
10-3 10-3
(λ θ /y ) n− 1
(3 n− 7) / 4
(λ θ /y )
-4 -4
10 -2 10 -2
10 10-1 100 101 102 103 10 10-1 100 101 102 103
(a) λ θ /y (b) λ z /y
Fig. 11. Compensated azimuthal spectra (a) and axial spectra (b) for DNS-F at several wall distances (y/R = 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3), as a function of wall
distance-scaled wavelength (n = 1.9). The vertical dashed lines correspond to λ/y = κ (here κ = 5.0).

M. Yu et al. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 96 (2022) 108998

p/τ w p/τ w
-20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20
100 100

10-1 10-1

10-2 10-2


10-3 10-3
-4 -4
10 10
-5 -5
10 10
-8 -4 0 4 8 -8 -4 0 4 8
(a) (b)
p/ p2 p/ p2
Fig. 12. Normalized probability density distributions of pressure fluctuations at (a) wall; and (b) y = 0.2R. Triangles: Gaussian distribution, diamonds: T-distri­
bution. The top axis reports a scale p/τw for the DNS-F flow case.

where U and V are unitary matrices, and Σ is the diagonal matrix whose

peak, for the first POD modes corresponding to each azimuthal wave­
elements are the singular values, number, say yp . Only cases at Reτ > 1000 are shown, as lower Reynolds
{ ′ ′ ′ }
numbers do not feature any significant logarithmic region. The figure

Σ = diag σ1 , σ 2 , ⋯, σ N , shows that within the range of wavenumbers kθ R⪆10, the wall-normal
location scales approximately as yp /R = 2πC(kθ R)− 1 , with C ≈ 0.2.
which are related to the POD modal energy as σ2i = σi2 /N. The corre­

This result is very close to what reported by Hellström et al. (2016) for
sponding POD modes are the columns of matrix U. velocity fluctuations resulting from pipe flow experiments. This finding
Fig. 13 displays the energy of the first ten POD modes associated with supports the notion that the sizes of the most energetic pressure-bearing
the first ten azimuthal wavenumbers. The first azimuthal mode is found eddies are proportional to their center locations from the wall, thus
to be the most energetic, and for each azimuthal mode, the first POD corroborating observations made regarding the one-dimensional spec­
mode is found to be much more energetic than the others, containing tral distributions (see Fig. 10).
about 60% of the energy. The first three and the first five modes take up The normalized profiles of the first three POD modes at kθ = 10, 20
more than 80% and 90% of the energy, respectively. and 30 are shown in Fig. 17, for cases with Reτ > 1000, with the wall
To examine the Reynolds number dependence of the large-scale distance scaled by the azimuthal wavenumber. The first POD modes
motions, the modal profiles for the first four azimuthal wavenumbers have relative amplitude 0.7 at the wall, attain a maximum at kθ y ≈ 1,
are shown in Fig. 14, normalized by their respective maximum values. and drop to zero at kθ y ≈ 6. The second modes have wall value of about
For each azimuthal wavenumber the first POD mode has a main peak at − 0.7, attain a minimum at kθ y ≈ 0.5, and a peak value at kθ y ≈ 3.0. The
y ≈ 0.2 ∼ 0.3R, which is consistent with the spectral distribution shown profiles then drop to zero at kθ y ≈ 8.0. The third modes behave simi­
in Fig. 6(b). Because there is no restriction from the no-slip and no- larly, except for an additional zero crossing. These POD modes exhibit
penetration conditions as for velocity, the amplitude of these modes is clear self-similarity as their profiles are well collapsed under the
not zero at the wall, but rather it is approximately 80% of the maximum normalized coordinate kθ y, but they are also very nearly universal with
value. The second and the third POD modes are comparatively less en­ respect to Reynolds number variation.
ergetic, and peaks and troughs gradually move closer to the wall as the
azimuthal wavenumber increases. For those modes, the wall values are 6. Concluding comments
about 50% of the maximum value. In general, the modal profiles are well
collapsed for different Reynolds number cases, supporting our previous Availability of a DNS database is a convenient way to gain infor­
observations that outer energetic motions are very much Reynolds mation about the structure of pressure fluctuations in internal flows, as
number independent. A visual impression for a particular family of done here for pipe flow. Although similarities with previous studies
azimuthal modes (corresponding to kθ = 3) is provided in Fig. 15, dealing with channel flow are clear, some differences are worth being
showing a full reconstruction in the pipe cross-stream plane. mentioned, and some flow features herein observed were not previously
We further seek evidence for self-similarity (or not) of the pressure- noted, also because of Reynolds number limitations. Regarding the basic
bearing eddies. In Fig. 16, we thus plot the wall distance of the main statistics, we note that the mean pressure in pipe flow has a different
structure than in channel flow, mainly owing to the presence of an extra
term in the mean balance equation, which is associated with combined
0.15 1 centrifugal and swirling effects. As a result, the peak pressure difference
with respect to the wall is larger in pipes, and it occurs much farther
from the wall, at y/R ≈ 0.2. The pressure variance shows an absolute

0.1 peak within the buffer layer associated with extreme turbulence activity,
i =1
σi2 (k θ )

and farther from the wall shows a very distinct logarithmic decline, at
σi2 /

0.4 slightly lower rate than in channels. Logarithmic growth of the wall
pressure with the friction Reynolds number is also observed, at a slightly
i =1

0.2 smaller rate than in channels. Put together, the evidence supports the
notion that the pressure-bearing eddies should constitute a hierarchy of
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 wall-attached eddies, as speculated in theoretical models for the
kθ behavior of the axial velocity fluctuations. Here the evidence is even
clearer, as pressure in the wall vicinity is not attenuated from the no-slip
Fig. 13. POD modal energy for the first ten azimuthal wavenumbers kθ (bar
condition as the velocity. The computed pressure spectral maps in fact
charts, left ordinate) and cumulated energy of the first 1, 3 and 5 modes (lines,
right ordinate), the DNS-F flow case. support this notion, and show a typical imprint consisting of a main

M. Yu et al. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 96 (2022) 108998

1 1 1

0.8 0.5 0.5

φ2 (1 , y )

φ3 (1 , y )
φ1 (1 , y )
0 0

0.2 -0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(a) y/R (b) y/R (c) y/R

1 1 1

0.8 0.5 0.5

φ3 (2 , y )
φ1 (2 , y )

φ2 (2 , y )
0 0

0.2 -0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(d) y/R (e) y/R (f) y/R

1 1 1

0.8 0.5 0.5

φ1 (3 , y )

φ2 (3 , y )

φ3 (3 , y )
0 0

0.2 -0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(g) y/R (h) y/R (i) y/R

1 1 1

0.8 0.5 0.5

φ2 (4 , y )
φ1 (4 , y )

φ3 (4 , y )
0 0

0.2 -0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(j) y/R (k) y/R (l) y/R

Fig. 14. Radial profiles of POD modes, each normalized by its maximum value, for kθ = 1 (a-c), kθ = 2 (d-f), kθ = 3 (g-i), kθ = 4 (j-l): mode 1 (a,d,g,j), mode 2 (b,e,h,
k), mode 3 (c,f,i,l). Line colors as in Table 1.

(a) (b) (c)


Fig. 15. Cross-stream shape of POD modes corresponding to kθ = 3, for DNS-F

flow case: (a) mode 1, (b) mode 2, (c) mode 3.

buffer-layer peak at y+ ≈ 30, and typical wavelength λ+ ≈ 200 in both

wall-parallel directions, and a spectral ridge featuring eddies with
wavelengths linearly proportional to the wall distance, which are also
found to be quasi-isotropic. Self-similarity of the spectra in the range of -2
wall distances from y+ ≈ 50 to y/R ≈ 0.2 is shown, and their shape is 10 -1 0 1
found to conform well with a recent conceptual model. The wall pres­ 10 10 10
sure fluctuations, which have obviously the highest practical interest, λ θ /R
include contributions from eddies of all size, which manifest themselves
in instantaneous flow realizations as nearly circular blobs (near-wall and Fig. 16. Peak locations of first POD mode for azimuthal wavenumbers kθ ∈ [1,
attached eddies), and as azimuthally elongated streaks, limited to the 100], The grey line marks the trend yp = Cλθ (λθ = 2π/kθ ) with C = 0.2. Colors
largest O(R)-sized eddies. Understanding how these wide azimuthal wall denote the various flow cases, as given in Table 1.
pressure signatures are related to a particular class of coherent structure

M. Yu et al. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 96 (2022) 108998

1 1 1

0.8 0.5 0.5

φ1 ( k θ , y )

φ2 ( k θ , y )

φ3 ( k θ , y )
0 0

0.2 -0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 5 10 15
(a) kθ y (b) kθ y (c) kθ y

Fig. 17. Shapes of POD modes for kθ = 10 (solid), kθ = 20 (dashed), kθ = 30 (dot-dashed), scaled by the wall distance: (a) mode 1, (b) mode 2, (c) mode 3. Line
colors as in Table 1.

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