Ebook Trello Enterprise For - Engineering

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Trello Enterprise


3 Ship More Code With Less Stress:

How To Use Trello To Optimize Your Engineering Team

5 Reduce Manual Overload With Agile Automation

7 Keep Legal In The Loop When A Deal Is Won

9 Follow-Through On Feature Requests With A Product

Roadmap Workflow

11 Sprint To The “Shipped” List With Collaborative Retrospectives

13 Keep Security At The Top Of The Priority List

14 Power-Up Your Development Process With These


16 Easily Manage Your Sales Team From One Central

Location With Trello Enterprise
Ship More Code With Less Stress:
How To Use Trello To Optimize
Your Engineering Team
There’s a lot that happens in the background of great products—
experiences are designed, roadmaps are planned, backlogs are built,
code is written, bugs are caught and fixed. However, engineers don’t
just follow the leader. They identify problems and invent solutions to
make sure everything works when it needs to.

Despite the heads-down nature of coding, engineering teams are

constantly communicating (and no, not just with their computers).
Their work requires the input of many other teams, from product
managers to designers, QA analysts to sysadmins.

Everyone in the larger engineering ecosystem is playing a part

to ensure the best possible code is being shipped, and the best
products are being built.

Trello Enterprise Engineering
With all these moving parts and people to track, how can engineering
teams stay on track with project goals and deadlines?

With Trello, engineering teams can easily set sprint tasks, run efficient
retrospectives, collaborate on bug fixes, and celebrate product
deployments Trello allows engineering teams to:

.. Host stress-free stand-ups with a visual, agile workflow built from a

collaborative product roadmap
·· Keep stakeholders up-to-date on their progress without having to
submit time-consuming reports or joining yet another meeting
·· Give a messy whiteboard backlog a digital upgrade with easily
organized and accessible documentation and repositories

Trello is functional and flexible—making it a go-to-tool for engineering

teams who crave that autonomy to map out their myriad of projects
the way they see fit.

In this whitepaper, you’ll discover the workflows your engineering team

can adopt as their own along with our best Trello tips, template boards,
Power-Ups, and integrations. Let’s get started so you can sit back and
relax at your next stand-up!

Trello Enterprise Engineering 4

Reduce Manual Overload With
Agile Automation
So how can you keep your team of developers on task and under

By implementing an agile development workflow. Agile refers to a

set of “methods and practices based on the values and principles
expressed in the Agile Manifesto,” which includes things like
collaboration, self-organization, and cross-functionality of teams.

For engineering teams that like to iterate quickly, setting up an agile

board helps everyone stay on task. This central location keeps all code,
specs, documentation, and user research easily accessible. You can
collaborate seamlessly (even asynchronously) with your engineering
and product teams.

Trello Enterprise Engineering 5

In addition, you can create lists for backlogged items, what’s being
worked on in the current sprint, and (most importantly) what’s

Your agile workflow can be more robust than dragging the cards
across the board to the “Shipped” List. Consider the Butler Power-Up for
your team’s productivity, so your team can create a seamless process
for any task or workflow at the board or card level. Simply enable
the Butler Power-Up and get ready to say goodbye to those tedious,
repetitive tasks.

With the Butler Power-Up enabled on your board, simply click the
Butler icon in the board menu, then “Edit Power-Up Settings,” and begin
giving your board butler things to do. Create automatic rules when
certain events happen on Trello Board, automatically assign incoming
tasks, edit cards in bulk, and more!

Enterprise customers can set up unlimited rules and run unlimited

tasks on Butler. Learn more about the power of Butler automation here.

Trello Enterprise Engineering 6

Keep Your Code
Problem-Free With
A Bug Tracking Board
Bugs can strike at anytime and bug spray will rarely suffice,
so keeping a clear list of them and other issues in the code is
important. Maintaining a bug tracking system with a Trello board
is an excellent way to triage which bugs are being addressed and
which have everyone stumped.

You can easily create different lists to indicate the level of

seriousness of each reported issue, and attach all relevant pull
requests and Jira issues right to the Trello card back.

Your team can tackle the root problems by following a formal

process for reporting and reproducing bugs, then prioritize based
on the severity with labels.

No issue will be able to slip through the cracks with the ability to
assign tasks and see at a glance what work is getting done. This is
an extremely useful way to inform stakeholders like Support Teams
and Product Managers on the progress of product development.

So your workflows don’t turn into big, hairy bugs, you can give
your team extra control in their Trello boards without losing that
flexibility. With Trello Enterprise, you can restrict who can be added
to your Trello teams by email domain or individual address. In
addition, you can use the Observer status to grant contractors,
vendors, and other team members secure, “read-only” access to
specific boards. Your team will thank you when your boards are on
lock and sprints don’t turn into fire drills.

Trello Enterprise Engineering 7

Follow-Through On Feature
Requests With A Product
Roadmap Workflow
After taking a step back from the nitty-gritty details of the codebase,
it’s important to ask big picture questions about where the direction of
the work is going.

Product roadmaps are a clear way to convey to internal employees, or

even customers in the wild, which projects and features are going to be
prioritized in the long term

With Trello, your engineering team can prioritize feature requests for
upcoming sprints and create a transparent development process that
keeps all decisions, documentation, and deadlines visible. This will help
the workload for the team from becoming chaotic.

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Developers need to be agile; there’s no time to be aggravated at yet
another last-minute request for “a quick change” to the plan.

With an “Ideas” List, the team can organize feature requests and
analyze which ones should be placed at the top of the priority list. Card
descriptions can also be used to organize user research and customer
feedback for quick reference.

A clear product roadmap and process to calm the chaos of feature

requests will allow your engineering team to work with more ease and

Trello Enterprise Engineering 9

Sprint To The “Shipped” List With
Collaborative Retrospectives
When sprinting through projects in short, iterative bursts, it’s
important to take a step back after each one to reflect. What
worked? What didn’t? How can we remove roadblocks in the
next sprint?

One of the key tenets of Agile development is the idea of

continuous improvement in team productivity. Every sprint
should be a bit more efficient than the last. The only way to do
this is to understand where the weaknesses in your process lie
and implement strategies to overcome them.

In order to have an effective retrospective, your team needs

a clear process and safe space for airing out grievances and
identify opportunities to improve.

Trello Enterprise Engineering 10

A shared Trello board helps keep discussion transparent, collaborative,
and solution-oriented. This workflow ensures the process of getting and
receiving feedback remains democratic so everyone feels like they are
contributing to the solution.

Retrospectives shouldn’t only focus on what needs improvement. Use

the “Went Well” list to encourage your team to celebrate the wins you
all worked so hard to achieve.

Here are a few more tips for hosting an efficient sprint retrospective:

Identify the facilitator: This person keeps the meeting on track—

redirecting off-topic conversations, asking guiding questions, and
keeping an eye on the clock. They should be an impartial party to the
meeting, driving it but not participating.

Identify the attendees: The retrospective shouldn’t be an “open to

all” type of meeting; only those who really need to be there should be
involved. You should also ban phones and laptops so the team is fully
present in the meeting.

Decide on a topic: A common pitfall (besides assigning blame) in

retrospective meetings is attempting to do too much. Inevitably, there
will be a long list of processes that your team will want to improve,
but attempting to fix them all in one sprint isn’t realistic. Your team
needs to decide as a group a single issue and how to fix it.

Start the discussion: Once you’ve selected a topic, the facilitator is

charged with leading the discussion to discuss the problem and come
up with solutions. The discussion should always finish with action
items that can be applied to the next sprint.

Trello Enterprise Engineering 11

Keep Security At The Top Of The
Priority List
Secure collaboration is the crux of happy engineering teams. Your
team can perform at its optimal speed and productivity levels when
they don’t have to worry about security breaches or hacks.

Your team can free up its brain space to focus on accomplishing big
projects thanks to Trello’s enterprise-grade security features. Trello
is SOX, SOC 2, SOC 3, ISO27001, and ISO27018 compliant. In addition,
all traffic runs over HTTPS (SSL/TLS), the internet’s most common and
trusted communications protocol. All data in your Trello boards is
backed up hourly and stored at an off-site location.

Furthermore, all user data is encrypted at rest and in transit, and

intrusion detection measures are in place 24/7. With these enterprise
features, your team can manage users in real-time, fend off threats,
and control content management permissions with just a few clicks.

Trello Enterprise Engineering 12

Power-Up Your Development
Process With These Integrations
Simple, adaptable, customizable—Trello integrates with the tools your
engineering team already loves to use. Connect your favorite apps and
enable additional features to conquer your unique challenges with

The GitHub Power-Up allows you to Easily access pull requests,
commits, and issues by attaching them to cards from repositories
associated with your boards and projects. In a glance, you can see
which cards have not passed their checks and prevent commits with
errors from getting merged.

Trello Enterprise Engineering 13

The Zendesk Power-Up syncs with Support when bugs and issues arise
by attaching Zendesk tickets to cards. This integration makes it easy
to prioritize incoming bugs and feature requests by seeing in a glance
which cards have the most tickets attached.It also lets you pull deal
information straight into Trello from Pipedrive, ensuring automatic and
faultless handover between sales and the rest of your organization.

The Jira Power-Up allows you to link Jira issues to cards, connecting
different teams across your organization.

The BitBucket Cloud Power-Up allows your team to attach branches,
commits and pull requests to cards, and populates with real-time
status updates. When you are ready to move from Trello to Bitbucket
create a branch directly from a card. Seamlessly move from Trello to
Bitbucket while maintaining traceability.

Use the Custom Fields Power-Up to formalize bug reports with specified
fields by operating system, browser type, version, and more. Custom fields
can also be used to add multiple due dates to cards to mark the progression
of project phases.


The Screenful Power-Up allows you to visually track and create reports
for sprints and releases without leaving Trello. You can easily identify
bottlenecks and manage sprint progress and stay on schedule by tracking
open, in progress, and completed tasks with burndown charts.

The Marker Power-Up allows you to capture and attach screenshots to Trello
cards. You can annotate screenshots to highlight and correct typos, errors,
and image issues.

Trello Enterprise Engineering 14

Easily Manage Your Sales Team
From One Central Location With
Trello Enterprise
Create a central productivity hub for all of your team’s projects—
accessible from any device, anywhere. With Trello Enterprise, your
team can easily navigate users, security, and privacy settings
through a single dashboard.

Trello Enterprise Engineering 15

Trello Enterprise is flexible enough for all teams to build productive,
customized workflows that encourage collaboration. Here are other
exciting features exclusive to Trello Enterprise:

Enjoy Unlimited Trello Single Sign-On (SSO)

Organization-Wide Controls Attachment Restrictions

Granular Membership Controls Encrypted Data at Rest and In Transit

SOX, SOC 2, ISO27001, Power-Up Administration

ISO27018 Compliant

Top-Tier Priority Support Simplified Billing

Check Out The Board

Upgrade to Enterprise

Trello Enterprise Engineering 16

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