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Action Research Proposal


The Top HR Challenges to Overcome

In MAED- Students-Group-D

S. Y. 2022-2023

Presented to:

Presented by:

MAED-203-Block-E Students-Group-D






19 February
Managing people has never been an easy task, but the digital
age and this year’s unprecedented circumstances
has undoubtedly complicated this effort extensively.
Human Resource management in 2020 has gained even more
complexity, with its professionals having to face many unique
challenges. However, spending the time, money, and effort to
identify and overcome these key HR challenges is still
resources well spent, since one of the greatest assets your
company can boast is your employees.

What are HR Challenges?

Regardless of whether you are a small company or a much
larger enterprise, they are likely to encounter some amount of
challenges when it comes to managing people. HR challenges
emerge every year in response to changes in the economy,
political climate, and social context and circumstances.
Recently, a renowned focus has been placed on issues such as
minimum wage increases, workplace wellness and safety,
violence in the workplace, and updating HR policies on
substance use. In 2020 especially, Human Resource
departments are facing even newer, and more unfamiliar,
challenges to tackle and manage.

HR management encompasses the ability of organization to

identify, understand and remedy the needs of employees – an
ability that will ultimately impact how business competes for
talent, both now and in the future. The first step to curating
workplace culture and business values to best suit the needs
of employees, while maintaining productivity and success, is
to recognize the key modern HR challenges business owners
and HR managers are dealing with in today’s workplace.

Statement of the Problem

1.Compliance: Navigate Laws and Regulations
2.Employee Retention

3.Late Pay

Most Common HR Issues & Their

A.Compliance: Navigate Laws and Regulations

The Issue: The list of compliance laws and regulations is a

mile long.The challenge lies in the fact that HR team not only
has to make sure they are following the rules, they have to
track and updates the leave service credits of DepEd
teachers.DepEd Teachers met accidents but a lot of instances
happened already that some were not able to receive the cash
benefits and leave credits that would give them

2 Sources:

A. A teacher from Buenavista District met an accident upon

going home.They almost died.
B. A teacher from Kabasaan Elementary School met an
accident last 2009.She was hospitalized for 6 months but was
not able to avail leave with pay.


A. GSIS gave cash assistance of PHP 30,000.00

B.The HR gave an internal agreement, the concerned District
extended cash assistance.

DepEd expands allowable service

credits for SY 2020-2021
September 30, 2021 – The Department of Education (DepEd)
recognizes the invaluable work of our teachers,especially
during the pandemic, and is committed to provide them the
full measure of benefits accorded by the laws and the rules.
DepEd acknowledges that many teachers have been asked and
authorized under certain circumstances to report for work
even on weekends and certain holidays for School Year 2020-
2021, in light of the extraordinary preparations that the
Department had to undertake to ensure learning continuity
for our children.

After consultation with the Civil Service Commission (CSC)

and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), as
well as careful study of the applicable laws and
rules, DepEd has issued clarificatory guidelines on the grant
of vacation service credits to teachers for School Year 2020-
2021 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Per DepEd Memorandum No. 065, series of 2021, the activities

under DO No. 53, s. 2003 (Updated Guidelines on the Grant of
Vacation Service Credits to Teachers) for which service credit
may be granted have been expanded if done during weekends
and holidays from June 1, 2020 to July 10, 2021.

These activities include orientation and training activities

related to the implementation of distance learning delivery
modalities, including writeshops; enrollment activities,
including the encoding of the accomplished enrollment form in
the Learner Information System (LIS) enrollment module; and
activities related to BrigadaEskwela, Oplan Balik Eskwela,
and Oplan Kalusugan saDepEd. Mental Health and
Psychosocial Support activities; pre-school opening
assignments exploring foundational topics for deepening
during the year, orientations of learners on the
implementation of the learning delivery modalities and
utilization of learners’ materials; and development, quality
assurance, production, and delivery of learning materials, are
also included in the expanded list.

In anticipation of the higher number of service credits that

may be claimed by teachers, the 15-days service credit
limitation under DO No. 53, s. 2003 was suspended for SY

The claim for vacation service credits shall be supported by a

memorandum or letter of authority from the Schools Division
Superintendent and/or the Regional Director, as the case may
be; duly signed and approved recommendation/request by the
office/school head; andIndividual Daily Log and
Accomplishment Report (IDLAR), or other official attendance
monitoring mechanisms that are recorded and
verifiable. Vacation service credits shall not be granted for
services rendered without previous authority.

One workday of vacation service credit shall be granted for

every eight hours of accumulated service rendered.

B.Employee Retention
The Issue: Losing an employee, whether by termination or
resignation, can cost employers to hire a new employee. The
costs are associated with recruiting, hiring and training a
new employee plus any overtime paid to workers covering
their workload. There are other hidden costs to turnover as
well. Overall team morale, as well as your company culture,
can suffer as well. When employees start walking out the
door, or are terminated, the ones that remain can get
disengaged and start looking for work elsewhere.
The Solution: Start employees off with a strong onboarding
process. Only 12% of employees strongly agree their
organization does a good job of onboarding. An effective
onboarding process is your best tool to get employees on the
job quickly and efficiently, encouraging engagement right
from the start. A good onboarding process ensures
employees know exactly what to expect working for your
organization. It should outline job requirements, goals and
company policies and procedures. A good working
environment can be reinforced through additional tactics
such as:

 Offering competitive pay. Research what the

competition is paying so the relationship can start
strong. Compensation management
software automates the process by giving employees
raises and bonuses based on your structure.
Compensation can include pay raises, one-time cash
bonuses and profit sharing.
 Scheduling social time for employees. Institute
practices that allow employees to have fun at work to
build camaraderie, increase productivity and inspire
loyalty. Even if you’re meeting virtually, build-in time to
play games or share funny stories.
 Allowing employees time to volunteer. Employees find
value in employers who give back to the community
and those employees are 13 times more likely to look
forward to coming to work. Give employees time off to
volunteer during the day.
 Holding regular performance reviews. Performance
reviews that are held quarterly, semi-annually and
annually give managers the ability to help employees
be better at their jobs. Measuring performance lets the
employee set goals, understand what’s expected of
them and even offer rewards for meeting their goals.
A performance management system helps simplify the
process by offering DIY evaluation forms, 360-degree
feedback and easy goal monitoring.
C. Late Pay
Payroll issues such as late processing and inaccurate
computing are major triggers for employee dissatisfaction.

These problems can cause employees to be extremely unhappy

since they expect HR to be proactive and extra careful in
making sure that workers don’t experience any problems
receiving their wages on time or in full. Imagine the frustration
of employees when they fail to receive the salary they’re
expecting and reserving for a long holiday or weekend.

It might be better to do your employees’ payroll in-house so

that you could have more control in doing the payroll in
advance, unlike when you outsource it to an accounting firm
that may be incapable of handling several accounts and
answering your employees’ payroll disputes in a timely

Make sure your payroll department has a well-trained staff

that can handle employee payroll including leave benefits,
overtime rates, or special holiday pay. You could also leverage
payroll software or programs that you can integrate into your
HR system to facilitate tracking of daily time records and leave
allocations so that you could pay your employees without any


The study has been conducted about the top HR
challenges to overcome and its solutions.


The respondents of the study are composed of 3

identified HR problems.These were purposely chosen
on the basis of meeting its challenges and its

Researchers #1 sent a letter to the District Supervisor
and Administrative Officer-II of Northwest Butuan District and
seeking permission to conduct an interview related to HR’s
best practices and problems met.
Upon the approval of the request letter, we then had an
interview about the content, and so with researchers #2 and
Researchers #3.
The concerned HR of the respective Division then
accommodated us answering our inquiries with their beaming




Too high expectations among the concerned employees,

time-management issues and ignorance of the law/policies
excuses no one.


Human Resources are the key element in the success

or failure of monitoring programmes to meet the
objectives.Without an adequate strategy to develop the human
resources available and attract high calibre staff monitoring
programs rapidly stagnate.


Keeping a close eye on escalating workloads and stress

levels,checking in with their employees regularly, is a good
way to overcome these HR challenges.An open-door policy
where employees can freely discuss their anxiety,issues and
any unfair expectations is critical.


Successful HR departments prioritize consistent payroll

practices and make sure that all benefits are working for their
employees.The most effective HR departments understand the
role that the company culture, employee engagement and
career opportunities play in employee engagement and



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