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Sy llab us fo r Rec ruit me nt of Nur sery Tea cher ( NTT

! Secti on Nam e No. Of item s

S. No.
General Awar eness 15 ques tions
Reas oning abilit y and arithm etic
15 ques tions
.) Teach ing Aptit ude and Pedagogy 30 ques tions

'4 Infor matio n and Com muni cati on 15 questions

Tech nolog y ( !CT)
Test of Punja b i Lang uage and I O ques tions
Comprehens ion
Test o( H indi I .anguage and IO ques tions
6 I

I Com prch ension

I IO ques tions
I 7 !I Test of Engl ish Langu age and
Com prehension
i Math emat ics 15 ques tions
8 -··
Gene ral Science I 5 questions
9 ·-
- I S ques tions
10 i Socia l Sc ience
- --


General History , Cultural Geography, Current Affairs, Economic 15 Marks

Awareness Scenario, General Policies, Scientific Research, Sports .
Reasoning Ability Analogy, Syllogism, Related to Blood Relation, Related 15 Marks
and Arithm etic to Directions, Arithmetic Reasoning, Visual Reasoning,
Paper folding , Alphabet test.
Missing no., Series completion, Distance and Speed,
Fractions, Ratio and Proportion, Percentage.
Instructional foci I ities-support material, Inclusive 30 Marks
J Teaching
I Aptitude and teaching, Digital Modes ( DIKSHA, Swaya Prabha), m
I Pedagogy ICT based teaching, NEP-2020, National Curriculum
I Fram ework for Foundational stage (NCF-FS) and
i Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
I ( FLN).
I Pedagogical practices of leaching, Imp! ications of
theories of ECCE programmes and classroom practices,
Multi pronged process of learning, Pl ay en vironment in
Ii the classroom , Use of multil ingualism in the classroom,
Inclusive Teachin g Practices for children with disabilities.
I 15 questions
4 Information & Introduction of computer, Introduction of GUI Based 1

Comm u11 icat io11 rating system, Elements of '"'ord Processing, iI

Techno logy ( ICT) Spreadsheets, Computer Communication and Internet, I
WWW and Web Browsers, Communication and
I Collab oration, Making Small Presentalions.
5 Synonyms/Hom onyms, Antonyms, Spellin g / Detecting
Test of Punjabi 10 Marks
Mis-spelt Words, Active/ Pass ive Voice, Verbs, Idioms &
Language and I
I Comprehension
Phrases, One vvord substitutes,
Unseen passage -- comprehension.
6 Test of' Hindi Syn onyrns/1-Iomonyms. Antonyms, Spelli ng / Detecting 10 Marks I
Mis-spelt Words, Acti ve/Pass ive Voi ce, Verbs, Idi oms &
i Language and I
/ Comprehension Phrases, One ,vord substi tutes,
Unseen passage - com prehen sion.
7 Test of' Engli sh Sy_nonyms/Homonyms. Antonyms, Spellin g /Detecting IO Marks
Langua ge and Mi s-spelt Words, Acti ve/Pass ive Voice, Verbs, Idi oms &
Comprehensio n. Phrases, One word substitutes, I
sage - comprehens ion.
- 1--- ---- --1-L_l_ns_·e_e_n_Lp~_a_s_;__, I
8 Mathematics Number System, Al gebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, 15 Marks !
Mensuration, Stat istics, Data Handling, Ratio and I
Proponi on, Symmetry, Compa ring Qu antities , Exponents
and Pmvers, Square and Square Roots, Cube and Cube
Roots, Direc t and In verse Proporti on.
Mathemati cs in Earl y Years - Earl y Numeracy Skills I

9 I General Science Motion and Laws of Motion, Gravitation and Gravity, I 5 Marks
work and Energy, Force and Pressure, Electricity and
Magnetism , Light-reflection & refraction , Physical and
Chemical changes, Structure of atom , Metal and Non
metals, Digestive, Respiratory, Circulatory and Excretory
system , Improvement of food resources -Crop production
and Management.
Health and Nutrition , Common Ailments and Infectious
Diseases in Chi ldren, Environment as a Resource

IO Social Science Rise, growth and decline of Harappan civilization, Vedic 15 Marks
Civilizati on, Mauryan Empire - history and Culture,
Gupta Dynasty, Indian Independen ce Movement, Social
Reform s 111 the Indi an society, the French Revolution,
Russian Revolution..
India-Physica l features, climate, Agriculture and
Population, The Indi an Constitution-Fundamental Rights
I & Duties, Democratic setup, Indian Econom y.
I Diversity in India - Regional, Cu ltural , Social and
I Economic.
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