Ingreso Percusión 2024

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Solo Tympanist, New York Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra,
Instnictor of Tympani and Percussion,Juilliard School of Music, New York.

Young in years but a veteran in every manner of percussive musicianship, Saiil Goodmnn 1x1s been solo tymp:iiiist
with the N e w York Pliilharii~oriicSymphony Orchestra sinct 1926. As a member of this farnoiis niiisicnl organization
he has played untler thc world's foreri-iost conductors, being a rnember of tlie orchestra during the decade that the
renowned Arturo Toscanini was its maestro.
Composer of many solo works for tympani, Mr. Goodrn:tn played the first performance of a tympnni concerto
to be broadcast. Bcsides the N e w York Pliillinrmoiiic Syinphony Orchestra, h e has appcared witli niiincrous radio
orchestras, in motion picture prodiictions 2nd with sympliony orchestras whicli liave recordcd for Columbia, Victor
and Decca records.
A native of New York City, Saul Goodnian studied Tympani under Alfred I'ricse, wliom he succeeded as
Tynipanist of the New York Philharmoriic. In aciditiori t a liis curreiit playing ;ictivities, lie is a meniber of the faculty
at the Juilliard Scliool of Miisic where lie tcacl-ies tyrnpani aiicl pcrcussiori. H e is nlso a visiting professor of tympani
and percussion a t the Conservatoire Du Musiq~iein hlontreal, Canada.

Copyright 1948 by Mills Music, Inc., New York, N. Y.

International Copyright Secured Made in U.S.A. All R~ghtsHeserved
Striking T h e Tympani
It is important to rernernber that the Tyrnpani should be struck in the same place on the head each tirne. If this
is not done a variety of uneven sounds are produced. In order to help you hit the sarne spot each tirne, draw a srnall
circle with a piece of chalk approxirnately at the beating spot. Place the sticks on the circurnference of this circle
and strike the drum at the same spot each tirne.

The motion used in striking the Tympani is that of wrist and fingers. No arm or elbow motion is used at this time.
In order to understand this properly, do the following:

1. Rest the stick on the drurn head three inches frorn the rim.

2. Pinch the stick firmly between the thumb and first finger.

3. With the wrist only, raise the stick upward. When this is done, the second and third finger which were against
the stick, fa11 away from it. The thurnb and index finger are the only ones in contact with the stick at this point.

4. With the wrist only, force the stick downward toward the drum. As this is done you will notice that tlie
second and third fingers come in contact with the stick again. Flip these fingers against the stick so that they will help
in getting the stick toward the drum head.

5. When the stick strikes the drum, draw it away quickly using the motion you used in step three.

This procedure should be practiced with alternate hands; right, left, right, left.

T h e P r o p e r Method Of Execution
The Tympani uses the single stroke and not the double stroke as in the snare drum. It is essential that the player
equalize the strokes in order to produce an even sound on the instrument.

Make sure that you are striking the same spot al1 the time in going from one drum to another.

Practice the following exercises first with the right hand alone, then with the left hand alone, and then with
both handr alterrzating.

Exercise 1
Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

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