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Bài tập 3.10.1:
A small converting machine shown in Figure 3.34 is used to process sheet aluminum. The
load inertia on the rewind axis is Jload = 2 × 10-2 kg-m2 and the axis has 7 Nm load torque
due to friction and tension. The motion uses trapezoidal velocity profile with 𝜔load = 150 rpm.
Change in the size of the rewind roll can be ignored. Select a NEMA 23 size servomotor and a
gearhead to drive the rewind axis if the cycle consists of (a) ta = td = 30 ms, tc = 3 s, td𝑤 = 4 s,
or (b) ta = td = 30 ms, tc = 5 s, td𝑤 = 1 s

Figure 3.34 Motor and gearbox selection for a converting machine. (a) Sheet aluminum
converting machine. (b) Rewind axis schematic
We will follow the procedure given in Section 3.10. NEMA 23 size AKM™ servomotors
[20] by Kollmorgen and compatible EPL-X23 family of inline planetary gearheads [17] by
GAM have been selected as a potential solution for the design. The AKM21C motor has the
smallest inertia Jm = 0.11 × 10-4 kg-m2. Therefore, it has been selected as an initial choice.
Part (a)
1. The angular acceleration of the gearhead output shaft (load) can be found from
The output torque during acceleration is

Similarly, the output torque during running and deceleration phases are found as
T2c = 7 Nm and T2d = -3.47 Nm. Substituting these values along with n2c = 150, n2a =
n2d = 75 into the cubic root-mean formula gives T2m = 7.15 Nm as the mean torque on
the output shaft of the gearhead.
2. The duty cycle of the motion is found from

which is considered cyclical motion. Hence, we continue with step 3 of the procedure in
Section 3.10
3. The gearhead catalog lists n1N = 3500 rpm as nominal input speed for the EPL-X23 family.
The AKM21C motor has 𝜔R = 8000 rpm (operating at 320 VDC). Then, the upper
limit for the potential gear ratios can be calculated from

4. An initial estimate of the lower limit for potential gear ratios can be found from

where Jon motor shaft = 0

5. From the gearhead catalog, the closest standard ratio that is bigger than 19.07 is the
20:1 ratio. This unit has 𝜂GB = 0.92 and JGB = 0.36 × 10-4 kg-m2. Using these values
in Equation (3.47) we can calculate the lower limit for the potential gear ratios as

6. It is not possible to find a standard gear ratio since the lower and upper limits overlap and
therefore do not define a range. This is an indication that the selected motor inertia is too
small. Repeating steps 3 through 6 using inertia of the next bigger motor (AKM22C) leads
to the same result.
The same steps are repeated one more time with the next motor, which is AKM23D with
Jm = 0.22 × 10-4 kg-m2. The initial estimate for the lower limit is found as NGB est .lower =
13.48. Then, the range becomes
13.48 ≤ NGB1, NGB2, ..., NGBn ≤ 23.33
In this range, gear ratios 16 or 20 are the only two standard options. The closest but
bigger standard ratio 16:1 was selected. The efficiency 𝜂GB = 0.92 and inertia JGB =
0.38 × 10-4 kg-m2 for this gearhead were obtained from the catalog.
Finally, using these values in Equation (3.47) the actual lower limit was calculated as
NGB.lower = 17.38. The updated range was identified for possible standard gear ratios
17.38 ≤ NGB1, NGB2, ..., NGBn ≤ 23.33
The only standard ratio available in this range is 20:1. Therefore, NGB = 20 was
selected and the following values were obtained from the catalog: T2N = 42 Nm, T2B =
52 Nm, n1N = 3500 rpm, JGB = 0.36 × 10-4 kg-m2 and 𝜂GB = 0.92.
Even though a gear ratio has already been identified for the AKM23D motor, for the
purpose of explaining the procedure, the next bigger motor (AKM24E) was also tried.
The inertia for this motor is Jm = 0.27 × 10-4 kg-m2. Repeating steps 3 through 6 with
the AKM24E leads to the following range
14.97 ≤ NGB1, NGB2, ..., NGBn ≤ 23.33
In this new range, there are both 16 and 20 standard ratios available. If 16, which is closer
to the lower end of the range, is selected, the inertia ratio calculated in step 3.10 later
becomes JR = 4.55 and the motor spins at 2400 rpm. On the other hand, if 20, which is
closer to the upper end of the range, is selected, the inertia ratio becomes JR = 3.35 and
the motor spins at 3000 rpm. The choice of 20:1 ratio with this motor makes the rewind
axis more dynamically responsive due to the lower inertia ratio but the gearhead now runs
at a speed closer to its nominal input speed, which may reduce its service life. We will
continue the rest of the solution with the AKM23D motor and the 20:1 gear ratio.
7. The number of cycles per hour is Ch = 3600∕tcycle = 3600∕7.06 = 509.92. Then, from
the table we can obtain SF = 1.0
8. Since |T2a| > |T2d|, the maximum output torque for the application is

9. Since both T2 max < T2B and T2m < T2N, the selected gearhead can handle the mean and
maximum output torques required for the application. A spreadsheet shown in Figure 3.35
was prepared to implement the selection procedure.
Figure 3.35 First page of ExcelⓇ spreadsheet for cyclical operation calculations for part (a) in
Example 3.10.1. Gear ratio 20:1 with AKM23D-BN servomotor
Next, we will select a servomotor. Since the motor selection starts at step 16 in the
procedure, the following steps were numbered starting from 16 to match the steps in the
Servomotor Selection
16. We need to calculate Tpeak and TRMS torques that the motor should provide with the
selected gear ratio. The peak torque can be found from Equation (3.37). The equation
contains angular acceleration of the motor, which can be calculated from

where the load acceleration is found from the slope of the trapezoidal velocity profile.
This was then converted into the motor acceleration by multiplying by the gear ratio.
The total inertia consists of the motor and gearhead inertia on the motor shaft plus the
load inertia reflected to the motor shaft
where JGB = 3.6 × 10-5 kg-m2 and 𝜂GB = 0.92 were obtained from the manufacturer’s
catalog for the EPL-X23 gearhead with 20:1 ratio
The 7 Nm load torque reflected to the motor shaft is

Then, from Equation (3.37), Tpeak = 1.557 Nm. The running torque Trun can be found
from Equation (3.38), which is simply equal to Tload→M. The deceleration torque is found
from Equation (3.39) as Tdec = -0.796 Nm. Finally, TRMS is found from Equation (3.40)
as T RMS = 0.273 Nm. Figure 3.36 shows the second page of the spreadsheet for motor
17. The AKM23D-BN motor has TPR = 42 Nm and TCR = 52 Nm. Since Tpeak ≤ TPR and
TRMS ≤ TCR, the motor is accepted.
18. The inertia ratio is computed from Equation (3.19) as JR = 4.11, which meets the criterion.
19. The peak torque margin can be calculated from

where is the peak torque of the motor at the operating speed, is the peak torque

required for the application. For the AKM23D-BN motor = 3.84 Nm. Using =
Figure 3.36 Second page of the ExcelⓇ spreadsheet for servomotor selection for part (a) in
Example 3.10.1. Gear ratio 20:1, with AKM23D-BN servomotor
1.557 Nm, the peak torque margin is found as 59.5%. Similarly, the torque margin for the
continuous torque is calculated as 73.5% from

where 𝜔app is the operating motor speed of the application. In this case, the available
speed is limited by the gearhead to 𝜔avail = 3500 rpm and 𝜔app = 3000 rpm. Then, the
speed margin can be found as 14.3%.
Both the torque and speed margins leave extra capability for adjustments, if conditions
change during the commissioning of the machine. This is similar to a factor of safety in
the design. It allows adjustments to be made to the controller gains without saturating the
motor and the drive, in case more speed or torque is needed later.
The selected products are the EPL-X23-020 gearhead by GAM and the AKM23D-BN
motor (operating at 320 VDC) by Kollmorgen.
Part (b)
Duty cycle is calculated as

The machine is considered to be operating continuously. Hence, the following calculations

start from step 10 of the procedure given in Section 3.10 to match the steps in the procedure
10. The mean output speed for the gearhead can be found from
11. From the catalog, the gearhead nominal input speed is n1N = 3500 rpm. The AKM21C

motor rated speed is 𝜔R = 8000 rpm. Therefore, 𝜔avail = 3500 rpm. Then,

From the analysis in part (a), we know that the motor with the smallest inertia (AKM21C)
and the next bigger one (AKM22C) did not produce a viable range for standard gear ratios.
Using the AKM23D motor, an initial estimate of the lower limit for potential gear ratios
can be found as = 13.48

13. The closest but bigger standard ratio is 16:1. The efficiency 𝜂GB = 0.92 and inertia
J GB = 0.38 × 10-4 kg-m2 for this gearhead were obtained from the catalog. Finally, using
these values in Equation (3.47) the lower limit was calculated as NGB.lower = 17.38.

14. The following range was identified for possible standard gear ratios:

17.38 ≤ NGB1, NGB2, ..., NGBn ≤ 23.47

The only standard ratio available in this range is 20:1. Therefore, NGB = 20 was
selected and the following values were obtained from the catalog: T2N = 42 Nm, T2B =
52 Nm, n1N = 3500 rpm, JGB = 0.36 × 10-4 kg-m2 and 𝜂GB = 0.92.

15. The selected gearhead can handle the mean output torque since T2m < T2N. Hence, it is

16. Calculating the peak and RMS motor torques with NGB = 20 and Jm = 0.22 × 10-4 kg-m2
gives Tpeak = 1.557 Nm and TRMS = 0.367 Nm.

17. The AKM23D-BN motor has TPR = 42 Nm and TCR = 52 Nm. Since Tpeak ≤ TPR and
TRMS ≤ TCR, the motor is accepted.
18. The inertia ratio is computed from Equation (3.19) as JR = 4.11, which meets the
19. The peak and continuous torque margins were computed as 59.5% and 64.4%, respectively.
The speed margin is 14.3%. The continuous torque margin dropped to 64.4% compared to the
73.5% in the cyclical operation case. This is expected since in the continuous operation mode the
machine has a longer run time, which increased the TRMS required from the motor.
The selected products are the EPL-X23-020 gearhead by GAM and the AKM23D-BN
motor (operating at 320 VDC) by Kollmorgen.
Bài 3.11.1
The machine shown in Figure 3.38 retrieves a plastic cap from a magazine and inserts it into
the end of the core of a roll. The turret has vacuum chucks and pneumatic pistons at both ends
to hold and insert the caps. First, the turret retrieves a cap from the magazine. Then, it rotates
180∘ and stops to position the cap in front of the core. Next, the piston inserts the cap into the
core and the vacuum chuck releases the cap. Finally, the turret makes another 180∘ rotation
back to the magazine.
The turret inertia is 40 lb-ft2. It follows a triangular velocity profile to make each 180∘ move
in 0.8 s. The friction torque is 0.23 lb ft. Select a vector-duty AC induction motor and gearbox
for the turret axis assuming no limitations imposed by the drive current capacity

We will follow the procedure given in Section 3.11
Gearbox selection:
1. The output of the gearbox is directly connected to the turret, which will follow a triangular
velocity profile (tm = 0, ta = td = 0.4 s). Therefore, from the area under the triangle, we
can find the maximum gearbox output speed as

The 60∕360 factor is for unit conversion into rpm.

2. In this design, we will use a Black Max® 1000:1 vector-duty motor [21] by Marathon™-
Motors and a RG Series gearbox [9] by Cone Drive Operations, Inc
3. The necessary gear ratio can be found from

From the gearbox catalog, the standard ratio of 20:1 is selected. This will make the motor
spin at 1500 rpm
4. Torque calculations require the angular acceleration of the turret

The peak (acc) and RMS torques at the output of the gearbox can be found from

where the 308 factor is for unit conversion to obtain the torque in lb ft

5. The manufacturer specifies two service factors for cycle shock and speed. It is assumed
that the machine will have 1000 start/stop cycles per hour. Therefore, from the catalog
SFshock = 1.0. The motor speed with the 20:1 gear ratio will be 1500 rpm. Using the table
in the catalog and linear interpolation, SFspeed = 0.9 was calculated. The overall service
factor is SF = (1.0) ⋅ (0.9) = 0.9.
The design torques can then be found as

6. The gearbox size can be determined form the catalog using the selected gear ratio and
the gearbox output torques required by the application. Using the 20:1 ratio, and
, we can select a model RG size 15 gearbox since it has = 422∕12 =
35.17 lb ft and O.T.acc = 525∕12 = 43.8 lb ft, which are both more than the design torques.
7. The turret is directly connected to the output of the gearbox. Therefore, there is no overhung
load to consider.
Motor Selection
8. The selected gearbox has an inertia of JGB = 11.4 × 10-4 lb-in-s2 reflected to its input
shaft. The catalog specifies 72% efficiency for a worm speed of 100 rpm, which is closest
to this application. Since at this point the motor is unknown, Jm = 0. The motor angular
acceleration can be found as

The total inertia is

where the (32.2∕12) factor is for unit conversion from lb-in-s2 into lb-ft2. The peak and
RMS torques required from the motor can be found as
9. From the motor catalog, we can select a 1.5 HP Black Max® motor with 4.5 lb ft full-load
torque and 0.140 lb-ft2 inertia.
10. The inertia ratio can be found as

which is acceptable since JR ≤ 5.

11. Using the equations in step 8, the peak and RMS torques are recalculated with the inertia
of the selected motor as Tpeak = 3.44 lb ft and TRMS = 3.43 lb ft. The resulting gearbox
peak output torque can be calculated from

Similarly, = 46.92 lb ft. Unfortunately, the gearbox output torque limits are
exceeded since = 35.17 lb ft and O.T.acc = 43.8 lb ft. Hence, we need to try a
bigger size gearbox.
Next, Model RG size 25 gearbox is selected with = 1411∕12 = 117.6 lb
ft, O.T.acc = 1920∕12 = 160 lb ft, 𝜂GB = 0.75 and JGB = 32.2 × 10-4 lb-in-s2. Steps 8
and 10 are repeated resulting in JR = 1.014, Tpeak = 3.43 lb ft and TRMS = 3.43 lb ft. This
selection is acceptable since the gearbox output torque limits are not exceeded and the
motor can supply the required RMS torque. However, continuous torque margin is only
24%. It is desirable to have about 30% or more margin.
The next size motor (2 HP) is selected with 6.0 lb ft full-load torque and 0.130 lb-ft2
inertia. This brings the total system inertia on the motor shaft to Jtot = 0.272 lb-ft2. Steps
8 and 10 are repeated with the 2 HP motor and the size 25 gearbox resulting in JR = 1.092,
Tpeak = 3.31 lb ft and TRMS = 3.31 lb ft. Gearbox output limits are not exceeded
12. Torque margins are computed as

= 9 lb ft was used in the above torque margin calculations based on 150% of the
full-load torque as the maximum available intermittent motor torque. The torque margins
are acceptable. Hence, the selected 2 HP Black Max® vector duty induction motor and
the Model RG size 25 gearbox with 20:1 gear ratio meet the design requirements.

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