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AVTC6_Unit 8_Discussion/ Opinion Essays


Choose one of the following IELTS Writing Tasks and write a complete essay.
Remember to give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from
your own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words.

3. Some people think that parents have a great influence on their children. Others believe
that the media is a bigger influence.
(Souce: IELTS Past Paper)

The topic of whether parents or media have a greater influence on children is of concern
to many people. Some believe that children are more easily affected by their family
members while others disagree. As for me, I strongly agree with the former.

Firstly, children almost mimic their parents and observe all behaviors of their parents.
Therefore, parents are their role models. Besides, those who take care of them also
understand their personalities better. Children also Children easily learn qualities from
relatives. For instance, it can be seen that if parents respect older people in their daily life
then children can follow the same characteristics because they grow to know this
tradition from their birth.

However, it is not negated that society's social media affects children. To start with, some
advertisements that target children instill them with different social values. Thus, children
are attracted by sounds and images, stimulating them to continue watching. Besides,
media can be widely accessed by a large number of audiences nowadays, allowing
children to learn about international affairs and current news.

To sum up, I think that parents are more influential to their children. I will recommend
that every parent should pay more attention to the kids and teach them the correct values.


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