Year 8 Lesson 1. - Land and Geography of South Asia Revision

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Lesson Land and geography of South Asia


1. The modern word India is word borrowed from the ancient Greeks.
2. The physical geography of the Indian subcontinent includes four
types of landscapes mountain ranges, coastlines, plains and rivers.


3. Main mountains include the Hindu Kush, the Karakorum and the
Himalaya mountains.
4. The mountains have glaciers that feed the major rivers systems.
5. The Gomal and Khyber Passes in the north-west were used by
invaders over many centuries to enter the Indus River valleys and
the India plateaus
6. Karakorum Mountains allowed communication and trade with
Central Asia over the valuable Silk Road or routes.
7. The Punjab region is rich in agriculture
8. Many ancient civilizations established near the plains and rivers of
Indus River

9. In the plains of the Indus and Ganges Rivers as well as the
Brahmaputra River there are concentrations of farms and people.
Vindhya mountain (river plain)
10. It separates the north from the south of the Indian subcontinent.
11. There are Great Deccan plateau. It is a drier land that is dependent
on seasonal rains during the monsoon season.
12. Agriculture is dependent on the irrigation system.
13. Volcanic rock of the Deccan plateau in the South was used to build
temples and other structure.


14. Ancient shipping trade routes were developed to the Arabian Gulf
and the African coasts and south East Asia
15. The monsoons come from the Indian Ocean currents
16. The country of Bangladesh is one of the countries most affected by
the monsoons.
17. There is excessive flooding due to monsoon rain
18. In years when the monsoons did not come, the areas experienced
19. The winter monsoon winds and summer monsoon winds blow in
opposite directions.

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