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Lesson 2.

Ancient civilizations of South Asia

1. The earliest sites of settlement appear at Mehrgahr and other sites on

upper tributaries of the Indus River.

2. Early settlements formed when people started growing grains in the

deltas. Eventually the sophisticated urban centers of the Harappan

civilization developed
3. The urban cities of the lower Indus are called the Harappan Civilization

4. The Mohenjo-Daro and Harrapan cities were unique for their social

organization and innovations in water systems with large open public

baths and individual wells for houses.
5. The cities seem to have been abandoned due to lack of rainfall or a

changing climate.
6. The Harappan Civilization, also called the Indus Civilization, was a cluster

of urban and agricultural areas that spread along the major river valleys
of the Indus River
7. Environmental changes including the build-up of silts and deposits and

changing courses of the river that made a number of these cities

obsolete or unsustainable.
8. During Vedic age, a specialized class of people called Brahmins came to

9. During this period, the economy was based on farming. Some

landowners became wealthy from surplus from agriculture products and

while others specialized in making iron products. There wealthy
landowners established competing kingdoms leading to disputes and
civil wars.
10. During Pre- Mauryan era India continued to develop as a system of small

11. At the end of this period, Alexander the Great’s army invaded. He ruled

over parts of Asia

12. Then he went on to conquer parts of Central Asia before invading India.

13. Alexander was defeated in India and was forced to withdraw entirely.

14. He died of disease the age of 32.

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