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Roxanne L.

10 - Descartes


Criminal justice refers to the system of laws and institution responsible for uploading
social order, deterring criminal behavior, and punishing those who violence the law. The
criminal justice system includes law enforcement agencies, courts, and correctional facilities it
is designed to ensure that individual who commit crimes are held accountable for their actions,
and that victims receive justice and condensation for any harm they have suffered. The criminal
justice system also play role in preventing future crimes by promoting public safety and
providing rehabilitation programs for offenders. Key components of the system, Include due
process, the pressure of innocent, and protects individual rants.

Criminal Justice is a term that refers to the System and practices aimed at enforcing law,
punishing lawbreakers and maintaining societal order. The criminal Justice system is composed of
various components including law enforcement agencies, courts, and correctional agencies. The
primary goal of the criminal Justice to victims and offenders Criminal Notice professional work
together to investigate, prosecute and punish criminal and promote justice for all members of
society. The field of criminal justice continues to evolve and adapt to changes in society, technology,
and politics, as new challenges arise that need to be addressed.

Theoretical Framework
It's a ideas, concepts, and principles that guide the study and practice of the law and the
criminal justice system. It highlights the key theoretical perspective that underpin that field of
Criminal justice and provides a critical understanding of the nature of crime, the causes of
offending behavior, and. the functioning of the criminal justice system.
1. Preventing crime and deterring potential offenders

2. Conducting fair and impartial investigations Rehabilitating Offenders and reintegrating them into

3. Holding offenders accountable for their actions.

Review of Literature
It provides critical insights into the historical and contemporary issues in criminal justice,
including the influences of race, gender, and socio-economic Stalls on the criminal justice
system. The review also includes modern challenges such as the use of technology Cybercrime,
and terrorism.

Overall an essential tool for policymakers practitioners , and researchers to understand

the current State of the field inform policy decision, and identify areas for further investigation.

It refers to the procedures, techniques, and approaches employed in researching,
analyzing, and interpreting data in the field of criminal justice. It encompasses various methods,
statistical analysis and computer modeling and other methods in criminal may involve
interviews, focus groups and observation.

Expected Outputs
A safe secure Community is responsible for maintaining public safety and reducing
crime. It's expecting to provide fair and impartial justice to all individuals, regardless of their
social status of economic background the system should ensure that all individuals Receive
equal treatment under the law.
Work Plan

Assessment: Conduct a needs Goal Identification. Strategies Strategies and tactics.

assessment to identify the Identify goals and objectives Determine the strategies and
primary. criminal justice issue for the overall Work plan. tactics that will be engage to
that need to be addressed. achieve the goals
Resource allocation. timeline and milestone: Monitoring and evaluation:
Determine the amount OF Develop a timeline and Establish a monitoring/ and
Resources that will be milestone for achieving the evaluation System to tack
necessary to achieve the Identified goal and objectives progress and to ensure the
identify goals and objectives. goal.
Communication and Execution: Execute the work Follow-up. Conduct a
Coordination: Develop a plan and make adjustment as evaluation determine if the
communication and necessary to ensure that the work plan was successful and
coordination plan to ensure goal and Objectives are being to identify the areas For
that all are informed and met. improvement.
engaged in the Workman.

1.) Uniform Crime Reporting: The FBI's Uniform (ome Reporting Program is a nationwide
initiative that provides information on crime rates, trends, and other important data.

2.) National Criminal Justice Reference service: this database Contains over 200,000
resources related to criminal justice, including articles, reports, and statistics.

3.) American Criminal Justice Association: This organization provides training, resources,
and networking opportunities to criminal justice professionals.

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