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Read Lucy’s diary. My family went to a restaurant for dinner. Dad ate fried rice. Mom ate spaghetti. My brother Ricky ate a hamburger. | ate beef steak. | still have a hard time using a knife. Mom cut the steak for me. 5 My brother ate a lot. He said he was very hungry. | gave him some pieces of my steak. He thanked me for that. Circle the correct answer. 1. What did Lucy mainly write about? a. having dinner in a restaurant b. eating steak using a knife 2. Who is ‘him’ in line 6? a. Lucy's dad b. Ricky 3. Why did Lucy's mom cut the steak for Lucy? a. She knew Lucy was having a hard time cutting the steak b. She wanted to give some steak to Ricky. 4. What is true about the story? a. Lucy's family often eats out. b. Ricky had a hamburger and some steak. @ Choose and fill in the blanks. fried beef knife pieces Aid 1. is the meat of a cow. 2. | can cut the apple with a 3. Nancy usually eats eggs with milk for breakfast. 4. The plate was broken into three @Q Write the sentence in the correct order. 1. for lunch / went to / Mom and | / a fast food restaurant 2. a chicken sandwich / Mom / ordered / and orange juice 3. ordered / | / and soda / a hamburger 4. to me / gave / Mom / the orange juice 5. is / soda / “Juice / for your health.” / better than Mom said, @ Write in your diary. oe The Bookstore Q Read Lucy’s diary. [esresdoy March J | went to a bookstore with Mom. The bookstore is huge and q has a children’s area. | picked up the book ‘Snow White’ and read it in the children’s area. After | read the book, | picked up ‘The Little Mermaid. 5 But Mom told me, “It’s time to go home.” | wanted to read the book. Mom said “I will buy the book for you.’ read it in my bedroom. It was fun. Circle the correct answer. 1. What did Lucy mainly write about? a. going to the huge bookstore —_b. buying books 2. What is ‘it’ in line 7? a. the book ‘Snow White’ b. the book ‘The Little Mermaid’ 3. What is true about the bookstore? a. Itis small. b. It has an area for children. 4. What is true about the story? a. Lucy read ‘Snow White’ at home. b. Lucy read a book in the children’s area, @ Choose and fill in the blanks. pick up huge mermaid 4.1 the envelope, open it and read the letter. 2. My dad bought a chess game. | played it with my brother. It was 3. Andersen wrote a famous children’s story about a 4. That building is . The building next to it looks small. Qa Write the sentence in the correct order. 1. bookstore / A / opened / new / in my town 2. sell / only English books / They / children / for 3. read / the / I / ‘Jay. M. Brown.’ / book 4. didn’t / reading / finish / the book / | / at the store 5. the book / finished / | / reading / at home @ Write in your diary. | eG Getting hurt Q® Read Lucy's diary. a Carl fell down from a bar when we were playing on the jungle-gym. He broke his right arm. He looked like he was in pain but didn't cry. Carl's mom took him to the hospital. | called Carl’s mom in the evening De 5 because | was worried about his arm. Carl's mom said he was okay and he was sleeping in his bed. | was relieved. | think Carl is a brave boy. | will buy a chocolate for Carl tomorrow. Q Circle the correct answer. 1. What did Lucy mainly write about? a. playing on the jungle-gym b. being hurt on the playground 2. Who is ‘his’ in line 5? a. the doctor b. Carl 3. Where was Carl hurt? a. arm b. back 4. What is true about the story? a. Carl and Lucy were playing on the jungle-gym. b. Carl cried because his arm hurt so much Qparie Sma @ Choose and fill in the blanks. broke pain worried relieved g 1.1 was when | heard no one was hurt in the car accident. 2. | have a cavity. | am in 3. A kid threw a stone, and it the window. 4. Sam lost the game. | was about his feelings. Qa Write the sentence in the correct order. 1. played soccer, / | / When / over Danny's leg / | fell 2. cut / cried / my /1/ knee / and 3. my / took / me / Danny / to / house 4. Mom / the cut with / treated / at home / a bandage 5. fine / felt / that /1/ evening @ Write in your diary. pris panna @ Choose and fill in the blanks. market ae electronics : trunk products g 4A is a place where people buy and sell things. 2. This shop has all kinds of baby except baby furniture. 3. He put the new computer in the of the car. 4. TVs, computers and radios are Q Write the sentence in the correct order. 1. and / a market / | / Mom / went to 2. with shopkeepers / was filled / The market / shoppers / and 3. a vegetable shop / dropped / Mom / by 4. for / dinner / cooked / Mom / fish and vegetables 5. enjoyed / the broiled fish / especially / | @ Write in your diary. : 8 Seeing a Dentist q Read Lucy’s diary. Leonor: | had a toothache yesterday. | went to see a dentist with Mom. | was afraid of seeing the dentist. He smiled at me and said, “Lucy, don't be afraid. It’s not going to hurt” l opened my mouth and he treated my cavity. It didn’t hurt. ‘| ® Hewas right. He told me not to eat too much candy. At home, | didn’t eat candy. | won't eat candy tomorrow either. | will also brush my teeth after each meal like the dentist advised me. Q Circle the correct answer. 1. What did Lucy mainly write about? a. having a cavity treated b. being a dentist in the future 2. Who is ‘He’ in line 5? a. Lucy's dad b. the dentist 3. What did the dentist NOT advise? a. using a good toothpaste and toothbrush b. brushing teeth after meals 4. What is true about the story? a. Lucy had a toothache for a long time. b. Lucy went to see the dentist with her mom. @ Choose and fill in the blanks. Saat en coy ad 1. We have to our teeth three times a day. 2. John me to tell the truth to my teacher. 3.1am of dogs. 4. My tooth is very painful. | have a Q Write the sentence in the correct order. 1.1/adental checkup / a dentist / went to see / for 2. get / once / a year / | / the checkup 3. didn’t have / told me that / | / the dentist / any cavities / After the checkup, 4. told / regularly / me / to brush / He / my teeth 5. from now on / will / regularly / | / my teeth / brush @ Write in your diary. Oo My Best Friend Q Read Lucy’s diary. My best friend’s name is Jenny. She is a cute little girl. After school, | went to Jenny's house. She bought a board game last weekend, and we played the game together. The game is about finding a princess who was kidnapped by a witch. The princess was eventually in a cave. Jenny found the princess faster than I. She told me we could play the game anytime. | think | can find the princess faster next time. aE ET oe eee Q Circle the correct answer. 1. What did Lucy mainly write about? a. visiting Jenny's house for the first time b. playing with Jenny at Jenny's house 2. Who is ‘She’ in line 6? a. the princess b. Jenny 3. When did Jenny buy the board game? a. yesterday b. last weekend 4. What is true about the story? a. Lucy won the board game b. Jenny is Lucy's best friend. @ Choose and fill in the blanks. kidnapped witches. eventually cave 1. Some animals may die out. 2. The bat lives in a 3. Kids should be careful not to be by a bad man. 4. are usually bad women in stories. Q Write the sentence in the correct order. 1. came / a chess game / played / to my house, / and we / My friend 2. once / won twice, / and / he won / | 3. had / the game, / a snack / After / we 4. will / him / see / at school / | / tomorrow 5. friend / is / my / best / in my class / He Write in your diary.

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