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Bài tập 2: TRAVEL BLOG

In the last summer, I vistied Ba Na Hills, a mountain resort located in Da Nang City,
Vietnam. The trip was an unforgettable experience filled with stunning scenery,
thrilling adventures.

As I made my way up the mountain on the cable car, I was gorgeous by the
breathtaking views of forests and rolling hills below. The ride itself was an adventure,
with the cable car being one of the longest and highest in the world. Upon reaching the
top, you can explore the various attractions, including the French Village, Fantasy
Park, and the Golden Bridge.

The beauty that attracted me was a charming French Village. The French Village is a
charming area designed to look like a typical French town. It has restaurants, cafes,
and shops selling souvenirs and handicrafts

Next, I visited the Golden Bridge, an iconic pedestrian bridge that is supported by
giant hands and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. The bridge
was a true engineering marvel and a testament to human creativity and innovation.

Finally, I explored the Fantasy Park, an amusement park with thrilling rides and games
for all ages. The park was a great way to unwind and have fun after a day of adventure
and exploration.

Throughout my trip, I also had the opportunity to learn about culture and history of my
country. My trip to Ba Na Hills was a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and natural
beauty. It was a truly unforgettable experience that I would recommend to anyone
visiting Da Nang City.

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