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Chapter 3
Ronlie RJ A. Espeleta, LPT, MAELED
This chapter includes:
✓research method/design
✓population and sampling
✓the subjects/ respondents
✓the tools/ instruments used
✓validation of the instrument
✓the data gathering procedure
✓analysis of data
Research Method/Design

➢shows the type of

research used in the
➢includes the definition of
the method used
➢justification for the use of
such method
Research Design

The study is descriptive in nature since it will identify, describe and summarize the
demographic characteristics of the employees in terms of their age, gender, civil status,
position, years of experience, educational qualification and contribution of employment.
Likewise, the study is correlational in nature because relationship between variables under
study will be determined.
Population and Sampling / Sources of Data

▪ refers to the complete enumeration of the individuals that possess the

characteristics which are of interest to the researcher

▪ sampling or sample, on the other hand, is a proportion of the population chosen

for the study which represents the entire population of interest

▪ sampling procedure is discussed in detail in this part

▪ describes the characteristics of the subjects/ respondents of the study

▪ also includes the number of respondents that will determine the extensiveness of
data that will be used in the study
Population and Sampling / Sources of Data

Primary source of data will be obtained through the survey with the employees
employed for the academic year 2018-2020 from the four campuses, named as
Campus A, B, C and D. Total enumeration of the participants from all campuses
will be observed in this study. Table 1 presents the distribution of participants.
Table 1. Distribution of the respondents, AY 2018-2019
A 62 21
B 61 20
C 117 38
D 62 21
TOTAL 302 100
Tool / Instrument of the Study

• discusses the main data-gathering instrument to be used in the research

• may be a self-made questionnaire or it may be adapted from a previous
• if the instrument is newly constructed, it must be validated by a group of at
least three experts/specialists in the field
• the contents of the instrument must be discussed in this section.
Research Instrument

An adapted instrument from the work of Ma. Cecilia D. Sunga (1991) will be
used to measure the level of job satisfaction of the participants. The instrument
was designed using a four-point Likert Scale and consists of two parts: the first
part is about the participants’ socio-demographic characteristics which includes
the age, gender, civil status, position, year of service and their educational
qualification. Part II questions focus on the level of job satisfaction.
A five-point Likert scale as follows will be used to
gauge the responses of the respondents for their job

1 - Highly Disagree
2 - Disagree
3 - Agree
4- Highly Agree
Validation of the Instrument (if applicable)

▪ it includes the procedure on how the instrument will be validated

▪ names and designations of the people who validated the instrument are
mentioned here
▪ the result of the test of reliability and validity of the instrument is also
mentioned in this part
Data-Gathering Procedure

▪ presents a detailed step-by-step procedure in gathering the

▪ must be written in clear, systematic manner listing each
specific step followed during the conduct of the study.
Data Gathering Procedure

A letter of request (Appendix A) will be sent to the campus dean to

secure the list of all employees (Appendix B) of the campus who are
currently employed. Another letter of request will be sent, asking
permission to conduct the survey and the research (Appendix C). Upon
approval, the instrument will be personally distributed to the faculty and staff
of the university, hence, the proponent will make herself personally available
during the data gathering in case there will be questions or concerns from
the respondents.
Data Analysis

▪ describes how the data gathered will be evaluated

▪ includes the description of any statistical tool to be used in the
study (excluding the formula)
▪ specific questions that will be answered through each statistical
tool should also be included
Data Analysis

Descriptive statistical tools will be employed in the study. The descriptive statistical
treatment such as frequency count, mean and percentage, Chi-square contingency Test and
Pearson – product of correlation will be utilized.

For the level of job satisfaction of the participants, numbers 4, 3, 2, 1, will be assigned
for highly agree, agree, disagree, and highly disagree, respectively. The mean score of the
respondents will be calculated and transformed into the its descriptive interpretations (Table
Table 2. Score interpretation for the level of job satisfaction


4.00 – 3.13 Highly Satisfied

3.12 – 2.42 Satisfied
1.71 – 2.41 Dissatisfied
1.70 – 1.00 Highly Dissatisfied
For objective number 1, frequency count will be used to determine the
total count of each socio-demographic characteristics and for the distribution
of each demographical characteristics' percentage computations will be
utilized and shown in terms of percentages.

Objective number 2, mean, a measure of central tendency will be used

to measure the average level of satisfaction of the employees.

And to answer the last objective, chi-square will be utilized to determine

the significant relationship between the socio-demographic characteristics of
the participants and their level of job satisfaction.

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