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Ibrahim Mously High School 2BAC / PAST PERFECT SIMPLE & CONTINUOUS Student : …………………………..….………….….……. Instr.

Abdelkarim Foulfoula


A. She ate her breakfast. Then, she went to school.
Verb Simple past Past Perfect Simple Past Perfect Continuous
Action 1 : She ate her breakfast Action 2 : She went to school.
go went had gone had been going
1- After she had eaten her breakfast, she went to school. take
2- Before she went to school, she had eaten her breakfast. study
B. John studied Arabic. Then, he moved to Morocco. eat
Action 1: John studied Arabic . Action 2: He moved to Morocco. stay
1 - Before John moved to Morocco, he had studied Arabic. read
2- After John had studied Arabic, he moved to Morocco. B. CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER.
C. Malak went to a language institute in 1999. She became a tourist guide in 2001. 1. …… Before she ______ to sleep, she ______ her homework first.
Action 1: _______________________________ Action 2: __________________________________ A. had gone / finished B. went / had finished C. had been going /finished
1- Before ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. …… After he ______ his university diploma, he ______ searching for a job.
2- After __________________________________________________________________________________ A. got / had started B. got / had been starting C. had got /started
3- When _________________________________________________________________________________ 3. …… They ______ there for many years before they _____ to move out.
II. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS: A. had been living /decided B. lived / had decided C. live /decided
D. My father was working as a chef for 30 years. He retired last year. 4. …… When I ______ at the company, the director ______ . He wasn’t there.
Action 1 : My father was working as a chef for 30 years ; Action 2 : He retired last year. A. had arrived / left B. arrived / had left C. had been arriving /left

1- After my father had been working as a chef for 30 years, he retired last year. C. USE THE SIMPLE PAST or THE PAST PERFECT SIMPLE.
2- Before my father retired last year, he had been working as a chef for 30 years. 1. Jane (read) ……………………… a lot about animals before she (visit) ……..………… the zoo.
III. STUDY THE FOLLOWING EXAMPLES: 2. Where (you/be) ………………….…………….. when I (see) ……………………..……… you ?
3. Kamal ( tell) ………………….. us about the film that he (see) ………..………….a week before.
1. - Sam : Had you ever studied any Arabic before you moved to Morocco ?
4. She (not /finish) …….…...………..her talk when they (start) ……………..asking questions.
- Mark: Yes. I had learnt some basic Arabic before I moved to Morocco. 5. I (come) ……………..…… late to work because I (miss) ………….……………. the first train.
2. Because I hadn’t prepared well , I received a low grade on my first math exam.
3. Salwa hadn’t been studying any French before she graduated from university; she D. USE THE SIMPLE PAST or THE PAST PEREFCT CONTINUOUS.
had been studying English. 1. The pavement ( be) ……..………….muddy because it ( rain) …………………………….all night.
4 - Samir : Had your uncle been smoking for a long time before he got lung cancer ? 2. He (not/do) ……….……..anything for many days before this job offer (come) …….……. .
3. She ( feel )……….….. dizzy because she ( talk) ……………….…… on the phone for so long.
- Nabil : Yes, he had been smoking for 20 years before he got lung cancer.
4. He (work) …………..……………… here for years before he (find) ………..……..another job.
5. I ( take ) ………………………… a quick shower after I ( go ) …………..……………… Jogging.
Past Perfect Simple USE :
Affirmative : subj + had + past participle Used to emphasize the order of two actions in the
past . The 1st action takes the past perfect form, E. USE THE PAST PERFECT SIMPLE or THE PAST PERFECT CONTINOUS.
Interrogative : had + subj + past participle ?
and the 2nd action takes the simple past form. 1. When I arrived at the theater, Kathy (pick, already) ……………………….. up the tickets.
Negative : subj + hadn’t + past participle
2. We (watch) ……….…………………………… the play for 90 mins when the lights went off.
Past Perfect Continuous USE :
3. I could not send you a postcard because I (lose) ………………………..…….. your address.
Affirmative : subj + had been + verbing Used to indicate that an action/activity was
4. (you / practice) ……………………………………………for two weeks before you took the test ?
happening before another one happened. The
Interrogative : had+ subj + been + verbing ? 5. After she ( finish )…………………………….…………. the housework, she went shopping.
1st action takes the past perfect continuous form,
Negative : subj + hadn’t been + verbing and the 2nd action takes the simple past form. 6. The storm destroyed the house that they (build) ……………………………………………..

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