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Date: Time: 1Hrs
Subject: Computer Marks: 50 M
Class: 4 Section:
Name: …………………... Roll no:

I . Short answers questions

1. What is a pendrive ?
2. Write the fullform of GUI?
3. Define footer?
4. What is thesaurus ?
5. Define wardart ?

II. Multiple choice questions

1. –––––––––––– is a primary memory [ ]
a) RAM b) Pen Drive c) hard disk
2. A group of 8 bits is called a----------------- [ ]
a) Nibble b) Terabyte c ) Byte
3.––––––––– is not a version of M S WINDOWS [ ]
a) Windows 99 b) Windows vista windows 10
4. Windows confirms before --------- a file / folder [ ]
a) Remaining b) deleting c) moving
5.The find command is present in the --------- group [ ]
a) font b) clip board c) Editing
6. Which of the following in the orientation in word? [ ]
a) portrait b) Landscape c) both a and b
7.In which of the following tabs can you find the styles group [ ]
a) insert b) home c) logout

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