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onan donyection ; (Zntra.rmusantan) aacd an: post delivery nis —_ Route of administration — damgsts © CARBDPROS Side effects (aso meg) contraindication ( Rérte « ) Chemical structure BeNP Prostodin’ 250meq Stedtea 7 TOU 7 wornitn 7 headadh 4 {wane a active PID ont - pereeaie ta . “pabenb © monary » Aina or PeeomnEe ‘Sepa: . 1, visual recognisation 1, What is the diagnosis 2. Differential diagnosis 3. Enumerate different treatment approaches | sg A AMA A_MYOMECTOMY d : (aounch of vanvpromn: daluted ome of sarines re) un 1, One indication in gynec surgery 2. Side effects 3. Maximum dose ‘ pom) 4 ‘hb an ll Goan Q ” should not exceed -» o.$UfmL chut panor oat 2 OC stare = “ome 7 om pon , erp se ne Eas: I Breaking The News About Stillbirth + Introduces self and role * Call patient by name and ensure she is relaxed + Try to know fhe mental status of the patient * Explain treatment has been unsuccessful and death was imminent * Show professionalism, patience and empathy * Know the medical facts and determine what information is desired * Explore emotions of patient and family and respond with empathy * Show humanity * Try to reduce the guilt in the patient incase of baby death J oe Checklist * Consent * Maintaining privacy * Lithotomy position * Applying sims speculum * Tell what can you inspect in speculum examination der Injury ing The Patient About Inadvertent Intraoperative Blad Counsell + Conduct an appropriate patient counselling introduction by self and patient. + Explain the purpose of counselling session. + Provide accurate information. + Use language that the patient is likely to understand. + Use the appropriate counselling aids to support counselling. + Present the fact and order in a logical order. + Maintain control & direction of the counseling session. * Probes for additional information. + Use open-ended question. * Display effective non-verbal behaviors Lex aca ( aber dvppler +B mode User) —— pu en ~+rotdone but goiast - ova. »— DVT Diagnosis Investigations of choice 1 2. 3. Prophylaxis 4. Blood investigations when patient is on treatment 77 oral anboagulants mu kratnguw'c LAMWH tanke sentinued (NOT WNFIRMED ) Habre ; Intramural T subserosal rotd * + Aub-mumsal extenston » 5 -aterine|EIDROID cnugleation of trbroid -, Complications tomy) Frer e Coyomes ) Makers 3.Surgical management 1 Diagnosis not denny family veppral De surgery *ypkicets ean AOU pre fnpenphrs anterior + preamt , “fit osterion —y aretha > Y bowel 9 NM ms “ cematpation lateral —> “areter —y hydsouattey or “yy JAvoNty mosis location A Migs taken decreas thd. 4) reps puoprnane: Ant anni 4g ann t tblerels ot a (intopibmid cape.) intraoperative: 4-blood f hraunajusten 2 elit ve Cente sis ond alefuire anauthora oMP “Ola Nitprumide . 5 Vasuslar clamp (© pim's spew D &Cinstruments Ce tidy pees 7 Hepars dilator ro raps (M0 racnerte ) identify two instruments 2.Gynaecological indications for D&C 3,Complications — ut. Hon at poles 4,choice ia anesthesia sy" Be tvacdaton Capinal anchors) 7 clecbive Kemination of ree a reganty foul at 4 Thalawnna maj or 7 anemia heading heart fare 7 at hemerrh e leading to AuNML antmn 7 pone manew fata t a 35 year, G4P313, Previous vaginal delivery at 28 weeks having pallor, not taking iron tablets, peripheral smear depicted in the picture a. What is the diagnosis” 7PA- What is the cut off of severe anemia Name 2 indications for blood transfusion d. Effects of anemia on fetusy “y mild + 1d 1o-agmial agmial = not 39% OBRn LO Cx 7 + (onl tar ene fever abe orpmint Jewell Pree v PP gies Covet AS ) : i | | + adder must he emptied Head mint be en cervix : full dilate (> bem) membrany amust be uptured - + erp murtbhe sulted out - | = compl oo) Beem tinue aati bebwcen suction asp. & feral head - Tel, ephathematoma +1. Pre requisites before application J - absston| Aaugheny otal) os VENTOUSE °7 3, Two complication ~ 1 maternal wauwm extraction ‘1 fetal 4. pein ed supnd st 4. prpiylactic aut Pat 6 ; i auond stage —? in ™m _ writes . south a (diane ; severe preedlampAna. vinvene 5. failua of maternal pre 7 telat inca: + fekal ars. povided by rye : spans 4 ars A yoda sta yen | 7 Pathon AtLeanes copper — tere Anplanmative ampermiudal — nee ——~ Ao _dnhibits implantation - [aang AY ph Ss SS 1. Identify the contraceptive method 2. Life span 3. _ Mention two contraindications by oppor sued (00) 4. Mention two side effects , aed an 5. Efficacy » tan bleedeny 7 dkabebic patents - days errarrhe 7 ptable heart duane & 7 _expalvion- 4 mv prt ( prankaugtn) ‘ » nun “or aneme 0 f 32 mm / 1.26 i a aaa a ——_—— Se tevin' anvmals contras a . fibroid. 7m asherman ayrdrrme 5. endometrial cancer. w. e v aM Z sone Semglnt obs, 7m FE aide doie) ee reroneg ri Se 7 oe ace ugn" « 1a cron be Lamp tk) iy 1,3, 807 f 4.1wo indications in obstetrics and gynec practice 2,Preliminary blood investigations Common side effects thotrexate ection BP JEUMAXATESO, somgizmal id Forinwamoseuan, Intrveneds and “fotaecal Use 4.Minimum dose | 4 ng [me (wing leaden) ‘nan (Oe 7 wom iby ‘runes al boss oF ea stable (only mr anmplite i) 2), aritals of mother 7 family > not usmplie » pe, “x aber [nen » . stable) e € hemedgynam ally Pao i mod fe 28 year, P212, underwent s a Ur sterili ea hay pameoy' Sx delivery feliaionafe method . a. what is the methods of sterilization shown in the photo bb. What is age limit for fernale sterilization . What isthe failure rate —* D-1 - 0-5:/- (lowest) dd What is the long term complication of female sterilization 5 puaseemal unity 7 prysnotngecal oo 2 demic pelvte pau 7 awngustive Aysmenorrhea ts = anenen amenatrual abnormaut Me ylad fee 4 alteration An Ubido . pap ty < Hy mandy ha or ty morphine irme vemos Casnrimatalea es ana eo rey . omg iy nocaine » drving ‘muosalpina > an Map * | Tome i F nead 2 SP Serncced Pearl Bihow sue bans rattan. 1 kroner > ang and is auhired avith LAP STERILISATION as a ga ue L.Other methods of sterilization 2.Anesthesia of choice for laparoscopic sterilization 3.Complications of lap sterilization 4 failure rate 1 1:20 prt > (co entifiaton at aa 8-2 0b] amp takers (pentnitis svar) Fmmediate: “mound inpection -, hemorrhage, Yehaled 2 road Uy hematoma, Enjury Fo late: fnurional hernia - Mpportuni {in vapinalapp ) NST: am shotrved amoutahon Ay FAR aveclerakor wrt fetal morernints wheth whuw fracnb, andicates healthy pus criters 1+ fetal heart vate: 10-160 bpm Ceo brady cardia, 5 > tbo Tathycardsi feretenen imormat (5-25bpm ) 7 <5~ 4etal distros. 3. FAR acceleration :1Sbpm um 15 4Ud. A deeteratons : NIL “ ‘Lriteria for normal NST 2.Other two methods of assessing fetal Surveillance —+ alone im HIN, 2M or 4n other 3.Parameters for BPP eran am: A baby coal apt 41h 7 uy 3) orp: (1B-MAN, Aaantraitron, sind zone + somins Sopnnde of fetal extenaion - flexion — - 2 & oa “ictal Breathong mov 21 breathing mov in 30 scuonds _ 5 Cmnodapa | a - ed pep: NST H < oo ny alert : ~ soa roman = a armfisce ) pay fuud 2 aums : | NST: matte (20 “boming' 2 Accor eel » 2 /@ Aabine omy acai Mobile apt tlaned ° ergata 28 year female c/o itchy greenish frothy vaginal discharge 2. Which organism responsible for this discharge b. What is the characteristic appprearance of organism on microscopy 6. Whatisthe characteristic apprearance of ou periaa ae) ela ferns uri 4. What iste rug of coice J mebrnidacole 0 my BD for LAsgh ord $ stat a ai Inktrauterne Dévice (mvrera) RE Tele ‘bwonoguieal CO) ie a 3 ape a. ' + 1) Identify the image and what are its indications? + 2) what are its expulsion rate? + 3) what is its life span? + 4) what is its chemical structure? v merena cama leonog terol autealt at mae 20 Mg Ideg “ i u x ean antara ( njamiy eral) . yn dellpid oF © . a” “ juego Qepot ened yprageserome autate- 1. Fullform of OMPA Uses ier bleeding ; side effects ~ dec’ bone min density 3 ogsage and frequency as contraceptive“ o/Her Hit « tcomy 7 Haken on an Smontne - saab pied: goweehs . in srekleallanemia pena 4. decreases m' a. decttasy At comer lpg) failure vate > 0.3 7. 5 O97 potagianden (toes analoage ») a mp, imduehon at (abour; arvrcal [aa before surreal abortion; Treatment of PPM. maser; Yemibing ; cuarrhoca, Uuills t npr + fuer, aderime Hy pers mur ahron 3 meumn'um srarntry of amniohre puns. - et i 1. Identify the category of drug Be se 2. Indication in obstetrics MISOPROSTOL S97 3. Side effects TABLETS IP <= oe 4 Dosage for induction for primi at 38weeks iy admired capmaty , ong + 5 hours cer) $0 pg administered mea crag 4-6 hous | |. Identify the picture ~ PARTOGRAM 1 2, ‘Two causes for obstructed labor 3, Criteria for deep transverse arrest 44, Duration of second stage of labor in primi fault dn J pana © 5. Tran Ue wngrnetal De 1 anna mmsten | feng anookphal 4 tal Baio z 4. nead in eng pagittal idan, bios dn fran st 5 5 antterion gontantite & palpable: - be gequtty tere arcn(huen, onoy duranon of r ‘doar — malig mean! aration? somins Bonin avg a . th anontl furace th simutth epidural) th Ce idaray) s Kastation eupprenton, -obs ‘LMechanism of action pov: pr erprolacanemta. , 5725s PY" ‘2.Two uses in obstetrics and gynecology 7 Roe i ° 435Side effects, ————7> asia CaergolnejabletsP == Sento "i _ Aim fibrobte ddierds Cabliz 05) + Mak vale cscee we 7 euler precclampan Trg nan rT o> opamensagerio) paaeee2, ow qo dopamine “aie on wa wre aa gen St tumgr ¥. S gihin ey Jaxoulg . l EE ~epear agter @ mentty then Ay murpral poadine -, «52:year old lady underwent abdominal hysterectomy for 2 large fibroid 4 weeks back, now came with history of continuous dribbling of urine 1. Diagnosis. §=———>._ mmc varmal fistula - What is 3 swab test — © aw ud an _V wtton Compr Be yee Bas 4) upper most satoovaginal F appermost wet /not—y aruromg pe! 4) amiddle 4 “matwnvagiral F | middle wett blac — Vn rapnal F- ) lower 4 uretingvaginal F only dower wit 4, gartthvovaginall E ina. + bladder ‘ eer, focal apr by fp apy Tete d The LT pa pate 4. 2 3. tachemere U Adacane , aantron halted, tonfragn'on + augulatient fmeniunal yole 7 auduch on of amennor haya 5 Aagrirmern ovr he - bt per nwy 1, Two Indications 2. Efficacy as a contraceptive 3, Twocontraindication 4, Side effects d ara: breokti h bleedany » reus trem boemioluwm » M1; Anke « Identify the picture Two causes for obstructed labor Criteria for deep transverse arrest Duration of second stage of labor in primi ayer “CASE SCENARIO A 38-year-old G2P1L1 presented to the emergency department with coniptaints of acute onset of lower abdominal pain associated with a history of amenorrhea for three months with bleeding PV. Upon clinical examination, the patient looked pale and distressed; Her blood pressure was 90/42 mmHg, with a pulse rate of 110 beats per minute. Her abdomen was generally distended and tender. Pelvic ultrasound, which showed an empty uterine cavity. 1.Clinical features of ectopic pregnancy ? faginal bedaony ammunorrhen- 2.What are al the Differential Diagnosis? Jip? "paar; @mplehe Ser | + pv. eclopteprtgy endomthnioxs 3.Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy?-+ 1p — SVP , ART. — smoking - it i S Fallogran tubs ; ; 4, Sites of ectopic pregnancy ? tanpalla™/c) 5 wrmual » ovary 7 unre! 5,Describe medical and surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy? medical: methomrexake mamgim' IM vingle | eurgral : - fimbnal cero 3 mi mye age [eee ra 6.what are all the pre request for expectant management? sal hingce ro 7. imial serum Hh

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