Dawn Editorials (14 March 2024)

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Punjab Judicial Officers Academy
DAWN Editorials: 14 March 2024, Thursday

Economic agenda Sr.# Word

in Urdu

ON Tuesday, at his first formal interaction with Dribble,

reporters after assuming control of Q Block, Finance 1. Drope (V) ‫اظرہوہان‬ Trickle
Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb dropped some clear
hints about the kind of financial policies he intends to Mean,
2. Intend (V) ‫اِرادہرکان‬ Aim
pursue, at least in the short to medium term. Signaling
the continuation of IMF-mandated stabilization policies
under the $3bn Stand-by Arrangement, the former Follow,
3. Pursue (V) ‫احلصرکان‬،‫التشرکان‬
banker said that Pakistan, a sovereign, nuclear state, Chase
could no longer afford to continue with a `patchwork`
approach to deep rooted economic woes if it wanted to 4. Continuation (N) ‫لسلست‬ Maintenance
address the challenge posed by low economic growth
and inflation. He was also clear about the Sharif
government`s plan to kick-start discussions for a new, 5. Sovereign (Adj) ‫وخداتخمر‬
larger and longer IMF loan during the international
lender`s visit for the second and final review of the Makeshift,
current nine-month facility that ends soon. `We would
6. Patchwork (N) ‫وجڑےناکاکم‬
at least kick-start the process and get this going. Let us
see how they respond, ` he said. Further negotiations on
Woes (N) Anguishes,
7. ‫رپاشیاینں‬
the fresh programme would be taken forward on the Griefs
sidelines of the spring meetings of the IMF and World
Bank in April in Washington, it was mentioned. The Stimulate,
8. Kick-start (V) ‫رشواعترکان‬
finance minister`s message was unmistakable: the Prompt
government is aiming for permanent macroeconomic
‫رکچ‬،‫رقےضاکلسلست‬ Invert,
stabilisation even if it comes at the cost of growth. He 9. Rollover (N)
said that the country should not expect cash deposits ‫اھکان‬ Upturn
and debt rollovers from friendly countries, and that it
was necessary to achieve the structural benchmarks laid 10. Laid out (V) ‫شیپایکیگ‬
out in IMF programmes signed by Pakistan`s previous
finance ministers, as turning to patchwork measures Intimidating,
was no solution. Inflation, he stressed, could only be 11. Daunting (Adv) ‫ڈراےنول‬
addressed by achieving macroeconomic stability.
12. Fiscal (Adj) ‫امیل‬
Faced with a daunting challenge, the minister`s Monetary
prescription for the interlinked issues of low growth,
balance-of-payment troubles, inflation and fiscal Shortage,
13. Deficit (N) ‫یمک‬
deficit afflicting the economy indicate a plan for a Shortfall
consequential overhaul of the government as well as its
budget over the next several years. His plan also Repair,
14. Overhaul (N) ‫اینرکےناکمع‬
represents a significant departure from the PML-N`s Renovation
signature economic and financial policies. The question
is: will he get enough room to execute the stabilisation 15. Temptation (N) ‫دیکمھ‬ Enticement
policies for as long as it is required? What is the
guarantee that the ruling party will support his attempts Urging,
to effectively tax its core political constituency of 16. Spurring (V) ‫رحتکیدنی‬
retailers or the powerful real estate mafia? Last but not
the least, how long will the government resist the Foreign
temptation of spurring growth without executing the
17. Forex (Adv) ‫ریغیکلمرکسن‬ exchange
long-standing structural reforms once forex reserves
‫مُط‬ Satisfy,
rise to a comfortable level, as it panders to its vote bank? 18. Pander (V) ‫مئنرکان‬ Cater to
Indeed, the new army-backed SIFC created last year to
attract investment from the Gulf nations is widely
expected to help him. Still, the success of the finance Center,
19. Hinge (V) ‫رصحنموہان‬
minister`s stabilisation agenda will hinge largely on his Pivot
ability to manage the desires and demands of the party
in power, without digressing from the path of reform. 20. Digress (V) ‫انٹہ‬

Arranged by: Prof Naveed Sabri

21 Babar Block, New Garden Town, Near Barkat Market Lahore
0333-4438610 0300-4469650 0300-1905555 042-35911609
Punjab Judicial Officers Academy
DAWN Editorials: 14 March 2024, Thursday

Border protests Sr.# Word

in Urdu
THE border town of Chaman has been protesting for Burden,
nearly five months now against the government`s 6 1. Imposition (N) ‫افنذ‬ Obligation
imposition of a passport and visa mandate for
movement between Pakistan and Afghanistan. Deep-seated Profound,
2. ‫رہگا‬
Deep-seated discontent prevails in the local (Adv) Entrenched
populace traders, political parties, and civil society
members casting a spotlight on not just this issue Dissatisfaction,
3. Discontent (N) ‫دعماانیمطن‬
but also the region`s overall economic hardships. Unhappiness
The transition from a relatively open to a regulated
crossing with stringent document requirements, 4. Prevail (V) ‫اغبلآان‬ Triumph
understandably aimed at enhancing security in an
area notorious for smuggling, has inadvertently Public,
impacted the community`s way of life. The local 5. Populace (N) ‫وعام‬ Population
economy, which relies heavily on small-scale trade,
has been hit particularly hard. While trucks have Strict,
recently been allowed through, thousands of daily 6. Stringent (Adj) ‫خس‬ Rigorous
wage workers, who walk across, have been
marginalised. A recent report by the HRCP Infamous, Ill-
7. Notorious (Adj) ‫دبانم‬
highlights not just the immediate economic famed
repercussions but also the long-term social and
humanitarian implications of the border Inadvertently Carelessly,
8. ‫انداہتسنوطررپ‬
restrictions. It rightly calls for a nuanced approach, (Adv) Unconsciously
suggesting engagement with all stakeholders,
Marginalized Sidelined,
including Afghan representatives, to find a balanced 9. ‫امسپدنہ‬
resolution that considers both security needs and
(Adv) Relegated
the local populace`s welfare. Repercussions Consequences,
10. ‫ارثات‬
(N) Effects
The protesters` demands, ranging from the abolition
of the visa policy to the restoration of small traders` Shaded,
welfare packages, represent a broader plea for 11. Nuanced (Adj) ‫اشہبئ‬ Tinged
recognition, respect, and understanding. The
proposal to facilitate visas on arrival and establish Elimination,
12. Abolition (N) ‫اخہمت‬
border markets is a constructive step towards Eradication
mitigating the economic impact of the new
regulations. These measures, coupled with Appeal,
13. Plea (N) ‫دروخاتس‬
investments in local industries and job creation Request
initiatives as suggested by the HRCP, could serve as
Constructive Positive,
a foundation for sustainable development in 14. ‫ریمعتات‬
(Adj) Productive
Chaman, and the wider Balochistan. The new
government must balance the imperative of national Lessen,
security with the legitimate needs and rights of its 15. Mitigate (V) ‫مکرکان‬ Alleviate
border communities. It must engage with the
protesters, understand their grievances, and explore Legitimate Valid,
16. ‫اجئ‬
interim solutions while working towards long-term (Adj) Authentic
development goals. Dialogue and diplomacy with the Complaints,
protesters, alongside working with a recalcitrant 17. Grievances (N) ‫رپاشیاینں‬ Objections
Kabul, are key to navigating this complex issue. As
mentioned previously in these pages, ensuring that Recalcitrant Unruly,
the security measures are not perceived as punitive, 18. ‫دضی‬،‫زتمزلل‬
(Adv) Disobedient
but as part of a broader strategy to enhance the
wellbeing of all Pakistanis, including those in Disciplinary,
19. Punitive (Adj) ‫اِابضنط‬ Corrective
Chaman, is essential. The path forward should be
marked by empathy, engagement, and concerted
efforts towards economic empowerment, laying the Combine,
20. Concerted (Adj) ‫ومجمع‬
groundwork for peace and prosperity in the region. Collective

Arranged by: Prof Naveed Sabri

21 Babar Block, New Garden Town, Near Barkat Market Lahore
0333-4438610 0300-4469650 0300-1905555 042-35911609
Punjab Judicial Officers Academy
DAWN Editorials: 14 March 2024, Thursday

Deadly devices Sr.# Word

in Urdu
The recent spate of deadly incidents involving Wave,
1. Spate (N) ‫رہل‬
gas cylinders must bring the authorities` Sequence
attention to a daily hazard many across the Danger,
country have been forced to live with. So far this 2. Hazard (N) ‫رطخہ‬
week, 12 people, including five from a single
family, have been killed and several others Numerous,
3. Several (Adv) ‫یئک‬
injured in two separate gas cylinder explosion Many
incidents. Both occurred in residential buildings: Burst,
4. Explosion (N) ‫دامھہک‬
one in Multan, the other in Quetta. Unsafe gas Bang
storage cylinders seem to be becoming a major Escalating,
cause for the mounting toll from domestic 5. Mounting (Adj) ‫ڑبےتھوہئ‬
accidents, yet the issue has not received as much
attention from the authorities as it deserves. 6. Deserve (V) ‫قحتسموہان‬
Women and children are most at risk because
they are frequently in close proximity to spaces Closeness,
7. Proximity (N) ‫زندیکی‬
where gas cylinders are used in households. Nearness
Tragically, children accounted for most of the Sadly,
dead in the blasts reported this week. 8. Tragically (Adv.) ‫اوسفانسکوطررپ‬
The onset of Ramazan has increased the risk of 9. Accounted (V) ‫ایبنےئکےئگ‬
deadly blasts, mainly because unreliable gas
supply around sehr and iftar times often pushes Start,
10. Onset (N) ‫ُ ر‬
even more households to opt for cylinders. Inception
Purchasing gas in pressurized containers helps Untrustworthy,
11. Unreliable (Adv) ‫اناقِلباابتعر‬
households ensure that cooking activities can Defective
continue unhindered during peak times, when
line gas of ten becomes unavailable. Given that it 12. opt (V) ‫ااختنبرکان‬
is primarily a governmental failure that a large
Unhindered Unrestricted,
number of citizens have no access to piped gas, 13. ‫الِبروکوٹک‬
(Adj) Unimpeded
those responsible must at least take measures to
ensure that citizens forced to opt for cylinders do Zenith,
14. Peak (N) ‫رعوج‬
not expose themselves to avoidable risks. In this Pinnacle
regard, a nationwide education campaign Preventable,
regarding cylinder safety can be launched, and 15. Avoidable (Adv) ‫سجےساچباجکس‬
the various Ramazan transmissions hosted by TV
Transmissions Broadcasts,
channels can be requested to include warnings 16. ‫رشنایت‬
(N) Shows
for their viewers about the potential risks of
using pressurised gas and what one may do to Unregulated Free,
17. ‫ریغظنم‬
ensure their loved ones avoid harm. The (Adv) Unfettered
unregulated cylinder refilling industry also needs Stricter,
tighter monitoring and control, as smaller 18. Tighter (Adj) ‫خس‬
vendors operate without regard to any safety
protocols. Gas cylinders are turning into a major 19. Vendors (N) ‫ریھپیوال‬
health and safety issue, and the authorities must
respond proactively. Cautiously,
20. Proactively (Adv) ‫اایتحطےس‬ Carefully

Arranged by: Prof Naveed Sabri

21 Babar Block, New Garden Town, Near Barkat Market Lahore
0333-4438610 0300-4469650 0300-1905555 042-35911609

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