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Improving People Skills

Technological changes, structural changes, environmental changes are accelerated at a faster rate
in the business field. Therefore, there is a greater need for employees to possess advanced skills
and knowledge to adapt those changes. If the employees lack the required skills, the targeted
goals cannot be achieved in time. The required skills can be enhanced by training and
development programs, career development programs, induction and socialization.

2. Managing Workforce Diversity

Workforce diversity means that the contemporary workforce is becoming increasingly

heterogenous in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, physically disadvantaged,
elderly people, etc. Managers need to recognize and respond accordingly to those differences.
They can no longer treat everyone alike. The managers have to understand the backgrounds of
their employees, plan accordingly, and develop teamwork and harmony in the organization.

3. Responding to Globalization

Globalization refers to the integration of economies, societies, and cultures on a global scale. It is
caused due to advancements in technology, communication, transportation, and trade, enabling
the flow of goods, services, capital, information, and ideas across national boundaries. Therefore,
business operations are no longer restricted to a particular locality or region and are expanded to
gain their market share and to remain in the top rank. The company’s products or services are
spreading across nations using mass communication, the internet, faster transportation, etc.

4. Empowering People

Empowerment is giving the employees a sense of ownership over their work and allowing them
to take responsibility of it. Typically, employees are given the autonomy to make decisions and
take actions that are likely to lead to higher performance. When employees have a sense of
empowerment, they feel valued, trusted and motivated to contribute to the organization’s
success. Empowered employees have the freedom to generate ideas, experiment, and take
calculated risks.
5. Improving Customer Service

Organizational behavior can contribute to improving organizational performance by showing

how employees’ attitudes and behavior are associated with customer satisfaction. Customers
today have high expectations. So, poor customer service may lead to complaints and criticism
which may be a challenge for managers. Therefore, it is important to improve customer
service. To improve customer service, it is essential to provide both sales and after-sales service.

Improving Quality and Productivity

Coping with “Temporariness”

Stimulating Innovation and Change

The Emergence of the E-Organization

Improving Ethical Behavior

Helping Employees Balance Work/Life Conflicts

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