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Name : Mahfudz

NIM : 23108030051
Class : MKS (B)
Matkul : English Language


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Introducing my self, my name is Mahfudz. I am a student of UIN

Sunan Kalijaga who comes from Wonosobo, Central Java. I am the 2nd of 3 children. My father's
name is Kisman, he works as a village official and farmer. My mother’s name is Toyibah, she works
as a housewife. My sister’s name is Sri Haryanti, she is a junior high school English teacher. And my
brother name is M. Haisam Arif, he is still in grade 3 of junior high school. My mum and dad would
always go to work from early in the morning until late in the evening to fulfil their family’s needs,
including my studies. I intend to go to university with the aim of becoming a successful person and
making my parents happy. Because without them I might not be able to be anything in this life. My
family always supports and motivates me in my steps to be better for the future. Therefore, I
migrated to study in jogja not only to study for formal knowledge but also to live and study in a
pesantren to gain religious knowledge.

My home is my paradise, that’s how I describe a house where my family plays a very
important role in my life. My home is in a village and far from the city, which can create a serene
atmosphere. Because the air is cool in the village and far from the hustle and bustle of activities, the
memories that are formed are difficult to forget. About my family, my father always goes to the rice
fields every morning until evening. Usually, when I am at home, I often help him with his work. My
mother, apart from being a housewife, teaches TPQ at an Islamic madrasa close to my house. My
sister teaches at a junior high school in the city centre, where she commutes every day. My younger
brother often goes with my father to help him with his work because his school is not too far from
home. In the evening, everyone can gather at home because the activities have been completed and
fill the moment to be together. My family is small and simple but I am very grateful to have been
given a beautiful family. Therefore, the best thing in life is family.

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