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This Instrument, executed by and between:

JOVITO M. PILAPIL, single of legal age, Filipino, and a resident

of Sta. Teresita Village, Tisa Labangon, Cebu City Philippines,
hereinafter referred to as the SELLER;

- and -

NICHOLJIM G. CONALES, of legal age, Filipino, single and a

resident of Sta. Teresita Village, Tisa Labangon, Cebu City
Philippines, hereinafter referred to as the BUYER


WHEREAS, SELLER is the absolute and registered owner of a certain parcel of

land more particularly described as follows:

TCT No. 150275

A parcel of land (Lot 10-A of the subdivision plan Psd-07-035651,

being a portion of Lot, Blk.-6 (DRC) Psd - 71487, L.R.C. Record
No. ___) situated in the Bario of Labangon, City of Cebu, Island of
Cebu. Bounded on the NE., along line 1-2 by Lot 10-B of the
subdivision plan; on the SE., along line 2-3 by Lot 9, Blk6, (LRC)
Psd-71481; on the NW along line 3-4 by Lot 7, Blk-6,(LRC) Psd.
71437 and along line 4-1 by Road Lot 6, (LRC) Psd-71487.
Beginning at a point marked "1" on plan being S. 83 deg. 07'E.,
584.39 m. From B.M. 43, Cebu Cadastre, thence S. 06 deg. 41' E.,
17.78 m. to point 2; thence S. 81 deg. 27'W., 7.07 m to point 3;
thence N. 00 deg. 42'E., 18.00 m. to point 4; thence N. 8 81 deg.
27'E. 4.75 m. to the point of beginning; containing an area of ONE
HUNDRED FIVE (105) SQUARE METERS , more or less. All points
referred to are indicated on the plan and marked on the ground
as follows: points 1 and 2 by P.S. and the rest by old P.S. all are
cylindrical concrete monuments 15 x 60 centimeters. Bearing true.
Date of original survey December 1910- February 1912 and that
of the subdivision survey executed by Benito F. Bunagan,
Geodetic Engineer Nov. 21, 1995 and approved on April 1, 1996.
is registered in accordance with the provisions of the Property
Registration in the name of JOVITO M. PILAPIL, single, Filipino, of

WHEREAS The same SELLER is selling the above-described property with all
the improvements thereon in the amount of ONE TWO HUNDRED FIFTY
THOUSAND PESOS (Php. 1,250,000.00) and the BUYER has agreed to
purchase the same under the terms and conditions herein after specified;

WHEREAS, the SELLER warrants valid title to and peaceful

ownership and possession of the aforesaid real property unto and in
favor of the BUYER, and hereby undertakes and agrees at its
account, to defend the title of the BUYER against all present and
future claims and/or action in relation thereto from all persons or
entities to any agency, tribunal or courts of justice;

WHEREAS, the provision of Article 1623 of the New Civil Code of the
Philippines has been complied with by the SELLER prior to the
perfection of this Deed of Absolute Sale;

WHEREAS, SELLER assures the BUYER access road or a road right

of way for the benefit of the BUYER and/or prepare the necessary
document to facilitate the transaction in granting perpetual right or
privilege to use the same as right of way for the BUYER’S own

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE TWO

HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PESOS (Php. 1,250,000.00) Philippine Currency,
to me in hand paid by the buyer, the SELLER do hereby SELL,
TRANSFER, and CONVEY by way of Absolute Sale unto the said BUYER,
his heirs and assigns, and successors-in-interest the above-described
property, free from all liens and encumbrances of whatever nature.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto affixed their signatures

this 28th day of October 2013 at Cebu City Philippines



Signed in the presence of:

____________________________ ____________________________
Witness Witness

City of Cebu……………………………… ) SS.

BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the above jurisdiction, this ____ day of
_________, 2013, personally appeared the following:

Proof of Identity

1. JOVITO M. PILAPIL ______________________________

2. NICHOLJIM G. CONALES ______________________________

all known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
Deed of Absolute Sale consisting of Three (3) pages, including this page and they
acknowledge that the same is their free and voluntary act and deed.


Doc. No. _______;

Page No. _______;
Book No. _______;
Series of 2013.

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