The Gunn-Diode Fundamentals and Fabrication

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The Gunn-diode: Fundamentals and fabrication

Conference Paper · October 1998

DOI: 10.1109/COMSIG.1998.736992 · Source: IEEE Xplore


12 4,964

3 authors:

Robert R. van Zyl Willem Perold

Cape Peninsula University of Technology Stellenbosch University


Reinhardt Botha
Nelson Mandela University


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The Gunn-diode: Fundamentals and Fabrication
Robert van Zyl, Willem Perold, Reinhardt Botha*
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch, 7600
Department of Physics, University of Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth, 6000

Abstract — A short tutorial on the Gunn-diode is presented. relatively few electronic engineers understand clearly the
The principles underlying Gunn-oscillations are discussed principles behind the Gunn-effect. The aim of this paper is
briefly and illustrated by relevant simulations. The simulation to give the reader an overview of the underlying theory of
of a typical Gunn-diode in a cavity is also presented. In the Gunn–effect and how it is utilised in Gunn-diodes to
conclusion, the fabrication process of low power Gunn-diodes
produce a.c. power [2], [3]. Concepts which will be
is discussed.
discussed include the negative differential mobility
Keywords — Gunn-diode, Gunn-effect, transferred electron- phenomenon in GaAs, Gunn-domain formation and the
effect, GaAs, energy band, Monte Carlo particle simulation. basic Gunn-diode structure. A typical simulation of a Gunn-
diode in a cavity will also be presented.
The University of Stellenbosch, in conjunction with the
JB (Ian) Gunn discovered the Gunn-effect on 19 February University of Port Elizabeth, is currently fabricating GaAs
1962. He observed random noise-like oscillations when Gunn-diodes for research purposes. The aim is to optimize
biasing n-type GaAs samples above a certain threshold. He Gunn-diodes for a.c. output at W-band frequencies. A
also found that the resistance of the samples dropped at review of this manufacturing process will be given.
even higher biasing conditions, indicating a region of
negative differential resistance. As will be explained later, The simulations in this paper have been performed by a
this leads to small signal current oscillations. Monte Carlo particle simulator developed at the University
of Stellenbosch. A short review of the Monte Carlo
In Figure 1 part of the famous page from one of Gunn’s simulation of semiconductors is given in [4].
laboratory notebooks is shown with the entry “noisy” on the
line for 704 volt. Describing it as the “most important II. THE GUNN-EFFECT IN THE STRICT SENSE
single word” he ever wrote, it laid the foundation for what
was to become a major mode of a.c. power generation. A. The Energy Band for GaAs

Due to their relative simplicity and low cost, Gunn diodes To understand the Gunn-effect it is necessary to have some
remain popular to this day. It is, however, also true that insight in the behaviour of electrons in a crystal lattice, and
most importantly, the allowed energy states electrons can
occupy. These are dictated by the energy band structure of
a semiconductor which relates an electron’s energy as a
function of its wave vector k.

The band structure for GaAs is shown in Figure 2. Both the

valence (negative electron energy) and conduction (positive
electron energy) bands are shown. Only the conduction
bands need to be considered for the study of electron
dynamics, since electrons in the valence bands are
stationary. Energy bands are very complex structures. It is,
however, clear from Figure 2 that for realistic electron
energies (E <2 eV) only the lowest conduction band curve
need to be taken into account. This curve displays three
distinct “valleys” in the crystal spatial orientations labelled
', L and X. For the purposes of this paper it is sufficient to
consider the central '-valley and satellite L-valley only.

For the study of electron transport, the information near the

local band minima is important, since electrons are usually
located near the bottom of the valleys. For low electron
energies, relative to these band minima, the band structure
Fig. 1. A page from one of Gunn’s laboratory notebooks on which can be approximated by a parabolic E-k relation [5].
he made made the discovery of the Gunn-effect (taken from [1]).
(mL*.5@m'* for GaAs) This phenomenon is fundamental to
the Gunn-effect as will be explained later.

The energy gap ) shown in Figure 3 is the energy that an

electron in the '-valley will have to acquire before it could
undergo a transition to the L-valley. For GaAs )=0.36eV.

B. The transferred electron mechanism

When no bias is applied to a semiconductor, almost all the

electrons occupy the '-valley since their respective thermal
energies are usually much less than the energy gap ). If the
sample is biased, the electrons are accelerated by the applied
electric field and may gain sufficient energy to be
transferred to the satellite valley. This phenomenon is
verified by Monte Carlo simulations and illustrated by the
graphs in Figure 4.
Fig. 2. The full energy band structure of GaAs. Both valence
(negative electron energy) and conduction (positive electron energy)
It is clear from the graphs in Figure 4 that the mean electron
bands are shown [3, p.4]. energy increases for increasing biasing fields. This results
in an ever increasing number of electrons gaining enough
energy (0.36eV for GaAs) to be bridge the gap between the
'- and L-valleys and be transferred from the lower '-valley
to the upper L-valley. Significant population of the L-valley
takes place for biasing exceeding 0.4 MVm-1.

E bias = 0.1 MV/m


0.5 Satellite
Electron energy


0.2 Central
Fig. 3. A simplified band structure of GaAs with the central (') and 0.1

one satellite (L) valley shown. The energy gap ()) is the energy 0
needed before an electron can undergo a central to satellite transition. 0 100 200 300 400 500
Electron samples

E bias = 0.4 MV/m

The parabolic two-valley approximation is very simple to 0.6
implement and proves sufficient for most moderate-field

0.5 Satellite
applications. A two-valley parabolic approximation to the 0.4
Electron energy

energy band of GaAs is shown in Figure 3. In terms of this

parabolic approximation, the energy of an electron in each
0.2 Central
valley is given by valley
h2k 2
E= *
(1) 0
0 100 200 300 400 500
2m Electron samples

with k the magnitude of the wave vector, m* the effective

mass of the electron associated with that valley and S the
reduced Planck constant.

The effective mass of a free electron in a semiconductor

differs from the mass of a free electron in a vacuum due to
the interaction of the electrons with the atoms of the crystal.
An electron in a semiconductor behaves dynamically as a
classical particle with mass m*. It is important to note that
the band structure of the central '-valley has a sharper
curvature than that of the satellite L-valley. From (1) it
follows that the effective mass associated with an electron
in the central valley, m'*, is much less than the effective
mass associated with an electron in the L-valley, mL*.
E bias = 1.0 MV/m
at point B is subjected to an electrical field EH1. They will
0.6 therefore drift towards the anode with velocity <2 which is
smaller than <4. Consequently, a pile-up of electrons will
0.5 Satellite
0.4 occur between A and B, increasing the net negative charge
Electron energy

0.3 in that region. The region immediately to the right of B will

0.2 Central become progressively more depleted of electrons, due to
their higher drift velocity towards the anode than those at B.
0 100 200 300 400 500 The initial charge perturbation will therefore grow into a
Electron samples dipole domain, commonly known as a Gunn-domain. Gunn
Fig.4 Valley occupation of electrons in bulk GaAs for three applied
domains will grow while propagating towards the anode
electrical fields, namely 0.1MVm-1, 0.4MVm-1 and 1MVm-1 respectively. until a stable domain has been formed. A stable Gunn-
As expected, the mean energy of the ensemble of electrons increase with domain is shown at a time instance t > t0, indicated by the
stronger applied fields. Significant population of the satellite L-valley dashed curve. At this point in time, the domain has grown
takes place at fields exceeding of 0.4MVm-1.
sufficiently to ensure that electrons at both points C and D
The electrons that have been transferred from the '-valley move at the same velocity, <1, as is clear from the bottom
to the L-valley will immediately move slower due to the graph in Figure 6.
increase in their effective mass. The average drift velocity
of the electrons, and consequently the current, will
therefore decrease with an increase in the applied field.
This manifests a region of negative differential resistance
(NDR) for applied fields exceeding 0.4 MVm-1, as shown
in Figure 5. Biased GaAs sample of length L
cathode anode

A + C +
0 - B - D L

t = t0

EH2 t > t0

Fig. 5. The simulated steady-state average drift velocity of Distance from
electrons in bulk GaAs as a function of the applied electric field 0 L cathode
at 300K. The region of NDR is indicated. EL1

C. The formation of Gunn-domains

The question of exactly how the NDR phenomenon in <4

GaAs results in Gunn-oscillations can now be answered
with the aid of Figure 6. <3
A sample of uniformly doped n-type GaAs of length L is <1
biased with a constant voltage source V0. The electrical
field is therefore constant and its magnitude given by EL2 EL1 E0 EH1 EH2
E0 = V0/L. From the bottom graph in Figure 6 it is clear that
Electric field
the electrons flow from cathode to anode with constant
Fig. 6. A graphical illustration of the formation of Gunn-domains.
velocity <3.
It is important to note that the sample had to be biased in the
It is now assumed that a small local perturbation in the net NDR region (see Figure 5) to produce a Gunn-domain.
charge arises at t = t0, indicated by the solid curve in Figure6. Once a domain has formed, the electric field in the rest of
This non-uniformity can, for example, be the result of local the sample falls below the NDR region and will therefore
thermal drift of electrons. The resulting electrical field inhibit the formation of a second Gunn-domain.
distribution is also shown (solid curve).
As soon as the domain is absorbed by the anode contact
The electrons at point A, experiencing an electric field EL1, region, the average electric field in the sample rises and
will now travel to the anode with velocity <4. The electrons domain formation can again take place. The successive
formation and drift of Gunn-domains through the sample oscillators.
leads to a.c. current oscillations observed at the contacts. In
this mode of operation, called the Gunn-mode, the The doping profile of the Gunn-diode is shown in Figure 9.
frequency of the oscillations is dictated primarily by the An active region is sandwiched between highly doped anode
distance the domains have to travel before being annihilated and cathode regions. These highly doped regions ensure
at the anode. This is roughly the length of the active region good ohmic contacts with the external circuit. A 50% notch
of the sample, L. The value of the d.c. bias will of course in the doping is included to provide an initial high electric
also affect the drift velocity of the domain, and field near the cathode. The reason for the notch will be
consequently the frequency. explained later. The oscillator circuit is as the parallel
resonant circuit shown in Figure 10.
The process of domain growth, drift and absorption at the
anode is verified by the simulation results for a 5 µm GaAs The simulated voltage and current waveforms are given in
sample shown in Figures 7 and 8. The sample is uniformly Figure 11. From these graphs it is evident that the oscillator
doped with concentration 1015cm-3 and biased at 5V. The generates in the order of 140mW at 70GHz with an
frequency of oscillation is roughly 25GHz. efficiency of 2.4%. These values are typical of Gunn-diode
0 15



-5 -5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

0 15




-5 -5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

0 15



-5 -5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

0 15




-5 -5
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 8 The simulated field distribution for the dipole Fig. 7 The simulated net charge concentration in a 5µm
distibutions in Figure 7. Note the growth in the peak GaAs sample biased at 5V. The distributions are shown
value and the subsequent drop in the field throughout at four successive time instances to illustrate the
the rest of the sample to below the NDR region shown formation, drift and absorption at the anode of a dipole
in Figure 5. domain in a Gunn-diode.

III. SIMULATION OF A MILLIMETER-WAVE oscillators operating at these frequencies.

The formation and drift of the dipole domains are illustrated
A typical application of a Gunn-diode in a cavity will now with the sequence of field distributions in Figure 12. A
be discussed. A high frequency oscillator (70 GHz) has “dead zone” is clearly evident near the cathode where no
been chosen since it reveals an important aspect in the dipole domains form. Electrons injected at the cathode are
understanding of the high frequency limit inherent to Gunn- initially confined to the central valley of the conduction

Electric Field [MV/m]





0 0.15 0.25 1.9 2.0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance from cathode [microns] 2

Electric Field [MV/m]

5×1015 cm-3 0
1×1016 cm-3
1.25×1017 cm-3 -2

Fig. 9. The doping profile of the simulated Gunn-diode.The active
region is sandwiched between the highly doped anode and cathode -6
t = 3ps
regions. A notch in the doping appear at the cathode. -8

0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Electric Field [MV/m]




t = 5.6ps

0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Fig. 10. The circuit schematic for the simulated Gunn-diode in a

Electric Field [MV/m]
cavity. The diode is biased with a 3V d.c. power supply. The
oscillator feeds into a 23S load.

t = 10ps
Terminal voltage [V] / current [A]

v(t) -8

0 0.5 1 1.5 2
i(t) Distance from cathode [microns]

Fig. 12. The simulated sequence of fields for the
Gunn-oscillator described in the text clearly shows a
dead zone at the cathode.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time [ps] since it forces a high electric field at the notch. This
stronger field will accelerate the electrons faster than would
Fig. 11. The simulated voltage v(t) and current i(t) waveforms for otherwise be the case. The electrons will therefore gain
the Gunn-oscillator desribed in the text. v(t) and i(t) are defined in enough energy for transfer to the L-valley in a shorter time
Figure 10.
and distance.

band. They do not immediately gain enough energy to be

transferred to the upper L-valley. This results in a delayed Another, more successful, method is the injection of “hot”
domain formation and a consequent dead zone in the region or energetic electrons directly into the cathode region. This
of the cathode. is accomplished by inserting a heterojunction between the
cathode contact and the active region of the diode [6]. A
The presence of a dead zone in the diode impacts detailed discussion on hot electron injection is not within the
negatively on the efficiency of the oscillator, because the scope of this tutorial. In essence, when an electron traverses
length of the active region in which the domain can grow, a heterojunction of the correct type, it gains almost
decreases. Smaller domains translate into smaller output immediately a certain amount of energy dictated by the
power. The existence of a dead zone affects high frequency heterojunction. If this energy exceeds the gap, ), transfer to
(< 30 GHz) Gunn-oscillators the most, since the physical the L-valley, and consequently Gunn-domain formation, is
lengths of these diodes are of the order a few micron, possible. Heterojunctions are typically 50nm in length,
roughly the same as the dead zone. Optimising Gunn-diodes implying a drastic reduction in the dead zone and a
invariably involves decreasing the dead zone by subsequent improvement in efficiency.
encouraging domain nucleation as near to the cathode as
The doping-notch is one way of reducing the dead zone,
The authors are currently in the process of manufacturing
10 GHz Gunn-diodes for research purposes. The aim is to Growth of diode structure
apply the experience gained in this process to the
development of efficient Gunn-diodes operating at AuGe layer
contact layer

frequencies in excess of 100 GHz. A chronological outline active region layer

of the fabrication process is discussed below with a buffer layer

graphical representation of the process given in Figure 13. substrate

AuGe layer

A. Growth of diode structure Cathode

Define individual contacts by etching

The diode layers have been grown at the Department of
Physics, University of Port Elizabeth, by a process known
as Metalorganic Vapour Phase Epitaxy (MOVPE). Growth
was performed in a horizontal, laboratory scale quartz
reactor, capable of accepting a 2x2cm2 piece of substrate.
The diode structures were grown on a 250µm GaAs:Si
substrate with doping density n=1.3x1018 cm-3. This was
followed by a 0.6µm buffer layer (n=1.4x1018 cm-3), a
Define individual diodes by etching
0.3µm undoped injection layer (n=1.1x1015 cm-3 ) which 100µm
serves as doping-notch, a 10µm undoped active region
layer (n=2.5x1015 cm-3) and a 0.6µm Si-doped contact layer
(n=1.4x1018 cm-3).

The GaAs substrate was placed on a molybdenum

susceptor, which was heated to 670oC before growth. 400µm
Trimethylgallium and arsine (10% in H2), diluted in a H2
carrier gas, were used as source materials. n-Type doping
Fig. 12. Step-by-step fabrication of low power Gunn-
of the contact layers was achieved by introducing SiH4 gas diodes
into the reactor. Growth rate is approximately 10D per

The doping levels were determined from electrochemical

capacitance-voltage profiling of the grown structures and
Hall measurements on calibration layers. CV-profiling also
provided an independent measurement of layer thicknesses.

Metal contacts were thermally evaporated onto both sides

of the structure to provide good electrical contact with the
external circuitry. These metal contacts consist of three
layers, namely a 80nm layer of AuGe sandwiched between
two layers of 10nm Ni. It was found that these contacts Fig. 13. Packaged low power Gunn-diode.
disintegrate at currents exceeding 20mA, because they are
so extremely thin. Additional AuGe had to be evaporated
onto the existing contacts to a depth of 0.7µm. The diodes are now mounted in containers of suitable size.
The packaging of an individual diode is shown in Figure 14.
B. Etching and scribing of individual diodes The diode is bonded to the gold plated copper base of the
bottom external metal contact using a highly conducting
Individual diodes are defined on the grown structures by a epoxy. The two external contacts are separated by a ceramic
standard photolithographic procedure. A mask defines the spacer. 25µm gold bonding wires connect the top diode
desired metal contacts at the anode (top) side of the contact with the top lid. The wire is bonded onto the diode
structures. Contacts with a 100µm diameter have been contact with the same conducting epoxy.
etched. The unwanted AuGe metal was etched away using
a mixture of iodine crystals, potassium-iodide and water. D. Experimental results
The unwanted GaAs was etched away using a mixture of
methanol, phosphoric acid, and H2O2. The GaAs had to be Experimental results will be presented at the conference.
etched to a depth of at least 10µm to ensure that the active
region is of the same dimensions as the metal contacts. The V. CONCLUSIONS
individual diodes can now be cut out using a diamond edge
scriber. Each diode is of the order 400µm in diameter. The Gunn-effect in bulk GaAs and how this phenomenon is
harnessed in the generation of a.c. power has been
C. Packaging discussed. The fabrication of low power Gunn-diodes has
been dealt with briefly. It is the desire of the authors that
this tutorial will have brought home an appreciation for
these devices which have served us so well over the past
three decades.


[1] John Voelcker, “The Gunneffect”, IEEE Spectrum, p.24, July 1989.
[2] BG Bosch, RWH Engelmann, Gunn-effect Electronics, Pitman
Publishing, London, 1975.
[3] JE Carroll, Hot Electron Microwave Generators, Edward Arnold
Publishers, London, 1970.
[4] RR van Zyl, WJ Perold, “The Application of the Monte Carlo Method
to Semiconductor Simulation”, Trans. SAIEE, pp. 58-64, June 1996.
[5] K Tomizawa, Numerical Simulation of Submicron Semiconductor
Devices, Artech House, London, 1993.
[6] Z Greenwald et al, “The Effect of a High Energy Injection on the
Performance of mm Wave Gunn Oscillators”, Solid-State Electronics,
Vol. 31, No. 7, pp. 1211-1214, 1988.

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