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Gaindakot – 10, Nawalparasi-East






Symbol No: 17604238

Registration No: xxxxxxxxxx







Nawalparasi East, Nepal

On Baisakh 18, 2080, I started a 300-hour On-The-Job Training at PURNA PHOTO
AND FANCY STORE, about 1.5km from my house. The environment there was very good for
learning. All the staffs were helpful and also very caring. The effort that I made there was really
worth it.I worked there for the total of 300 hrs. I learned new skills. I am glad that I performed
this OJT.

Computer Engineering
1. Certificate of Approval


Gaindakot-10, Nawalpur


The undersigned certify that they have read, and recommended to the Department of
Computer Engineering. For acceptance, an OJT report entitled “An OJT Report” on Three Month
Internship at Purna Photo and Fancy Store submitted by Arun Kumar Raut Kurmi in partial
fulfillment of requirements for the degree of intermediate in Computer Engineering.

External examiner

Internal examiner

Er. Ganseh Gharti

Head of Department
Department of Computer Engineering
2. Declaration

I hereby declare that I carried out OJT reported in this report in Purna Photo and Fancy
Store, under the supervision of Mr. Purna Datta Bhattrai, Chief executive of the shop. I solemnly
declare that to the best of our knowledge; no part of this report has been submitted here or
elsewhere in a previous application for award of a degree. All sources of knowledge used have
been duly acknowledged.


Arun Kumar Raut Kurmi

3. Acknowledgement
First and foremost, special regards to Purna Photo and Fancy Store and Owner of the
shop Mr. Purna Datta Bhattrai for accepting, trusting and giving me an opportunity to do an
internship with the organization. It is worth noting that this was the gateway to my successful
internship training with the technology department. For without their approval, this could have just
been a wish.

I express my grateful thanks to Mr. Purna Datta Bhattrai head of the shop, As trainer for
taking part in useful decision & giving necessary advices and guidance and arranged all facilities
to make the training trouble free. I chose this moment to acknowledge his contribution gratefully.

Last but not least, I would like to applaud all the staff members of for their friendly efforts
in creating an enjoyable working environment. Without such convenience, learning wouldn’t have
been at ease.

I perceive this opportunity as a big milestone in my career development. I will strive to use
gained skills and knowledge in the best possible way, and I will continue to work on their
improvement, in order to attain desired career objectives. Hope to continue with all of you in


Arun Kumar Raut Kurmi

Gaindakot-10, Nawalpur
Table of Contents

Certificate of Approval ....................................................................................................... II

Declaration ......................................................................................................................... III
Acknowledgement .............................................................................................................IV
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 7
About the organization ......................................................................................................... 1
Skills Learned ...................................................................................................................... 2
c. Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................... 5
4. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................... 6
Table of Figure

Figure 1 Location of Purna photo and fancy store........................................................................... 1

Figure 2 Retouching......................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 3 Photo enhancement ............................................................................................................ 3

On the job training (OJT) is job training that occurs in the work place. On the job training
is also called hands on training. On the job training has many advantages, but it can also have a
few disadvantages if the OJT is not properly planned and executed.
The goal of the OJT program is to place participants in occupations that will enhance their
prospects for long-term employment and will ultimately permit them to become self-sufficient.
OJT involves the acquisition of specific skills and employment competencies, through exposure in
an actual work setting to the processes, work tasks, tools and methods of a specific job or group of
jobs It is the responsibility of supervisors and managers to utilize available resources to train
qualify, and develop their employees. On-the-job training (OJT) is one of the best training methods
because it is planned, organized, and conducted at the work site. OJT will generally be the primary
method used for broadening skills and increasing productivity. It is particularly appropriate for
developing proficiency skills unique to a person's job especially jobs that are relatively easy to
learn and require locally-owned equipment and facilities.
One major drawback of on the job training can be finding the right time for it. The person
responsible for giving and evaluating the training has to be sure that his or her other job
responsibilities are being met. Another disadvantage of OJT is that it can be difficult to find the
right person to conduct it. The person doing the training must have the knowledge and skills with
the same equipment that the learner will be working with care must also be given not to pass on.
About the organization

Purna Photo and Fancy Store

It is an private organization which is located in Gaindakot-11, Nawalparasi-East, and Gandaki
Province in Nepal. There are currently private organizations in Nepal but I got a chance to give my
internship in that organization. There is a peaceful environment for newbie. There are less number
of staff’s working there they all helped me in a good manner and taught many things which was
worth the time.
As a manner it was a great experience to learn different things related to the banking. It gives the
real life situation of job to the students studying in that school in a friendly environment in a
cooperative way.


Figure 1 Location of Purna photo and fancy store

Computer Engineering
Skills Learned

Photo Editing
Any tasks you do for making your existing photography more attractive was called photo editing.
The purpose of photo editing is to make stunning photos and make the photo clean and more
attractive. It can be anything like unwanted background removal, color correction, resizing to
advanced photo retouching.

Importance of photo editing

 Brand Promotion
Photographs and pictures that have been properly edited reflect the brand and
Communicate the message of a company in the best possible way.

 Retouching
Photo retouching is mainly used for model, fashion, wedding photography to remove acne,
wrinkles, dark spots etc. In this way, photographers increase the beauty of the model to gain

 Changing Colors
Manipulating contrast in photos is very important; you may need a little knowledge about tone
and matching different colors.

 Restoring Images
Sometime personal photos that get damaged because of several reasons can be restored by

Some important terms of photo editing

 Photo manipulation
Photo manipulation is using software like Photoshop to alter images. It involves changing or
distorting pictures for various purposes, including creating illusions or deceptive effects.

 Photo shopping
To means to change the picture using a computer program like Photoshop. This is often done
to make the image look different from how it originally was. It can involve making changes
that distort or manipulate the reality of the picture.

 Photo Enhancement
Image enhancement is the process of adjusting image for image analysis and also to make the
photo more attractive. For example, you can remove noise, sharpen, or brighten an image,
making it easier to identify key features.

 Photo Post Processing

The process that takes unrefined images and polishes them into perfect captures. The
fundamentals of post-processing include everything from cropping to sharpening.

Computer Engineering
Figure 2 Retouching

Figure 3 Photo enhancement

Computer Engineering
b. Typing
On most of the institution many work are done through the computer and new technologies
which are developing day by day .In education sector we have to enter data in our computer. For
many purpose we use typing in school sector like making letters to a certain something or someone
.It was fun to do different things related to the organization. Which was beneficial for both of us?
Nepali typing is essential in every sector where we work. It is needed for every organization for a
purpose if we are expert in typing we can do multiple task through it. I had done making things
some of them are listed below:

1) CV for job application

2) Relationship verification certification
3) Experience letter
4) DOB verification application
5) Tax clearance

Computer Engineering

Apart from the major things there are many things I got to learn in those three month’s of
OJT. I got to learn stuffs like selling clothes, packing gifts, packing bouquet and many more. I got
a chance to give some information about OJT and computer engineering course to those staff and
the customer who came there and also teach the new staffs how to use the printer and pp-size photo

Overall I learned much more things in those 3 months that I can't include in this document.

Computer Engineering
OJT is really very beneficial thing if done properly. If everything is managed; the schedule,
the time table, turns, everything, then it is very beneficial. The education system is going towards
to the time where skills are prioritized.

OJT builds the ability to perform tasks in the real field. Working in real field is challenging
and also pretty scary. But it develops a very important skill in student's new employees. For me
the OJT was very successful and helpful. Also the overall Computer Engineering sector is filled
with better learning environment. It enhances the student’s ability interest and more. Practical
knowledge and performance is highly prioritized than other thing’s on the has to
complete the task in given time so we should be punctual and should manage our time in learning
and exploring new things. I am glad to see that our country is also changing and is focused on
practical knowledge and performance from which we can get a huge achievement in future. When
I was here I didn't know that much more about photo editing and photo retouching but when I
completed the internship of 300 hrs. It feels great to know about everything which I have got a
chance to work. Thanks shree ratna rajya and Purna Photo and fancy store to give us chance to
learn something which was worth it.

Computer Engineering

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