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Can you imagine having your parents regularly choose everything for you?

Even in terms of
friendships? Just think about the scenario where you cannot play with your new friend because your
mother’s perspective of him does not equal with yours. This might be a living nightmare for some of
us, depending especially on the age we are, but keep in mind that, at some point, they were right

At a tender age, we have a different outlook of the world than grownups do. Children perceive the
world through bright colors, believing any person’s heart is kind, and with their innocence, they
make friends effortlessly. That’s where adults interfere. The role of a parent consists into assuring
their child is growing in a healthy environment. As a consequence of this act of protection, children
learn how to create friendships with the right people.

Going to teenage years, children are no longer in need for defense, being at an age where they
know how to make the difference between right and wrong. Friendships are made, having strong
bonds with each other. At the same time, teenage years are cucially known for their constant need
for the feeling of belonging and socialising. Leaving the choice of friends to their parents is creating a
freeless and manipulating household. The teenager in cause will feel trapped and with the desire to
act below his parents rules.

To conclude, friendships are overall the child choice. Neither of us can command to an individual
what kind of people are suitable for him, even if deep down we are conscious about it. We need to
let children make mistakes and learn from them so in the end they learn by themselves.

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