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I could've never imagined that I would go by myself without any parental

figure, on a trip with 40 chaotic teenagers and two teachers who didn't know
what were doing. When I first found out about the trip my mom told me this
would be a great motivation for us and a unique experience that would bring
us closer. This was before someone told her that our first trip in high school
also means our first drunkenness.
But after I convinced her that those informations are not in fact true, she let
me go. We went on a 3 days trip to Brasov, a beautiful city with a great
personality. I was very excited finding out that we are gonna go there by train
because in that way I wouldn't get car sick. When we arrived after 7 hours I
barely walked to the hotel because of the tiredness. I thought that we would
stay for a couple of hours to rest, BUT NO. The weather was not on our side for
the next few days, so we needed to go to the Adventure Park right away.
At the Adventure Park we split into half because some people didn't want to
be at more than 5 meters afar from ground and sadly I was not a part of those
people. When the staff asked us how old are we, some of my colleagues lied
so they can go to a dangerous level. There were 5 levels: yellow and blue were
the easiest, green for the ones who did this before, red was the beginning of
the dangerous roads and black was pure pain. Of course I didn't go on the
black road, I was already scared to death of highs, so me and my friend started
off easy and built our way to the top.
The yellow road was the easiest for me, but for my friend was the opposite. I
was obligated to turn back to her several times because she would always get
scared or stuck on a level. After 30 minutes we finally finished yellow and blue
roads and we went straight to the green road. Given the fact that I did this
before, the yellow and blue ones were really easy for me so I didn't imagine
green would be a huge problem. I was in fact wrong. My arms hurt so badly
that even if the level was easy as it could be, my hands would betray me. And
after we did more than half of the green road, I got scared and stuck. The logs
were unbalancing and my hands were shaking so I thought that there's where
it ends. I looked around and with a shakey voice I called one of the staff
members. He looked at me with no expretion and said that I have just two
levels and I complete the road, so it would be scandalous to quit now. I got
angry at him so that motivated me to finish the level and to distract me I sang
Taylor Swift songs in my head. After I completed the other two levels I realized
there were another 5 levels left, not 2 so I got stuck, AGAIN. I didn't shout at
that man again because he was no need so I looked at my friend and put her to
go first. She got scared and I ended up going first.
When we finally finished it I saw a huge flying fox over the lake. It had 350
meters so of course I wanted to go, because nothing bad could happen. I
climbed the stairs and when I got to the top my friend went first and made me
promise that if she gets stuck, I was suspposed to tell everyone she died in a
pink sparkling car. I started laughing because there was no way that she would
get stuck. And I was right, she didn't. But I did. I didn't really realized what had
happened so I was just scared that my glasses would fall into water. Happily a
nice man brought me back to ground and continued my way to my classmates.
Everyone started asking me if I was fine and I didn't really understood the first
time why, until another friend told me that of course I got stuck there because
of my shortness.
Gladly I'm fine and all I got from there were bruises all over my arms and
constant pain, but I like to look at the bright side of the story: my glasses didn't
fell in the lake and I got free food and drinks.

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