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Samantha Ruano

Professor Shahrazad Encinias

CAS 113A

28 March 2024

We will not be silenced: Journalism and freedom of expression in Guatemala

On March 12 2024 I attended an event called “We will not be silenced: Journalism and

freedom of expression in Guatemala” that took place on zoom. On that day, guest journalists

spoke about some of the dangerous experiences they went through in their home land as they did

their job as journalists. The first guest journalist to speak was Lucia Lxchiu a indigenous woman

from Guatemala. She stated how her life was always at risk all the time and everywhere since at

the time indigenous people were being mistreated. Lucia Lxchiu stated that she did not choose to

be a journalist but it was a necessity for her, for her people, and her homeland. Lucia is a brave

woman to fight and stand for her land and people.

Carlos Ernesto Choc, a Guatemalan of many journalists who has also faced risks in his

life by doing his job. He has been attacked and invaded against his own will many times. How

the military forcefully entered his home and eliminated all the evidence he had against the

government, corruption, and companies. He also stated that there have been about 10 journalists

who have been killed for doing their job. Not only that but about 20 other journalists have been

exiled from their homeland. He and others have gone through so much, he's been arrested twice

but luckily he was proven innocent and was free to go. He said that he was willing to go through

these things for his motherland. After hearing him say that in the zoom I thought to myself how

brave and dedicated this man was willing to go for his motherland.
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After attending the event I came to the conclusion that even journalists go through risks

everyday in their life because of what they do. In the beginning I didn't really see how dangerous

it was to be a journalist but now I do. Thanks to these brave people who shared their truth with

me and others I now know that there is always going to be truth that the government, and others

will do to hide the truth from their own people. I also hope that I am not the only one, I hope that

these brave people continue to share their stories with others and that the people help and support

them as they continue to share and do their jobs.

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