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Name : Noel Dwirijki Sianturi

Nim : 220305084
Class : TP B

I disagree. The reason is that in addition to mastering lesson theory, teachers should be able to
choose and use varied and effective approaches, strategies and ways of learning in the
implementation of learning so as to achieve optimal learning outcomes. For example,
character building in students.

I will provide motivation to be enthusiastic about learning and understanding English. for
example, learning about vocabulary materials, practicing in writing, listening and speaking.

In my opinion, easy marriage has no advantages. it's just that at a young age you will learn to
grow and develop emotionally. and for marriage waiting until adulthood is very important.
marriage waiting until adulthood has many advantages, namely, being able to maintain
emotional stability in the household, mature thinking in overcoming problems, already
understanding each other's identity, having clear goals and thinking ahead. I think of the two,
the best thing to do is get married at an adult age. The reason is, if we marry at an adult age,
we have prepared everything from thoughts and goals. marrying at an adult age is also able to
communicate well with their partner because emotions can be maintained and are able to
build a household well. while marrying at a young age is not good to do, the reason is that the
immature thinking of each individual will make the goals not the same and in the end will
fight. this is because the individual's emotional development has not developed so that he has
not thought carefully before marrying. this causes the divorce rate to be caused by marrying
at a young age.

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