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Under the guidance of

Ar. Rimeka Ranee


Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the

degree of

Bachelor of Architecture




OF UNPLANNED MARKETS The circulation patterns and planning of markets
play a crucial role in their functionality, efficiency,
and user experience. While planned markets are
ABSTRACT : The traditional market is a designed with a specific layout and circulation
strategy, unplanned markets often emerge
shopping tool to make ends meet. Traditional
organically, lacking a coherent and systematic
market has various serious problems that can
approach to their spatial organization. These
influence environment. Low utility system and unplanned markets, characterized by their dynamic
unmanageable spatial trade zone has degraded nature and spontaneous growth, pose unique
physical quality and trade image. As a result, challenges in terms of circulation and planning.
traditional market turns out to be a “slum” place
Unplanned markets are typically a result of
crowded by many consumers. Circulation conditions incremental development, where vendors and
and zoning of traditional market is still not good traders occupy available spaces without a
enough so that still need to be improved in order to predetermined layout or design. As a result, the
increase user convenience market. This study aims circulation patterns within these markets can be
to determine the zoning of three street markets in intricate and complex, with narrow lanes, irregular
pathways, and fragmented spatial arrangements.
Lucknow, knowing the condition of circulation in
Understanding and analyzing these circulation
those markets, determine the level of user comfort
patterns and spatial organization in unplanned
of circulation, planning and zoning arrangement markets is essential to enhance their functionality,
model of good to overcome the problems in the optimize pedestrian flow, and improve the overall
markets. The research method is descriptive. market experience.
Research approach to the study of literature and
The aim of this research paper is to delve into the
case studies. Study of literature on the theory of circulation and spatial layout of unplanned markets,
the circulation of the traditional markets and exploring their characteristics, challenges, and
zoning theory. The case study by dividing the data potential strategies for improvement. By studying
into two, namely primary data and secondary data. these aspects, we can gain insights into the impact
Analysis of the data by comparing the standards, of unplanned market dynamics on circulation
patterns and spatial organization, and identify
find solutions to the circulation and zoning better
opportunities for enhancing their functionality and
market. Based on the results of this study efficiency.
concluded that circulation and zoning arrangement
A market can be said “successful” if it has economic
in the traditional market is very influential on the
and social activities which are identifiable by the
market user convenience in their daily activities.
presence of comfortable and accessible spaces in
From the discussion, it was found that there are which these spaces refer to a medium to carry out
still many elements of good circulation and zoning in socio-cultural activities.
those markets that do not meet the criteria set
It is strongly believed that nowadays the society
standard. According to traders access to the
no longer depends upon public square and piazza.
market, loading and unloading goods, and parked the People now-a-days are very choosy with their choice
vehicle in the market. That's because they are of whether it’s any object, place or thing. Good
doing the activity when the market is quiet. To urban spaces are required for modern generation
overcome the problems of circulation and zoning where they can interact on daily basis along with
there should be redesigned so that the circulation their daily chores (Whyte, 2009). People want
everything at walking distance within their reach
in the market and zoning that is in these markets
limits. The most important advantage of
that can meet the existing standards.
neighbourhood commercial streets is to support the
activities and functions desired by people who will
Keywords - street market; zoning; circulation live or work there.
layout; street layout
To analyze the facts on circulation, zoning and Understanding the needs and challenges associated
social character of streets at unplanned markets with these markets can lead to the development of
effective strategies for their improvement and
• To analyze the circulation patterns and spatial
organization in unplanned markets Unplanned markets are characterized by their
spontaneous growth and lack of predetermined
• To identify the challenges and issues related to
spatial planning. This leads to challenges in terms of
circulation and planning in these markets
circulation, pedestrian flow, and spatial
• To examine the impact of unplanned market on organization. Studying these challenges can help
pedestrian flow and movement
identify opportunities for improving the spatial
• To investigate the relationship between spatial layout, optimizing circulation patterns, and
layout and commercial activities in unplanned enhancing the overall functionality of these
markets. markets. It also affects other factors, such as:
4. METHODOLOGY : • Economic Significance : we can identify
The required data were collected from primary ways to support and enhance these economic
observation and some from secondary sources. activities, leading to the growth and
Secondary data such as - various research relevant development of local communities.
information, maps, photographs and
data were collected from internet searches and • Social Dynamics: Unplanned markets serve
previous research reports according to need. as social hubs where people from diverse
Internet sources include research papers, articles, backgrounds come together. They provide a
online newspapers, reports and information platform for social interactions, cultural
published in the websites.
exchange, and community cohesion. Studying
As a whole, despite the combination of all the the social dynamics within unplanned
analysis techniques, the data collection process markets can shed light on the social
followed a structured approach. relationships, networks, and informal
economies that thrive in these spaces.
• Informal Sector: Understanding the
dynamics of the informal sector within
these markets can provide insights into the
informal economy's contribution to
CASE STUDY employment, livelihoods, and overall
economic resilience.

• Livability and User Experience: Unplanned

markets are vibrant and bustling places,
Activity mapping Physical settlement attracting both locals and tourists.
Traffic congestion Legibility and However, issues such as congestion, lack of
nodes and movement comfort amenities, and inadequate infrastructure
Socio-interactive Participation needs
spaces, street
can affect the livability and user experience
hierarchy within these markets. By studying the needs
DATA ANALYSIS and preferences of market users, we can
propose strategies to create more

comfortable, accessible, and enjoyable 7. CASE STUDY :
market environments.
The three study area selected has its own
• Sustainability: Unplanned markets often importance.
face sustainability challenges related to
Street pattern and network analysis is used to
waste management, energy consumption, and
identify paths, flows and networks. Shows the block
environmental impacts. Studying these
sizes, neighbours and location. It also includes a
challenges can lead to the development of
comparative analysis of these methods to
sustainable solutions, such as recycling
understand urban textures. Street network maps
programs, energy-efficient infrastructure,
define structural hierarchies in urban areas. It also
and environmentally friendly practices,
shows that it is not the physical boundaries of the
promoting sustainable development in these
field that would be useful for research.
market areas.
The narrow streets are neat and small, many
variations can be found in the organic environment
6. LITERATURE REVIEW : of Chowk, while the straight streets of the urban
structure are planned in many unique ways that can
The literature review highlights that
be found in Bhootnath and Patrakarpuram.
transformation of markets from ancient to modern
times. With time. market changed a lot from being
only a space where buyers and sellers meet and
exchange resources to fostering both commercial
and non-commercial relationships and highlights the
various social bonds that occur within market
spaces. Markets provide opportunities for social
growth and the development of diverse
relationships (Storr:2008). It is important to keep
in mind that security, good planning, and
Chowk market : These street were all in irregular
management in ensuring the effective use of public
pattern developed without the influence of any
spaces also matters.
planned development. The oldest part of the city
Proper circulation and zoning positively impact user with narrow streets of irregular shape with very
narrow small intersections streets that are a break
convenience and daily activities in the market,
in the linearity of the street. The streets have very
highlighting the need for effective planning and less open space and with very dense urban fabric.
zoning arrangements.Circulation and spatial The streets constantly get narrower as much as we
managements are created to facilitate the get inside of it. Cater the slow moving vehicle like
interaction between the vendors and customers. 2- Wheeler and rarely 4 –Wheeler and mainly
The circulation and spatial managements can pedestrian friendly street. Narrow street frontage
with size of the blocks relatively small and very
maintain the characteristics of traditional market.
variable with each other.
accessibility that too in the evening hour because
that is the peak hours to visit the market.

Bhoothnath Market : The street is well planned with

defined spaces for parkings both open and ample
and bigger building blocks on the western side of
the streets and small daily core material shops on
the eastern side of the streets. The street has
intersecting adjoining streets at around 400 mts
and breaking the linearity of the street. It is
relatively very hard to walk on most due to heavy
pedestrian as well as 2 –wheeler and 4 – wheeler
Patrakarpuram Market : The street pattern is FINDINGS :
regular and rectilinear in size and the developed in
Although Chowk market is an old place with narrow
plotted development. The block size vary along side
streets, it has played an important role in life. The
of the street because of the big showroom and
people are more active and more happier ones to
restaurant located here. The main commercial area
spend time on streets. Most people visit the areas
of the Gomati nagar area .The street is divided by 2
with their families, so it is overcrowded. Low and
side walked and one median footpath in the
middle income people are the main visitors here and
intermediate space covered by line of trees
those who have lived there for over 50 years are
providing space for local vendors for their informal
the frequent visitors. Small crimes like chain grabs
setup. Relatively a very few street vendor, less
and snatch shots happen in this area precisely
activities on the street and Partially covered but
because of the liveliness.
fully air conditioned shops and restaurants. Market
specifically used by upper medium class and high Talking about Bhootnath market, it is socially very
class peoples. Most of the street shops are kind of active market from all economic groups of people.
mixed used with shops on the lower floor and
This market attracts a large number of people,
residence on the upper part of the building
from the middle aged to the elderly. It gets very
busy and crowded at night because of the shops and
factories here. It is also an imporant market due to
the presence of metro corridor. The crime rate is
low compared to chowk market. In the morning, the
road is used by children to play and less activity
happens there.

Relatively Patrakarpuram Market is the most

developed area in terms of the spatial analysis but
socially it is less active. The crime rates of this
street is more because of different type of crowds
in different area. The main crowd is in the junction
point of the patrakarpuram market. As we move
towards the southern part the crowd lessens, this
lead to major crimes because the big showrooms
and restaurant located are fully enclosed and people
don’t interact with outsiders , they spend their
times and leave without observing or interacting
with the informal activities in the area. This is also
the reason that less hawkers and vendors are there
in this stretch. When it comes to recommendation
it is important to analyze the physical setting the
street patterns, the changes in the street pattern.

There are many other temporary marketplaces or

bazars too but both these categories are mostly
unplanned and haphazard in terms of locational and
hierarchical distribution. They are also
overcrowded, compact and unhygienic. Due to the
lack of planning guidelines, authority’s concerns,
owner’s concerns and proper zoning in the bazars
cause concerns in waste management, human followed in the creation of such bazar space: proper
resource management, trading, loading unloading planning of wet and dry zones and public and
system, fire safety system etc. semipublic activities, north-south orientation of the
built form for natural ventilation, wide circulation
space and proper drainage system for maintaining
8. CONCLUSION health and hygiene situation, separate served and
service entry and exit, proper plantation to
Indian cities are unique in the way that they reduce odour, etc.
respond to diverse cultures and traditions, and it is
essential that the physical environment of the city All the three bazar’s design proposals are
continues to allow them to do so. Urban Designers accommodating to create a public gathering space
need to be sensitive and respective to the way in even when the bazar or marketplace is closed. It is
which they conceptualize and plan interventions, designed in a way that it serves as a community
extensions and new developments in the city such space for any time of the day or night. One with a
that they respond to the local physical, socio- courtyard type hub, one with a linear green corridor
economic and Ecological context within which they and another with plaza and atrium space,
are located in order to maintain the urban identity to preserve urban green and create urban civic
and Image. There is a need for understanding the space. The primary concern during designing of
city at multiple scales and the ways in which these these proposals was social distancing. Other
scales Interact with each other in order to create parameters included proper drop off for public,
plans and designs for the city that respond to its specific loading and unloading routes to the market,
existing Image and identity. The central areas of infrastructure such as, toilet facility, water
the cities which are the oldest part of the city connection, parking facilities, proper lighting and
brings a variety of people in the neighbourhood ventilation with odorless and hygienic conditions.
commercial streets. It is seen that the area with The aim was to create a safe, comfortable, hygienic
mixed land used spaces are more contributed and most importantly sustainable market place
towards social life because they balance the various integrating commercial, recreational and cultural
activities within their reach of the users. So any activities.
type of uses and users of the street is directly
associated with the character of the street. The
street typology is directly proportional to the
activities and the users. The change in the urban
form can affect the social life on ground level
hence it is necessary to analyze the streets on the
very ground level to make it more useful to
contribute in social environment.

As these bazars of Lucknow emerged as a public

space from the very beginning, the
recommendations for future bazaar remains the
same, i.e., to create not only a service space for
buying and selling of products but also to revive the
public gathering place. This can be done by
incorporating a plaza or an outdoor open space like
courtyard in between the bazar, or an indoor space
like an atrium. It is a matter of planning and
intension. However, few guidelines need to be

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